Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

ANOMOEONEISKarsten image
ANOMOEONEISPfitzer image
Anomoeoneis atacamensisFrenguelli image
Anomoeoneis bicapitataG.W. Andrews image
Anomoeoneis bohemica(Ehrenberg) Reinhard Trudy Obshch, Isp. Prir. Kharkovsk. Univ. 46: 107 1913
Anomoeoneis brachysira(Brébisson ex Rabenhorst) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis brachysira f. acutiusculaCleve-Euler image
Anomoeoneis brachysira f. inflataAnt. Mayer Denkschr. K.-Baier. Bot. Ges. Regensburg 19: 149 1933
Anomoeoneis brachysira var. ellipticaCleve-Euler image
Anomoeoneis brachysira var. oblongaAnt. Mayer Denkschr. K.-Baier. Bot. Ges. Regensburg 19: 149, pl. I: fig. 12 1933
Anomoeoneis brachysira var. thermalis(Grunow) A. Cleve-Euler Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4{5}: 198 1953
Anomoeoneis canadensisWoodhead & Tweed image
Anomoeoneis capitataL.L. Bahls Diatoms Western N. America. 1: 6, figs. 1-6 2017
Anomoeoneis chilensisKrasske Arch. Hydrobiol. 35: 377, pl. XI: figs. 34, 38 1939
Anomoeoneis concretaFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata, n.s. 1. Secc. Paleontología 1: 22, 32, pl. I: figs. 23, 24 1936
Anomoeoneis costata(Kützing) Hustedt image
Anomoeoneis costataHustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. 7{2}: 744 1959
Anomoeoneis decipiensA. Cleve Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4(5): 200, fig. 923 1953
Anomoeoneis decipiens var. densistriataA. Cleve Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4(5): 200, fig. 923c 1953
Anomoeoneis dumbeanaR. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 153, pl. II: fig. 6 1979
Anomoeoneis exelliiSalah image
Anomoeoneis exilis(Kützing) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis exilis f. gibbosaFoged image
Anomoeoneis exilis f. intermediaVozzhennikova image
Anomoeoneis exilis f. lanceolata(A. Mayer) Hustedt image
Anomoeoneis exilis f. subacuminataMayer image
Anomoeoneis exilis f. undulataKisselev image
Anomoeoneis exilis var. azoricaManguin image
Anomoeoneis exilis var. genuinaMayer image
Anomoeoneis exilis var. gomphonemacea(Grunow) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis exilis var. lanceolataA. Mayer Krypt. Forsch. 1: 202, pl. VII: figs. 12-14 1919
Anomoeoneis exilis var. minorKrasske image
Anomoeoneis exilis var. nipponicaSkvortzov image
Anomoeoneis exilis var. thermalis(Grunow) Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 8 1895
Anomoeoneis fogediiReimer image
Anomoeoneis follis(Ehrenberg) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis follis var. fossilisC.W. Reimer Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 113: 187, pl. 1: fig. 9 1961
Anomoeoneis follis var. fossilisReimer image
Anomoeoneis follis var. hannaeC.W. Reimer Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 113: 188, pl. 1: fig. 5 1961
Anomoeoneis follis var. hannaeReimer image
Anomoeoneis formidolosaCholnoky Österr. Bot. Z. 106: 13, figs. 81-84 1959
Anomoeoneis formidulosaCholnoky image
Anomoeoneis frenguelliiE. Manguin in P. Bourrelly & E. Manguin Alg. Guadeloupe: 55, pl. III: fig. 48 1952
Anomoeoneis frenguelliiManguin image
Anomoeoneis garrensisH. Lange-Bertalot & K. Krammer in K. Krammer & H. Lange-Bertalot Biblioth. Diatomol. 9: 12, pl. 1: figs. 1-5 1985
Anomoeoneis garrensisLange-Bertalot & Krammer image
Anomoeoneis gomphonemacea(Grunow) H. Kobayasi image
Anomoeoneis gomphonemoidesR. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 153, pl. II: fig. 4 1979
Anomoeoneis grandisZakrzewski Byull. Sredne-Aziatsk. Gosud. Univ. 19: 136, 139, fig. 6 1934
Anomoeoneis inconcinnaD. Metzeltin, H. Lange-Bertalot & N. Soninkhishig Iconogr. Diatomol. 20: 21, pl. 90: figs. 5-10 2009
Anomoeoneis intermediaØstrup Danske Diat.: 70: pl. II: fig. 48 1910
Anomoeoneis intermedia Østrup image
Anomoeoneis irawanaeA.C. Podzorski & H. Håkansson Biblioth. Diatomol. 13: 53, pl. 17: fig. 6 1987
Anomoeoneis kolbeiSkvortzov image
Anomoeoneis kolbeiSkvortzov image
Anomoeoneis lanceolataGandhi image
Anomoeoneis longirostrisHustedt Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 42: 48, figs. 70-73 1942
Anomoeoneis macraeana(Pantocsek) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis malinvaudii var. minorAmossé Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris] 27: 254, no fig. 1921
Anomoeoneis malinvaudii var. minorAmossé image
Anomoeoneis malinvaudii_('Malinvaudi')(Héribaud) Amossé Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris] 27: 254 1921
Anomoeoneis manginii f. minorAmossé image
Anomoeoneis manginii_('mangini')Amossé image
Anomoeoneis menilitica(Pant.) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis microcephalaA. Berg image
Anomoeoneis minorKrasske Arch. Hydrobiol. 35: 377, pl. XI: figs. 35-37 1939
Anomoeoneis monoensisL.L. Bahls Diatoms Western N. America. 1: 7 2017
Anomoeoneis neocaledonicaR. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 153, pl. II: fig. 8 1979
Anomoeoneis neocaledonica var. angustaR. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 153, pl. II: fig. 5 1979
Anomoeoneis okadaeSkvortzov J. Jap. Bot. 14: 211, figs. 37, 38 1938
Anomoeoneis paludigenaR.P. Scherer Diatom Res. 3: 149, figs. 42-45 1988
Anomoeoneis palustrisR. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 153, pl. II: fig. 3 1979
Anomoeoneis pannonica(Grunow) Cholnoky Magyar Botanikai Lapok 28: 122 1929
Anomoeoneis polygramma(Ehrenberg) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis polygramma var. platensisFrenguelli image
Anomoeoneis polygramma var. rhomboidesJao image
Anomoeoneis polygramma var. tibeticaJao image
Anomoeoneis rheticaM. Wuthrich Ergebn. Wiss. Untersuch. Schweiz. Nationalparks 14: 310, pl. 15: figs. 1-5 1975
Anomoeoneis rhomboidea f. minorKrishnamurthy image
Anomoeoneis rhomboideaKrishnamurthy image
Anomoeoneis rhomboidesHustedt Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 42: 48, fig. 68 1942
Anomoeoneis santapauiSarode & Kamat image
Anomoeoneis sculpta(Ehrenberg) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis sculpta f. elongataP. Schulz image
Anomoeoneis sculpta f. elongataP. Schulz image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. acutaCleve-Euler image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. gigantea(M. Peragallo) Frenguelli image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. jacuticaKisselev image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. lanceolata(Heiden) P. Schulz Bot. Arch. Konigsberg 13: 219 1926
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. majorCleve image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. ornata(Frenguelli) Frenguelli image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. polygramma(Ehrenberg) Höfler image
Anomoeoneis sculpta var. temperei(Frenguelli) Frenguelli image
Anomoeoneis serians(Brébisson) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis serians f. minorHustedt image
Anomoeoneis serians f. rotundataA. Berg image
Anomoeoneis serians f. thermalis(Grunow) Hustedt image
Anomoeoneis serians f. undulataHustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt. Fl. 7{2}: 747, fig. 1112b 1959
Anomoeoneis serians var. acutaHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 15: 218, pl. XV: figs. 23, 24 1937
Anomoeoneis serians var. apiculataBoyer Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 79 (suppl.): 325 1927
Anomoeoneis serians var. bacillifera_('bacillifer')R. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 154. pl. II: fig. 2; pl. VIII: fig. 4 1979
Anomoeoneis serians var. brachysira(Brébisson ex Rabenhorst) Hustedt image
Anomoeoneis serians var. modestaCleve-Euler image
Anomoeoneis serians var. rostrataKrasske Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 42: 427, pl. I: figs. 28, 29 1948
Anomoeoneis serians var. sibiricaSkvortzov image
Anomoeoneis spectabilisManguin Trav. Algol. 1: 135, pl. II: fig. 29 1942
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora(Rabenhorst) Pfitzer Bot. Abh. [Bonn] 1{2}: 77 1871
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. constrictaAmossé image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. costata(Kützing) A. Schmid, invalid image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. costataA. Schmid Nova Hedwigia 28: 321, 329 1977
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. curtaO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. curtaO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. elongataO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. elongataO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. indicaVenkataraman image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. minorAmossé image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. rostrataGonzalves & Gandhi image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. rostrataO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. sculpta(Ehrenberg) A. Schmidt image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. sculpta(Ehrenberg) Krammer image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. truncataO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. undulata(Frenguelli) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 7{2}: 742 1959
Anomoeoneis sphaerophoraPfitzer image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. angustaFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata 34: 355, pl. II: fig. 10 1934
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. biceps(Ehrenberg) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. costataP.M. Tsarenko in P.M. Tsarenko et al. (eds.) Algae of Ukraine 2: 115 2009
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. ellipticaO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. guentheri_('güntheri')O. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. intermediaD. McCall image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. linearisFrenguelli image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. magnificaF.R. Schoeman & R.E.M. Archibald S. African J. Bot. 54: 227, figs. 44-47 1988
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. manginii_('mangini')Amossé image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. minorJ.P. Kociolek & D.B. Herbst Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 111: 345, figs. 1-16, 19-21 1992
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. navicularisO. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. plenipunctataHajós image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. polygramma(Ehrenberg) O. Müller image
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. polygramma(Ehrenberg) O. Müller ex Hustedt in Pascher, Süssw.-Fl. 10, 2. Aufl.: 262 1930
Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. sculpta(Ehrenberg) O. Mueller image
Anomoeoneis starmuehlneri_('starmuhlneri')R. Maillard Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 154. pl. II: fig. 7 1979
Anomoeoneis styriaca(Grunow) Hustedt image
Anomoeoneis styriaca f. ventricosa(Hustedt) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 7{2}: 754 1959
Anomoeoneis styriaca var. ventricosa(Hustedt) Hustedt in Pascher Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas 10: 265 1930
Anomoeoneis undulataLohman & Andrews image
Anomoeoneis variabilis(Ross) Reimer image
Anomoeoneis vitrea(Grunow) R. Ross image
Anomoeoneis vitrea var. lanceolata(A. Mayer) R. Fabri Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belgique 53: 509 1983
Anomoeoneis zellensis(Grunow) Cleve image
Anomoeoneis zellensis f. difficilis(Grunow) Hustedt image
Anomoeoneis zellensis var. hustedtiiWoodhead & Tweed image
Anomoeoneis zellensis var. linearisØstrup Medd. Gronland 43: 239, pl. XIV: fig. 6 1910
Anomoeoneis zellensis var. linearis Østrup image
Anomoeoneis zellensis var. linearisHustedt image
Anomoeoneis zellensis var. subovataCleve-Euler image

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Page last updated 7 October 2024