Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

AMPHORAC.G. Ehrenberg image
AMPHORA subgenusAMPHORA P.T. Cleve image
Amphora abludensR. Simonsen Kieler Meeresf. 16: 129, pl. 2: figs. 10-12 1960
Amphora absolutaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 27, 282, pl. 66: figs. 20-27; pl. 180: fig. 1 2009
Amphora abuensisFoged Biologiske Shrifter K. Danske Vid. Selsk. 15{1}: 102, 144, pl. XIX: fig. 6 1966
Amphora abuensisN. Foged image
Amphora accomodaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 29, 282, pl. 18: figs. 1-4; pl. 127: fig. 4 2009
Amphora acuta var. arcuata(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora acuta var. japonicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora acuta var. labyrinthica(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora acuta var. mediaHeiden Mitth. Mecklenb. Geol. Landesanst. 10{21}: 3, fig. 3 1900
Amphora acuta var. minorN. Foged image
Amphora acuta var. neogenaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora acuta var. parvaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 410, 447, figs. 77-79 2007
Amphora acutaW. Gregory image
Amphora acutissimaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora acutiuscula f. branderiR. Tynni image
Amphora acutiusculaKützing Bacillarien 108, pl. 5: fig. XXXII 1844
Amphora acutiusculaKützing image
Amphora acutiuscula var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora acutiuscula var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora acutiuscula var. neglectaR. d'Aubert image
Amphora acutiuscula var. parvulaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora adumbrataM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora advenaS.L. VanLandingham Cat. Diat. 1: 188, 200 1967
Amphora aegaeaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora aequalisK. Krammer image
Amphora aequatorialisH. Heiden image
Amphora aequatorialisHeiden in Heiden & Kolbe Deutsche Südpolar-Exped. 1901-1903 8: 639, no fig. 1928
Amphora aestuariiCleve image
Amphora affiniformisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 31, 282, pl. 67: figs. 1-11; pl. 179: figs. 1, 2 2009
Amphora affinisKützing image
Amphora affinis var. sabinianaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 33, 282, pl. 70: figs. 13-21 2009
Amphora africanaH. Heiden image
Amphora africana var. undulataH. Heiden image
Amphora agapicaN.A. Skabichevskaya image
Amphora ajajensisA.P. Skabichevskij image
Amphora alaeziarumI. Álvarez-Blanco & S. Blanco Biblioth. Diatomol. 60: 82, pl. 36: figs. 11-13; pl. 82 2014
Amphora alaskanaR.M. Patrick & L.R. Freese image
Amphora alataH. Peragallo image
Amphora alata var. apteraP.T. Cleve image
Amphora alata var. majorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora aliformisJ.G. Stepanek, S. Mayama & J.P. Kociolek Phycologia 54: 80, figs. 1-24 2015
Amphora allantaM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora alpestrisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 34, 283, pl. 51: figs. 1-14; pl. 168: figs. 1-4; pl. 169: figs. 1-4 2009
Amphora alphaKarsten image
Amphora altaicaV.S. Poretzky Issledovaniya Ozer SSSR 3: 115, 120, fig. 4 1933
Amphora alternataA. Mann image
Amphora alveolataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora ambiguaMeister image
Amphora americanaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 398, 446, figs. 29-34 2007
Amphora amoenaF. Hustedt image
Amphora amphioxysBailey image
Amphora amphora(C.G. Ehrenberg) J. Pantocsek image
Amphora amplaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora ancepsA. Mann image
Amphora andesiticaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora angularisGregory Quart. J. Micr. Sc. 3: 39, pl. IV: fig. 6 1855
Amphora angularis var. caspicaN.I. Karaeva image
Amphora angularis var. delicatulaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora angularis var. hybridaGrunow in Van Heurck Synopsis des Diatomees de Belgique: 57 1885
Amphora angularisW. Gregory image
Amphora angulosa var. ceylanicaB.V. Skvortzov, err. for A. angusta image
Amphora angustaA. Jurilj image
Amphora angustaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora angusta f. depressaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora angusta f. japonicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora angusta f. minutaA. Grunow image
Amphora angustaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 510, pl. XII: fig. 66 1857
Amphora angusta var. adeliaeE.E. Manguin image
Amphora angusta var. angustissimaH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphora angusta var. arcticaA. Grunow image
Amphora angusta var. ceylanicsB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora angusta var. chinensisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora angusta var. diducta(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora angusta var. eulensteinii(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora angusta var. eulensteinii(Grunow) Cleve Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 135 1895
Amphora angusta var. glaberrimaA. Grunow image
Amphora angusta var. gracilentaA. Grunow ex Schmidt image
Amphora angusta var. gracilentaGrunow ex A. Schmidt Atlas Diat.: pl. 25: fig. 15 1875
Amphora angusta var. incurvata(J.-J. Brun) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora angusta var. kujalnitzkensis(Gusliakov & Gerasimyuk) P.M. Tsarenko in P.M. Tsarenko et al. (eds.), Algae of Ukraine 2: 252 2009
Amphora angusta var. oblongella(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora angusta var. oblongellaA. Grunow image
Amphora angusta var. okamuraeB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora angusta var. orientalisA.A. Aleem image
Amphora angusta var. sinensisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora angusta var. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora angusta var. ventricosa(Gregory) Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 135 1895
Amphora angusta var. ventricosa(W. Gregory) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora angusta var. zebrina(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora angustaW. Gregory image
Amphora angustissima(H.F. Van Heurck) A. Mann image
Amphora angustissimaH. Heiden image
Amphora antiquaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora aponina f. majorG.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora aponinaKützing Bacillarien 108, pl. 4: fig. I; pl. 5: fig. XXXIII 1844
Amphora aponinaKützing image
Amphora araucanianaFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata 34: 361, pl. II: fig. 21 1934
Amphora araulensisJ. Heribaud image
Amphora arcanaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora archibaldiiA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 405, 447, figs. 52-59 2007
Amphora arctaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora arcuataA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora arcuataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora arcuatoidesN. Ognjanova, D. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 36, 283, pl. 22: figs. 1-6; pl. 23: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora arcus f. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora arcusGregory Quart. J. Micr. Sci. 3: 39, pl. IV: fig. 4 1855
Amphora arcus var. majorPeragallo image
Amphora arcus var. sulcataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora arcusW. Gregory image
Amphora arcusW. Gregory image
Amphora arenariaA.S. Donkin image
Amphora arenaria var. donkinii(G.L. Rabenhorst) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora arenicolaGrunow ex Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 104, pl. IV: figs. 19, 20 1895
Amphora arenicola var. majorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora arenicola var. minorD. McCall image
Amphora arenicola var. oculataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora arenicola var. subaequalisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora areolataA. Grunow image
Amphora areolata var. curtaCleve & Grove image
Amphora areolata var. curtaCleve image
Amphora areolata var. elegansM. Peragallo image
Amphora areolata var. maximaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora areolata var. minorP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora argusJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora ascensionisG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora asiaticaSkvortzov Publ. Mus. Hoangho Paiho Tien Tsin 36: 10, pl. 2: fig. 7 1935
Amphora asperaP. Petit in Folin & Périer Fonds de la Mer 3: 177, pl. IV: fig. 9 1877
Amphora asperaPetit J. Roy. Microsc. Soc., ser. 3 1: 39 1878
Amphora astuariiCleve image
Amphora atacamaeFrenguelli Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 47: 219, pl. X: fig. 5 1929
Amphora atacamaeJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora atacamanaPatrick Postilla 49: 50, fig. 8 1961
Amphora atacamanaR.M. Patrick image
Amphora athanasiiM. Peragallo image
Amphora atlanticaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora atomoidesZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 37, 283, pl. 57: figs. 7-15; pl. 153: figs. 1-3 2009
Amphora atomusKützing Bacillarien: 108, pl. 30: fig. 70 1844
Amphora atomusKützing image
Amphora australiensisJ. John image
Amphora australisP.C.M. Petit image
Amphora ayensuensisN. Foged image
Amphora baccataA. Mann image
Amphora bacillarisW. Gregory image
Amphora baicalensisB.V. Skvortzov & Meyer image
Amphora balatonisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora banyaianaP. Greguss & Weber image
Amphora banyaiana_('bányaiana')P. Greguss & Weber Bot. Közlem. 35: 287, pl. III: fig. 55 1938
Amphora baotuensisYuhang Li, T. Nagumo, & Kuidong Xu Diatom Research 37: 146, figs. 1-22 2022
Amphora barreiE.E. Manguin image
Amphora barrowiana(Patrick & Freese) T. Nagumo Bibliotheca Diatomologica 49: 15 2003
Amphora beaufortianaF. Hustedt image
Amphora behringensisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora bellaF. Hustedt image
Amphora berggreniiCleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4 18{5}: 4, pl I: fig. 3 1881
Amphora berggreniiP.T. Cleve image
Amphora berolinensisN. Abarca & R. Jahn in Zimmermann et al. PLOS One 9: 16, figs. 4.1a-i 2014
Amphora berriatii var. minorR. d'Aubert image
Amphora berriatii_('Berriati')Héribaud Ann. Biol. Lacustre 10: 68, pl. IV: fig. 7 1920
Amphora berriatii_('berriati')J. Heribaud image
Amphora betaKarsten image
Amphora biarcuataH. Heiden image
Amphora bicapitataM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora biconvexaC. Janisch image
Amphora biggibosaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora bigibbaA. Grunow image
Amphora bigibba var. capitataHagelstein N.Y. Acad. Sci., Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Is. 8: 325, pl. 3: fig. 7 1939
Amphora bigibba var. capitataR. Hagelstein image
Amphora bigibba var. interrupta(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora bigibbosa_(`biggibosa')Cleve K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 133 1895
Amphora binodis var. interruptaA. Grunow image
Amphora binodisW. Gregory image
Amphora bioculataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora birnirkianaR.M. Patrick & L.R. Freese image
Amphora birugulaM.H. Hohn image
Amphora biseriataW. Gregory image
Amphora bistriataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora bitumidaG.A. Prowse image
Amphora bituminosaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora biundulataL. Bérard-Therriault, A. Cardinal, & M. Poulin Naturaliste Canad. 113: 414, figs. 57, 60-62 1986
Amphora blaingraysiaS.B. Selva Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 88: 86, pl. I: figs. 1, 2 1981
Amphora blandaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora bolivianaR.M. Patrick image
Amphora bongrainiiM. Peragallo image
Amphora borealisKützing Bacillarien 108, pl. 3: fig. XVIII 1844
Amphora borealisKützing image
Amphora borealis var. globulosa(Schumann) Schumann image
Amphora borisiiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 40 2009
Amphora bornetii_('borneti')J. Heribaud image
Amphora boryanaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora brasiliensisZimmermann image
Amphora brebissoniiPeragallo image
Amphora brebissonii var. minorPeragallo image
Amphora brevisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 42, 283, pl. 78: figs. 21-28; pl. 176: figs. 4-5; pl. 195: fig. 5 2009
Amphora buczkoaeZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 43, 284, pl. 74: figs. 1-11; pl. 144: figs. 1-2 2009
Amphora budayanaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora bulgaricaN. Ognjanova, D. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 269, 297, pl. 77: figs. 1-6; pl. 247: figs. 1-2 2009
Amphora bullataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora bullatoidesHohn & Hellerman Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 82: 278, pl. II: fig. 13 1963
Amphora bullatoidesM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora bullosa(Fiorini) Fiorini-Mazzanti Atti Accad. Pontif. Nuovi Lincei 15: 84 1862
Amphora bulnheimiiRabenhorst Alg. Eur.: 1934 1866
Amphora calumetica(Thomas ex Wolle) M. Peragallo Cat. Gén. Diat.: 59 1897
Amphora calumeticoidesC. Cocquyt J. Great Lakes Res. 29: 582, figs. 1-19 2003
Amphora camelusP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora capensisA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora capitataBrander in Brander & Brenner Fennia 57{5}: 26, fig. 4b 1933
Amphora capitataF. Meister image
Amphora capitataMeister Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 47: 264, pl. 8: fig. 1 1937
Amphora capitataR. Brander image
Amphora capitellataJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora caribaeaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 399, 446, figs. 35-37 2007
Amphora carinataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora carolinianaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora carvajalianaPatrick Postilla 49: 52, fig. 7 1961
Amphora carvajalianaR.M. Patrick image
Amphora castellataM.H. Giffen image
Amphora catharinariaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora ceylanensisG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora chadzhibeiensisGusliakov in Gusliakov et al. Atlas of diatoms of benthos of the northwestern Black Sea: 79, pl. CXVII: fig. 3 1992
Amphora charcotiiM. Peragallo image
Amphora charruaD. Metzeltin, H. Lange-Bertalot, & F. García-Rodríguez Iconogr. Diatomol. 15: 25, pl. 131: figs. 1-7 2005
Amphora chilensisF. Hustedt image
Amphora chilensisHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. 18: 239, pl. VII: figs. 8-10 1927
Amphora chinensisA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora cimbricaE.V. Østrup image
Amphora cimbrica var. tenuisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 47, 284, pl. 54: figs. 1-7; pl. 185: figs. 1-4 2009
Amphora cingulataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora cingulataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora cingulata var. hyalinaM.M. Salah image
Amphora claraA. Schmidt Atlas pl. 25: fig. 20 1875
Amphora claraA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora clathrataA. Mann image
Amphora cleveiA. Grunow image
Amphora coarctaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora coarctataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora coffeiformis f. acutiuscula(Kützing) Hustedt in Pascher, Süssw.-Fl. 10, 2.Aufl.: 346 1930
Amphora coffeiformis f. curtaV.S. Poretzky & Anissimova Issl. Ozer SSSR 2: 55, pl. X: figs. 15, 16 1933
Amphora coffeiformis f. kurzeG.S. Venkataraman image
Amphora coffeiformis var. acutiuscula(Kützing) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora coffeiformis var. africanaF.E. Fritsch & Rich image
Amphora coffeiformis var. angularisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora coffeiformis var. aponina(Kützing) Archibald & F.R. Schoeman image
Amphora coffeiformis var. araulensis(J. Heribaud) S.L. VanLandingham image
Amphora coffeiformis var. asiaticaF. Meister image
Amphora coffeiformis var. bhusavalensisP.T. Sarode & N.D. Kamat image
Amphora coffeiformis var. borealis(Kützing) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora coffeiformis var. dusenii(J.-J. Brun) A. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora coffeiformis var. exigua(W. Gregory) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora coffeiformis var. fischeriKützing image
Amphora coffeiformis var. fossilis(J. Pantocsek) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora coffeiformis var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora coffeiformis var. hungaricaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora coffeiformis var. lineata(W. Gregory) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora coffeiformis var. perpusilla(A. Grunow) Cleve image
Amphora coffeiformis var. protracts(J. Pantocsek) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora coffeiformis var. salinarumA. Grunow image
Amphora coffeiformis var. tenuissimaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora coffeiformis var. thumensisA. Mayer Krypt. Forsch. 1; 208, pl. IX: figs. 68-69 1919
Amphora coffeiformis var. thumensisAnt. Mayer image
Amphora coffeiformis var. transcaspicaJ.B. Petersen Dansk Bot. Ark. 6{6}: 48, fig. 8 1930
Amphora coffeiformis_('coffeaeformis')(C. Agardh) Kützing Kieselschal. Bacill.: 108 1844
Amphora coffeiformis_('coffeaeformis')(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Amphora cognataB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora commutata f. constrictaLiebetanz image
Amphora commutataGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. I: fig. 14 1880
Amphora commutata var. constrictaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora commutata var. fossilis(J. Pantocsek) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora comorensisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora compactaA. Mann image
Amphora complanataA. Grunow image
Amphora complanataGrunow Hedwigia 6: 25 1867
Amphora complexaW. Gregory image
Amphora compositaC. Janisch image
Amphora confusaZ. Levkov & D. Metzeltin in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 48, 284, pl. 71: figs. 14-15; pl. 79: figs. 15-23; pl. 152: fig. 2; pl. 197: fig. 3 2009
Amphora conjunctaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora conserta(F.W. Lewis) A. Grunow image
Amphora constricta(C.G. Ehrenberg) W. Carruthers image
Amphora contortaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora contractaA. Grunow image
Amphora copulata(Kützing) F.R. Schoeman & Archibald image
Amphora copulata var. epiphyticaF.E. Round & Kyung Lee Diatom Res. 4: 346, figs. 1-12 1989
Amphora copulatoidesJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 28: 66, figs. 12-22 2012
Amphora coraensisFoged Tromsö Museums Skrifter 11: 123, pl. 16: fig. 11 1964
Amphora corinata "C.G.Ehrenberg" image
Amphora corpulentaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora costataW. Smith Syn. Brit. Diat. I: 20, pl. XXX: fig. 253 1853
Amphora costulataB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora crameriN. Foged image
Amphora crassa f. minorV. Zanon Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia 3: 222, text-fig. 4 1948
Amphora crassa var. antarcticaPeragallo image
Amphora crassa var. campechianaA. Grunow image
Amphora crassa var. degenerataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassa var. elongataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassa var. euprepesJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora crassa var. gemmataA. Jurilj image
Amphora crassa var. incurvaA. Grunow image
Amphora crassa var. interlineata(Grove & G. Sturt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassa var. interruptaJ.-M. Lin & T.G. Chin Universitatis Amoiensis, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium 19(4): 109, fig. C 1980
Amphora crassa var. minorJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora crassa var. modestaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassa var. oceanicaH. Heiden image
Amphora crassa var. punctataA. Grunow image
Amphora crassa var. seychellensisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassa var. soelswigiensis(P.C.M. Petit) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassa var. spuriaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora crassaW. Gregory image
Amphora crassopunctataMissuna Collection of papers in honor of 25 of scientific activity of Prof. V.I. Vernadsky 144, fig. 78 1914
Amphora crawfordiiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 51, 284, pl. 34: figs. 1-7; pl. 35: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora crenulataA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 398, 446, figs. 25-28 2007
Amphora crescensA. Mann image
Amphora cristataP. Petit in Folin & Périer Fonds de la Mer 3: 176, pl. IV: fig. 8 1877
Amphora cristodentataA.P. Skabichevskij image
Amphora cruciataE.V. Østrup image
Amphora cruciferaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora cruciferoidesE.F. Stoermer & J.J. Yang image
Amphora crystallinaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora cucumerisA. Mann image
Amphora cuneataCleve in A. Schmidt, Atlas Diat. pl. 39: fig. 29 1876
Amphora cuneataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora cuneatiformisZ. Levkov & S. Krstic in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 54, 285, pl. 33: figs. 9-21; pl. 141: figs. 1-5; pl. 142: figs. 1-4; pl. 196: fig. 4 2009
Amphora curvataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora cyclopsG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora cymbamphoraB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora cymbelloidesA. Grunow image
Amphora cymbelloidesGrunow Hedwigia 6: 24 1867
Amphora cymbelloides var. latiorA. Grunow image
Amphora cymbelloides var. latiorA. Schmidt Atlas Diatom.-Kunde: pl. 25: fig. 8 1875
Amphora cymbelloides var. mauritianaA. Grunow image
Amphora cymbellulaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora cymbiferaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 526, pl. XIV: fig. 97 1857
Amphora cymbifera var. heritierarumA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 394, 446, figs. 2-8 2007
Amphora cymbifera var. raraJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora cymbiferaW. Gregory image
Amphora cymbiformisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora cymbiformisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora czekehazensis_('czekeházensis')J. Pantocsek image
Amphora dalaicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora dalaica var. cornutaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora dalaica var. gracilisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora dalaica var. hinganicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora dalaica var. oculataB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora dannfeltiiA\*o. Berg Ark. Bot., seer. 2, 2: 21 1952
Amphora dannfeltii Å.Berg image
Amphora de-tonii_('DeToni') J.-J. Brun image
Amphora debyiG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora decipiensA. Grunow image
Amphora decipiensGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XXII bis: fig. 11 1883
Amphora decipiensP.T. Cleve image
Amphora decloitreiA. Amosse image
Amphora decloitrei var. rufisquianaA. Amosse image
Amphora decoraCastracane image
Amphora decussataA. Grunow image
Amphora decussataGrunow Hedwigia 6: 23, no fig. 1867
Amphora decussata var. briocensisG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora decussata var. niceaensisH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 222, pl. XLIX: fig. 25 1899
Amphora deflectaG.W. Andrews image
Amphora delapunctataM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora delicatissima f. sinicaSkvortzov Publ. Mus. Hoangho Paiho Tien Tsin 36: 10, pl. 2: fig. 6 1935
Amphora delicatissimaG. Krasske image
Amphora delicatulaL.S. Bljumina image
Amphora delphinaL.W. Bailey image
Amphora delphineaL.W. Bailey image
Amphora delphinea var. jamalinensis(P.T. Cleve & A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora delphinea var. minorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora delphineiformisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 261, 297, pl. 117: figs. 1-3; pl. 253: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora deltaG. Karsten image
Amphora densistriataM. Hajós image
Amphora dentataM. Edlund & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 55, 285, pl. 26: figs. 1-6; pl. 181: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora diaphanaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora dichotomaA. Mann image
Amphora diductaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora difficilisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 56, 285, pl. 66: figs. 10-19; pl. 136: figs. 4-6; pl. 188: figs. 2-3 2009
Amphora digitusA. Schmidt Atlas Diat.: pl. 26: fig. 30 1875
Amphora digitusA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora dissimilisD. Metzeltin & K. Krammer apud G. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot, & D. Metzeltin Biblioth. Diatomol. 38: 90, pl. 43: fig. 1-8 1998
Amphora distinctaJ. Heribaud image
Amphora divisaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora doddiiS.B. Selva Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 88: 86, pl. I: fig. 3 1981
Amphora domkeanaA. Jurilj image
Amphora donkiniiG.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora dorsalisP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora dubiaW. Gregory image
Amphora dubiosaØstrup Bot. Iceland 2: 39, pl. IV: fig. 59 1918
Amphora dubiosaE.V. Østrup image
Amphora duraA. Mann image
Amphora dusenii f. simplexG. Krasske image
Amphora duseniiJ. Brun Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 26{Afd. III,18}: 16, pl. 2: figs. 14-16 1901
Amphora dusenii_('Duseni')J.-J. Brun image
Amphora eatonianaE. O'Meara image
Amphora eatonianaO'Meara Quart. J. Microscop. Sci., ser. 2, 14: 259, pl. VIII: fig. 7 1874
Amphora ectoriiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 58, 285, pl. 66: figs. 1-9; pl. 172: figs. 3-6 2009
Amphora edlundiiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 59, 286, pl. 38: figs. 12-19; pl. 72: figs. 1-7; pl. 182: figs. 3-5 2009
Amphora egregiaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora egregia var. ininterruptaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLVI: figs. 6, 7, 11 (desc. on p. 209, 1899) 1898
Amphora egregia var. neogradensisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora ehrenbergiiN. Woodhead & R.D. Tweed image
Amphora ehtaG. Karsten image
Amphora eileencoxiaeM. Cantonati, Z. Levkov & H. Lange-Bertalot in Cantonati et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152: 286, figs. 1-3 2019
Amphora elegansPeragallo image
Amphora elegansW. Gregory image
Amphora elegantulaF. Hustedt image
Amphora elliptica(C. Agardh) Kützing Kieselschal. Bacill.: 108 1844
Amphora elliptica(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Amphora elongataW. Gregory image
Amphora enoculataJ. Heribaud image
Amphora epiphyticaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora epsilonG. Karsten image
Amphora erebiC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora erebi f. cymbifera(W. Gregory) Zimmermann image
Amphora ereziiC.W. Reimer & J.J. Lee Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 140: 348, figs. 26-30 1988
Amphora ergadensisW. Gregory image
Amphora eulensteiniiA. Grunow image
Amphora eulensteiniiGrunow in A. Schmidt Atlas Diatom.-Kunde: pl. 25: figs. 1-3 1875
Amphora eulensteinii var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora eunotiaCleve Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1{13}: 21, pl. III: fig. 17 1873
Amphora eunotiaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora eunotia var. balticaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora eunotia var. japonicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora eunotia var. striolataFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata 34: 359, pl. II: fig. 22 1934
Amphora eunotiaeformisA. Grunow image
Amphora euprepesJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora evanidaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora excisaW. Gregory image
Amphora excludensA. Mann image
Amphora exiguaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 514, pl. XIII: fig. 75 1857
Amphora exigua var. robustaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora exigua var. robustaCholnoky Nova Hedwigia 2: 23, fig. 57 1960
Amphora exiguaW. Gregory image
Amphora exilissimaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora exilitataM.H. Giffen image
Amphora eximiaJ.R. Carter image
Amphora exornataC. Janisch image
Amphora exsectaA. Grunow image
Amphora extensaM.M. Salah image
Amphora fallaxJ.A. Tempère & J.-J. Brun image
Amphora farcimenA. Grunow image
Amphora farcimen var. crassaM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 9, pl. I: fig. 8 1911
Amphora farcimen var. giganteaM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 9, pl. I: fig. 2 1911
Amphora farciminosaM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 7, pl. I: fig. 1 1911
Amphora fasciataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora fasciataW. Gregory image
Amphora ferraziae_('ferrazae')B.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora ferraziae_('Ferrazae')Cholnoky Rev. Biol. [Lisboa] 6: 236, fig. 1 1968
Amphora fimbriataP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora finlandicaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 61, 286, pl. 62: figs. 1-9; pl. 187: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora fischeri(Kützing) Kützing image
Amphora flammigera_('flammiger')G. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora flebilisR. Simonsen in Hinz, Simonsen, & Crawford Diatom Res. 27: 83 2012
Amphora flebilisR. Simonsen Kieler Meeresf. 16: 128, pl. 2: figs. 4-6 1960
Amphora flexaA. Mann image
Amphora flexuosaR.K. Greville image
Amphora floridaeA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 414, 448, figs. 90-93 2007
Amphora fluminensisA. Grunow image
Amphora fluminensisGrunow Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 13: 148, pl. 13: fig. 15 1863
Amphora fluminensis var. curtaR. d'Aubert image
Amphora fogedianaK. Krammer image
Amphora fontinalisF. Hustedt image
Amphora fontinalisHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 15: 414, pl. XXIV: figs. 4, 5 1938
Amphora formosaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora formosaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora formosa var. minutaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora francescaeM.H. Giffen image
Amphora frickeiReichelt in Passarge Die Kalahari... 8 Anhang: 775, abb. 36 1904
Amphora furcataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora fuscaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora fusca f. lataM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 6, pl. I: fig. 4 1911
Amphora galluraeV. Zanon Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia 3: 223, fig. 7 1948
Amphora gammaG. Karsten image
Amphora gamtoosaeM.H. Giffen image
Amphora geinitzii_('Geinitzi')Heiden Mitth. Mecklenb. Geol. Landesanst. 10{21}: 2, fig. 1 1900
Amphora gemmiferaP.C.M. Petit image
Amphora geniculataF. Hustedt image
Amphora geniculataHustedt in Hedin Southern Tibet 6{3}: 142, pl. IX: figs. 25-26 1922
Amphora genkaliiN.E. Guslyakov Bot. Zhurn. 72: 1394, pl. II: fig. 13 1987
Amphora gibbaA. Schmidt Atlas pl. 39: 32 1876
Amphora gibbaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora gibberulaMissuna Collection of papers in honor of 25 of scientific activity of Prof. V.I. Vernadsky 144, fig. 32 1914
Amphora gieskesiiB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora giganteaA. Grunow image
Amphora gigantea f. minorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora gigantea var. andesiticaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora gigantea var. fusca(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora gigantea var. obscuraCleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 106, pl. IV: figs. 28, 29 1895
Amphora gigantea var. obscuraP.T. Cleve image
Amphora gigasC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora globosaJ. Schumann image
Amphora globulosaJ. Schumann image
Amphora gobiiK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora gourdoniiM. Peragallo image
Amphora gouwsiiB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora gracilisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora gracilis f. parvaA. Truan y Luard image
Amphora gracilis var. angusta(C.G. Ehrenberg) C.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora graeffeanaN.I. Hendey image
Amphora graeffeiA. Grunow image
Amphora graeffei var. minorH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLVI: figs. 14, 15 (desc. on p. 211, 1899) 1898
Amphora graeffei var. staurophoraP.T. Cleve image
Amphora graeffei_('graeffii')P.T. Cleve image
Amphora gramenorumA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 419, 448, figs. 119-121 2007
Amphora graniiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora granulataGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 525, pl. XIV: fig. 96 1857
Amphora granulata var. biggibosaM. Ricard image
Amphora granulata var. costataA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora granulata var. lineataM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 7, pl. I: fig. 6 1911
Amphora granulata var. punctataA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora granulataW. Gregory image
Amphora granuliferaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora gregoriiJ. Ralfs image
Amphora grevilleana var. campechianaA. Grunow image
Amphora grevilleana var. complexa(W. Gregory) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora grevilleana var. contractaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora grevilleana var. fasciata(W. Gregory) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora grevilleana var. indentataM. Ricard image
Amphora grevilleana var. prominensA. Grunow image
Amphora grevilleana var. sepultaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora grevilleana_('grevilliana')W. Gregory image
Amphora groenlandicaE.V. Østrup image
Amphora groenlandicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora groveiP.T. Cleve image
Amphora gruendleriA. Grunow image
Amphora gruendleri var. approximataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora gruendleri var. robustaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora gruendleri var. trachyticaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora grunowiiA. Schmidt image
Amphora guinardiiPeragallo image
Amphora guinensis_('guinense')G. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora gulfusiisM.M. Salah & Tamás image
Amphora hajosiaeMolinari & Guiry Notulae algarum 184: 1 2021
Amphora hamataH. Heiden image
Amphora hartiiB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora hassiacaK. Krammer & S. Strecker in Krammer Biblioth. Diatomol. 37: 225, pl. 206: figs. 1-8 1997
Amphora helenensisM.H. Giffen image
Amphora hemicylaE.F. Stoermer & J.J. Yang image
Amphora hemisphaericaA. Grunow image
Amphora hendeyiCrosby & Wood image
Amphora henshawiiA. Mann image
Amphora heterostriataMereschkowsky image
Amphora hevesensisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora hexagonalisO.N. Witt image
Amphora hiansJ.H.L. Flögel image
Amphora hidasensisM. Hajós image
Amphora hilliardiiE. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 185 1996
Amphora hilliardiiE. Manguin Rev. Alg. n.s. 5: 278, pl. II(27): fig. 24 1961
Amphora hilliardiiE.E. Manguin image
Amphora hinziae_('hinzae')Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 64, 286, pl. 28: figs. 1-11; pl. 128: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora hiromui_('hiromuii')T. Nagumo Bibliotheca Diatomologica 49: 20, pl. 33-37 2003
Amphora hirundinellaJ.-J. Brun image
Amphora hohenackeriG.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora holsaticaF. Hustedt image
Amphora holsatica f. pyriformis Å.Berg image
Amphora holsaticaHustedt in Pascher Süssw.-Fl. 10, 2 Aufl.: 345, fig. 633 1930
Amphora holsatica var. malayanaG.A. Prowse image
Amphora holsatica var. teneraN.I. Karaeva image
Amphora holsatica var. ventrestriata Å.Berg image
Amphora holsaticoidesT. Nagumo & H. Kobayasi Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 10: 152, pls. 5, 6 [= figs. 27-38] 1990
Amphora honshuensisA. Mann image
Amphora humicolaA. Grunow image
Amphora humicola var. javanicaA. Grunow image
Amphora hungaricaP. Palik image
Amphora hungaricaP. Palik image
Amphora huronensisE.F. Stoermer & J.J. Yang image
Amphora hustedtiiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 66, 286, pl. 16: figs. 1-6; pl. 17: figs. 1-6; pl. 126: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora hyalinaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora hyalina f. parvula [Grunow] image
Amphora hyalinaKützing Bacillarien: 108, pl. 30: fig. 18 1844
Amphora hyalinaKützing image
Amphora hyalina var. delicatulaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora hyalina var. impalpabilisA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora hyperboreaA. Grunow image
Amphora ignorataZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 67, 287, pl. 72: fig. 8; pl. 79: figs. 29-34; pl. 152: fig. 1 2009
Amphora ignotaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora ignotaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora immarginataT. Nagumo Bibliotheca Diatomologica 49: 22, pl. 38-42 2003
Amphora imperceptaF. Meister image
Amphora imperfectaE. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 207 1996
Amphora imperfectaE. Manguin Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris], Sér. B, Bot. 12: 26, pl. IV: fig. 10 1962
Amphora imperfectaE.E. Manguin image
Amphora impressaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora inariensisK. Krammer image
Amphora incertaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora incisaM. Hajós image
Amphora inconspicuaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora incrassataM.H. Giffen image
Amphora incredulataM.H. Giffen image
Amphora incurvaW. Gregory image
Amphora incurvataJ.R. Carter image
Amphora indentataA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 430, 449, figs. 164-166 2007
Amphora indistinctaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 69, 287, pl. 56: figs. 20-21; pl. 78: figs. 29-39; pl. 152: fig. 3; pl. 193: figs. 1-6; pl. 196: fig. 3 2009
Amphora inelegansP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora inelegans var. politaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora inflataA. Grunow image
Amphora inflexa(L.A. Brebisson) H.L. Smith image
Amphora inornataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora insectaA. Grunow image
Amphora interlineataGrove & G. Sturt image
Amphora intermediaF.W. Lewis image
Amphora intermediaF.W. Lewis image
Amphora interruptaH. Heiden image
Amphora interruptaHeiden in Heiden & Kolbe Deutsche Südpolar-Exped. 1901-1903 8: 638, pl. 1(31): fig. 6 1928
Amphora interruptaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora interrupta var. constrictaH. Heiden image
Amphora intersectaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora intersecta var. sarmaticaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora intersecta var. striataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora invidendaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora jacksoniSchrader image
Amphora jamalinensisP.T. Cleve & A. Grunow image
Amphora jamalinensis var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora janischiiA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora japonicaF. Meister image
Amphora javanicaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora javanica var. oculataM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 6, pl. I: fig. 5 1911
Amphora javorkae_('jávorkaae')G. Szemes image
Amphora jeniseyensisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora jeschkeiC. Janisch image
Amphora jostesorumA. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin, & H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot, & D. Metzeltin Iconogr. Diatomol. 7: 141, 420, pl. 171: figs. 1-9 2000
Amphora juvenalisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora kamorthensisA. Grunow image
Amphora kamorthensis f. minorA. Grunow image
Amphora karajevaeN.E. Guslyakov Bot. Zhurn. 72: 1394, pl. II: fig. 14 1987
Amphora karianaA. Grunow image
Amphora katiiS.B. Selva Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 88: 86, pl. I: figs. 7-10 1981
Amphora kenyaensisF. Gasse Biblioth. Diatomol. 11: 22, pl. XXVI: figs. 7-9 1986
Amphora kerguelensisH. Heiden image
Amphora kertschianaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora kittoniiG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora kolbeiA.A. Aleem image
Amphora kolbeiAleem Medd. Göteborgs Bot. Träddg. 18: 320, figs. 2A-D 1950
Amphora kolbeiB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora kolbeiB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora koshoviiA.P. Skabichevskij image
Amphora kossuthiiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora krammeriZ. Levkov & D. Metzeltin in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 70, 287, pl. 57: figs. 16-23; pl. 153: figs. 4-5; pl. 156: fig. 4 2009
Amphora kuehniaeF.R. Schoeman image
Amphora kuehniaeSchoeman Beih. Nova Hedwigia 31: 333, figs. 1-3 1970
Amphora labuensisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora labuensis var. fusiformisG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora labyrinthicaA. Grunow image
Amphora laciniaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 427, 449, figs. 148-150 2007
Amphora lacustrisR.E.M. Archibald image
Amphora laevisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora laevisG.G.A. Meneghini image
Amphora laevis var. laevissima(W. Gregory) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora laevis var. minutaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora laevis var. productaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora laevis var. productaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora laevisW. Gregory image
Amphora laevissimaW. Gregory image
Amphora lagerheimiiP.T. Cleve image
Amphora lagerheimii var. minutaG.I. Playfair image
Amphora lanceolataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora lanceolata var. angustissima(H.F. Van Heurck) M. Peragallo image
Amphora lanceolata var. apertaM. Peragallo image
Amphora lanceolata var. incurvataJ.-J. Brun image
Amphora lanceolata var. minorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora lanceolata var. perlongaPeragallo image
Amphora lanceolata var. robustaM. Peragallo image
Amphora lange-bertalotii var. tenuisZ. Levkov & D. Metzeltin in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 73, 288, pl. 53: figs. 1-12; pl. 163: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora lange-bertalotiiZ. Levkov & D. Metzeltin in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 72, 287, pl. 52: figs. 1-10 2009
Amphora langebaanaeM.H. Giffen image
Amphora leeanaS. Mayama & T. Nagumo in S. Mayama, T. Nagumo, & A. Kuriyama Diatom 16: 4, figs. 1-9 2000
Amphora leighsmithianaE. O'Meara image
Amphora leighsmithianaO'Meara Quart. J. Microscop. Sci., ser. 2, 14: 259, pl. VIII: fig. 8 1874
Amphora leptaSchrader image
Amphora leudugerianaP.C.M. Petit image
Amphora leudugeriana var. intermediaPeragallo image
Amphora leudugeriana var. minorPeragallo image
Amphora levenensisE.Y. Haworth image
Amphora libycaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora libycaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora libycaEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 205 1840
Amphora libyca f. minorR. Gutwinski image
Amphora libyca var. brevisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora libyca var. gigasC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora libyca var. interruptaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora limaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora lima var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora limbataP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora limpidusC. Janisch image
Amphora lindbergiiA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora linearisF. Meister image
Amphora lineata f. minorA. Grunow image
Amphora lineataGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 512, pl. XII: fig. 70 1857
Amphora lineata var. constrictaA. Grunow image
Amphora lineata var. subconstrictaA. Grunow image
Amphora lineataW. Gregory image
Amphora lineataW. Gregory image
Amphora lineolata(Ehrenberg) Kützing Kieselschal. Bacill.: 107 1844
Amphora lineolataA.S. Donkin image
Amphora lineolataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora lineolataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora lineolata f. sparsestriata Å.Berg image
Amphora lineolata var. calamaeJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora lineolata var. chinensis(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora lineolata var. undata(H.L. Smith) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora lingulataK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora liococcaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora liouvilleiM. Peragallo image
Amphora liriopeT. Nagumo Bibliotheca Diatomologica 49: 28-29; pl. 61-65 2003
Amphora litoralisA.S. Donkin image
Amphora litoralis var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora loczyi_('lóczyi')J. Pantocsek image
Amphora longaF. Hustedt image
Amphora longicepsR. Simonsen in Hinz, Simonsen, & Crawford Diatom Res. 27: 83 2012
Amphora longicepsR. Simonsen Kieler Meeresf. 16: 128, pl. 2: figs. 7-9 1960
Amphora luciaeB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora luciaeCholnoky Nova Hedwigia 2: 23, figs. 58-61 1960
Amphora lunarisA. Mann image
Amphora lunarisF. Meister image
Amphora lunataE.V. Østrup image
Amphora lunatiformisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 76, 288, pl. 75: figs. 10-15 2009
Amphora lunulaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora lunula var. parvulaH. Heiden image
Amphora lunulataA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 426, 449, figs. 141-143 2007
Amphora lunyacsekiiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora luteaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora luteumA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 429, 449, figs. 154-156 2007
Amphora lybicaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora lybica f. majorJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora lybica var. cymbiformisJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora lybica var. vittataA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora lydiaeN.E. Guslyakov Bot. Zhurn. 72: 1392, pl. I: figs. 4-6 1987
Amphora lyrataW. Gregory image
Amphora macedoniensisT. Nagumo Bibliotheca Diatomologica 49: 30, pl. 66-70 2003
Amphora macilentaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 510, pl. XII: fig. 65 1857
Amphora macilenta var. elongataPeragallo image
Amphora macilenta var. ergadensis(W. Gregory) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora macilenta var. maeoticaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora macilenta var. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora macilentaW. Gregory image
Amphora maeandrinaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora maeoticaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora magellanicaP.C.M. Petit image
Amphora magellanica var. tristaniA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora magnaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 78, 288, pl. 15: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora magnificaR.K. Greville image
Amphora maharashtrensisP.T. Sarode & N.D. Kamat image
Amphora makarovaeN.E. Guslyakov Bot. Zhurn. 72: 1391, pl. I: figs. 1-3 1987
Amphora manifestaJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 28: 66, figs. 23-32 2012
Amphora mansiensisN. Foged image
Amphora maracaiboensisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 79, 289, pl. 12: figs. 1-10; pl. 246: figs. 5-6 2009
Amphora marchesettianaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora margalefii var. lacustrisP. Sánchez Hydrobiologia 269/270: 85, figs. 1, 2 1993
Amphora margalefiiX. Tomàs in S. Sabater, X. Tomàs, J. Cambra, & H. Lange-Bertalot Nova Hedwigia 51: 168, pl. II: figs. 10, 10'; pl. VII: figs. 2-5 1990
Amphora margaritiferaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora marginataE.V. Østrup image
Amphora mariaG.D. Hanna & W.M. Grant image
Amphora marina(Castracane) T.V. Desikachary & P. Prema image
Amphora marina(Castracane) T.V. Desikachary & P. Prema in T.V. Desikachary Atlas Diat. 3: 3 1987
Amphora marina var. minimaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora marinaW. Smith image
Amphora megaporaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora meisteriS.L. VanLandingham image
Amphora membranaceaW. Smith image
Amphora meneghinianaCastracane image
Amphora meniscaM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora meridionalisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 81, 289, pl. 55: figs. 18-30; pl. 166: figs. 1-6; pl. 167: figs. 1-5; pl. 196: fig. 5 2009
Amphora metzeltiniiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 82, 289, pl. 79: figs. 1-14; pl. 151: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora mexicanaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora mexicana var. boryanaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora mexicana var. fuscaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora mexicana var. major(Cleve) A. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora mexicana var. minorB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora mexicana var. schmidtianaH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphora micansA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora michiganensisE.F. Stoermer & J.J. Yang image
Amphora micraZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 83, 289, pl. 78: figs. 1-11; pl. 189: figs. 1-5; pl. 190: figs. 1-5; 195: fig. 2 2009
Amphora micrometra M.H. Giffen Nova Hedwigia 13: 253, pl. 59(1): figs. 16, 17 1967
Amphora milesianaW. Gregory image
Amphora minimaF. Hustedt image
Amphora minimaHustedt Duke Univ. Mar. Stat. Bull. 6: 42, pl. 9: fig. 30 1955
Amphora minusculaFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata 34: 358, pl. II: fig. 24 1934
Amphora minutaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora minuta var. interruptaM. Hajós image
Amphora minutissima var. africanaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 86, 290, pl. 63: figs. 12-17; pl. 67: figs. 12-26; pl. 180: figs. 4-6, pl. 188: fig. 1 2009
Amphora minutissimaW. Smith image
Amphora miraG. Krasske Ann. Acad. Sc. Fenn., ser. A, Biol. 14: 85, fig. 23 1949
Amphora miramarisJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora moelleriFoged Nova Hedwigia 21: 932, pl. IV: fig. 8; pl. XIX: figs. 12, 13 1972
Amphora moelleriN. Foged image
Amphora mongolicaE.V. Østrup image
Amphora mongolica f. interruptaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora mongolica var. baicalensisB.V. Skvortzov & Meyer image
Amphora mongolica var. baicalensisSkvortzov & Meyer Trudy Sungar. Rech. Biol. Stants. [Obshch. Izuch. Man'chzh. Kraya, Kharbin] 1{5}: 37, pl. III: fig. 170 1928
Amphora mongolica var. cornutaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora mongolica var. gracilisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora mongolica var. maculataB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora moniliferaW. Gregory image
Amphora montanaG. Krasske image
Amphora montanaKrasske Hedwigia 72: 119, fig. 27 1932
Amphora montgomeryiA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 411, 448, figs. 84-86 2007
Amphora mucronataH.L. Smith Amer. J. Microscop. & Popular Sci. 2: 101 1877
Amphora muelleriA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora multigrammaM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora mundaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora mutabundaE.E. Manguin image
Amphora nagpurensisP.T. Sarode & N.D. Kamat image
Amphora nagumoiZ. Levkov & A. Pavlov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 89, 290, pl. 60: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora nana f. parvaA. Schmidt image
Amphora nanaW. Gregory image
Amphora natalensisB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora naumanniiC. Janisch image
Amphora naviculaceaA.S. Donkin image
Amphora navicularisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora navicularisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora naviformisG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora neglectaE.F. Stoermer & J.J. Yang image
Amphora neglecta f. densestriataN. Foged image
Amphora neglectiformisZ. Levkov & M. Edlund in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 91, 290, pl. 50: figs. 1-13; pl. 72: figs. 9-13; pl. 165: figs. 1-5; pl. 184: figs. 1-2, 5 2009
Amphora neogradensisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora neomarinaT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema in T.V. Desikachary Atlas Diat. 6: 15 1989
Amphora neupaueri_('neupauerii')J. Pantocsek image
Amphora niloticaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora nipponicaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 262, 297, pl. 117: figs. 9, 10 2009
Amphora nobilisW. Gregory image
Amphora nodosaJ.-J. Brun image
Amphora normaniiRabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. I: 88 1864
Amphora normanii var. gibbosaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora normanii var. undulataG. Krasske image
Amphora normanii var. undulataG. Krasske image
Amphora normanii var. undulataKrasske Bot. Arch. 27: 355, fig. 21 1929
Amphora normanii_('normani')G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora nova-caledonicaA. Grunow image
Amphora nova-caledonica var. hungaricaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora novaeguineaeB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora nudaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora nuwukianaPatrick & Freese Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 112: 255, pl. 3: fig. 16 1961
Amphora nuwukianaR.M. Patrick & L.R. Freese image
Amphora nuwukiana var. arcticaR.M. Patrick & L.R. Freese image
Amphora oamaruensisSchrader image
Amphora obesaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora oblongaW. Gregory image
Amphora oblongellaA. Grunow image
Amphora obscuraG. Krasske image
Amphora obscuraH. Reichelt image
Amphora obscuraKrasske Arch. Hydrobiol. 33: 530, pl. XI: figs. 28-33 1938
Amphora obscuraReichelt in Passarge Die Kalahari... 8 Anhang: 775, abb. 35 1904
Amphora obtectaBailey image
Amphora obtusa f. distinguendaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora obtusa f. minutaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora obtusa f. miocenaJ.-J. Brun image
Amphora obtusa f. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora obtusaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora obtusaGregory image
Amphora obtusa var. baicalensisW. Jasnitsky image
Amphora obtusa var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora obtusa var. lunyacsekii(J. Pantocsek) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora obtusa var. oamaruensisSchrader image
Amphora obtusa var. oceanica(Castracane) Cleve image
Amphora obtusa var. radulaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora obtusa var. rectangulataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLVIII: fig. 2 (desc. on p. 216, 1899) 1898
Amphora obtusa var. skvortzowiiS.L. VanLandingham image
Amphora obtusa var. transfugaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora obtusaeformisB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora obtusiusculaA. Grunow image
Amphora obtusiusculaGrunow in A. Schmidt Atlas Diatom.-Kunde: pl. 25: fig. 7 1875
Amphora occidentalisA. Amossé Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest (Nantes), ser. 5, 2: 32, pl. I: figs. 3, 4 1932
Amphora oceanicaCastracane image
Amphora ocellataA.S. Donkin image
Amphora ocellataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora ocellata var. bistriataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 218, pl. XLIX: fig. 3 1899
Amphora ocellata var. cingulata(P.T. Cleve) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora ocellata var. elongataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 218, pl. XLIX: fig. 9 1899
Amphora ocellata var. hyalinaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora ocellata var. interrupta(J. Pantocsek) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora ocellata var. jamalinensisCleve, err. cit. image
Amphora ocellata var. oamaruensisP.T. Cleve image
Amphora ocellata var. quadrangulataK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora ocellata var. subacutaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 218, pl. XLIX: fig. 8 1899
Amphora ocellata var. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora oculusA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora oculus var. farcimen(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora oculus var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora ognjanovaeD. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 93, 290, pl. 75: figs. 1-9; pl. 76: figs. 1-6; pl. 247: figs. 3-5 2009
Amphora ohridanaZ. Levkov in Levkov, Krstic, Metzeltin & Nakov Icon. Diatomol. 16: 18, pls. 160: fig. 3, 161: figs. 1-7 2007
Amphora okawangoiB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora oligotraphentaH. Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin Iconographia Diatomologica 2: 28 1996
Amphora oncliniorum_('onclinorum')(Compère) K. Krammer Biblioth. Diatomol. 37: 83 1997
Amphora ornataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora oscitansFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata, n.s. 1. Secc. Paleontología 1: 23, 32, pl. II: fig. 7 1936
Amphora ostenfeldii_('ostenfeldi')F. Hustedt image
Amphora ostenfeldii_('ostenfeldi')Hustedt in Hedin Southern Tibet 6{3}: 142, pl. IX: figs. 38, 39 1922
Amphora ostreariaL.A. Brebisson ex Kützing image
Amphora ostrearia var. beguinotiiV. Zanon image
Amphora ostrearia var. interruptaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora ostrearia var. lineataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora ostrearia var. minorA. Grunow image
Amphora ostrearia var. porcellus(F. Kitton) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora ostrearia var. quadrata(L.A. Brebisson) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora ostrearia var. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora ostrearia var. vitrea(P.T. Cleve) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora ostreataRabenhorst, err. cit. image
Amphora ovalis(Kützing) Kützing image
Amphora ovalis f. angustaAnt. Mayer image
Amphora ovalis f. baltica(Brander) Cleve-Euler ex R.B. McLaughlin & J.R. Stone Microscopy, The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club 32: 481 1975
Amphora ovalis f. ellipticaG.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora ovalis f. globosa(J. Schumann) Ant. Mayer image
Amphora ovalis f. gracilis(C.G. Ehrenberg) F. Hustedt image
Amphora ovalis f. maiorG. Istvanfy de Csík Madefalva image
Amphora ovalis f. majorG. Istvanfy de Csík Madefalva image
Amphora ovalis f. minutissima(W. Smith) Ant. Mayer image
Amphora ovalis f. mongolicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora ovalis f. nanaG.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora ovalis f. typicaG. Istvanfy de Csík Madefalva image
Amphora ovalis f. typicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora ovalis var. affinis(Kützing) P. Pero image
Amphora ovalis var. baicalensisB.V. Skvortzov & Meyer image
Amphora ovalis var. barrowianaPatrick & Freese Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 112: 256, pl. 3: fig. 17 1961
Amphora ovalis var. barrowianaR.M. Patrick & L.R. Freese image
Amphora ovalis var. constrictaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora ovalis var. constrictaSkvortzov Philippine J. Sc. 62: 340, pl. 12: fig. 17 1937
Amphora ovalis var. ellipticaPetit image
Amphora ovalis var. elongataA. Jurilj image
Amphora ovalis var. elongataE.V. Østrup image
Amphora ovalis var. globosa(J. Schumann) J. Schumann image
Amphora ovalis var. gracilis(Kützing) P. Pero image
Amphora ovalis var. lataZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 97, 291, pl. 3: figs. 1-4; pl. 4: figs. 1-6; pl. 122: figs. 1, 2, 5 2009
Amphora ovalis var. libyca(C.G. Ehrenberg) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora ovalis var. libyca(Ehrenberg) Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 104 1895
Amphora ovalis var. minorKützing image
Amphora ovalis var. minutissima(W. Smith) E. Hurter image
Amphora ovalis var. nikiskiiJ.L. Stone in McLaughlin & Stone Beih. Nova Hedwigia 82: 17, pl. 1: figs. 19, 20 1986
Amphora ovalis var. pediculus(Kützing) P. Pero image
Amphora ovalis var. pellucida(W. Gregory) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Amphora ovalis var. perlongaF. Meister image
Amphora ovalis var. rostrataK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora ovalis var. tallingiaeF. Gasse Biblioth. Diatomol. 11: 24, pl. XXV: figs. 7, 8 1986
Amphora ovalis var. tenuisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 98, 291, pl. 5: figs. 1-10; pl. 6: figs. 1-10; pl. 71: fig. 16; pl. 122: figs. 3-4; pl. 127: fig. 3 2009
Amphora ovalis var. typica(P.T. Cleve) F. Meister image
Amphora ovalis var. viridisG. Karsten image
Amphora ovumP.T. Cleve image
Amphora oxeiaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 223, pl. XLIX: fig. 21 1899
Amphora pagesii_('pagesi')A. Lauby image
Amphora pallidaJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora pampaniniiA.I. Forti image
Amphora pampaniniiV. Zanon Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia 3: 223, fig. 6 1948
Amphora pannonicaM. Hajós image
Amphora pannuceaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora pantocsekii_('pantocseki')M. Hajós image
Amphora paracopulataZ. Levkov & M. Edlund in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 98, 291, pl. 71: figs. 1-13; pl. 183: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora paradoxaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora parallelaJ.H.L. Flögel image
Amphora parallelistriataE. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 185 1996
Amphora parallelistriataE. Manguin Rev. Alg. n.s. 5: 278, pl. II(27): fig. 25 1961
Amphora parallelistriataE.E. Manguin image
Amphora parallelistriata var. manguiniiN. Foged image
Amphora parasiticaBleisch image
Amphora parathumensis(Z. Levkov, A. Pavlov & E. Jovanovska) J.J. Stepanek, T.E. Carlson, L.E. Rumley, & M.L. Julius Diatom Research 38: 137 2023
Amphora paravenetaH. Lange-Bertalot, P. Cavacini, N. Tagliaventi & S. Alfinito Iconogr. Diatomol. 12: 28, pl. 93: figs. 1-8; pl. 94; pl. 95: figs. 1-5 2003
Amphora parvulaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora paucaA. Mann image
Amphora pauliiR.M. Patrick image
Amphora pavillardiiPeragallo image
Amphora pavimentumC.S. Boyer image
Amphora pectenJ.-J. Brun image
Amphora pecten var. argusP.T. Cleve image
Amphora pediculus(Kützing) A. Grunow image
Amphora pediculus var. distinctaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora pediculus var. nebulosaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora pellucidaW. Gregory image
Amphora peraffinisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 103, 291, pl. 73: figs. 1-6; pl. 144: fig. 3 2009
Amphora peragalloi var. balearicaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIII: fig. 14 [15 in text] (desc. on p. 227, 1899) 1898
Amphora peragalloi var. catalaunicaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIII: fig. 15 (desc. on p. 227, 1899) 1898
Amphora peragalloi_('Peragalli')Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 124, no fig. 1895
Amphora peragalloi_('Peragalli')P.T. Cleve image
Amphora peragallorumH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphora peragallorum var. minorPeragallo image
Amphora peragallorum var. parvulaH. Heiden image
Amphora peragallorum var. robustaH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphora permagnaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora perpusillaA. Grunow image
Amphora perpusillaA. Grunow image
Amphora perpusillaGrunow Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien]. Math.-Nat. Cl., 48(Abt. 2): 102, pl. I(A): fig. 6 1884
Amphora perstriataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 232, pl. L: fig. 40 1899
Amphora perstriata var. minorH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 232, pl. L: fig. 41 1899
Amphora pestilentaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora petermanniiM. Peragallo image
Amphora petitii_('Petiti')G. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora petitii_('petiti')J.A. Tempère & J.-J. Brun image
Amphora philippinicaCastracane image
Amphora pimentelii_('pimenteli')M. Peragallo image
Amphora piperB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora platensisJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora plativalvataT. Nagumo Bibliotheca Diatomologica 49: 37 2003
Amphora plenilunaM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora pleurosigmaJ.A. Tempère & J.-J. Brun image
Amphora plicataW. Gregory image
Amphora pogrebniakoviiGusliakov in Gusliakov et al. Atlas of diatoms of benthos of the northwestern Black Sea: 73, pl. CVI: figs. 1-8 1992
Amphora polarisE.V. Østrup image
Amphora politaG. Krasske image
Amphora polonicaJ. Z\*.elazna-Wieczorek & H. Lange-Bertalot in Z\*.elazna-Wieczorek Diatom flora springs Łódź Hills ... 81, pl. 21, 22 2011
Amphora polycoccaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora polyzonataCastracane image
Amphora ponticaGusliakov in Gusliakov et al. Atlas of diatoms of benthos of the northwestern Black Sea: 78, pl. CXVII: fig. 1 1992
Amphora ponticaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora porcellusF. Kitton image
Amphora praelataN.I. Hendey image
Amphora prespanensisZ. Levkov, S. Krstic, & D. Metzeltin in Levkov, Krstic, Metzeltin & Nakov Icon. Diatomol. 16: 19, pls. 159, 160: figs. 1, 2 2007
Amphora priscaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora prismaticaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora proboscideaW. Gregory image
Amphora profusaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora proschkinianaN.E. Guslyakov Bot. Zhurn. 72: 1393, pl. II: figs. 1-12 1987
Amphora proteoidesF. Hustedt image
Amphora proteoides f. variansA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora proteus f. ambiguaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphora proteus f. lacunataA. Jurilj image
Amphora proteus var. alataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora proteus var. baikalensisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora proteus var. contiguaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora proteus var. kariana(A.Grunow) A. Grunow image
Amphora proteus var. laevistriataA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora proteus var. maximaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIV: figs. 28, 29 (desc. on p. 201, 1899) 1898
Amphora proteus var. maximaH. Peragallo image
Amphora proteus var. mexicana(A. Schmidt) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora proteus var. minorA. Grunow image
Amphora proteus var. nodosaA. Jurilj image
Amphora proteus var. oculataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIV: figs. 21, 22 (desc. on p. 201, 1899) 1898
Amphora proteus var. oculataH. Peragallo image
Amphora proteus var. parvulaJ.H.L. Flögel image
Amphora proteus var. robustaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora proteus var. tenuissimaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora proteusW. Gregory image
Amphora protractaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora protracta var. gallicaHeribaud image
Amphora prudentiiJ. Heribaud image
Amphora pseudaequalisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 105, 292, pl. 55: figs. 1-17; pl. 161: fig. 4; pl. 173: figs. 1-6; pl. 174: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora pseudoeximiaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 107, 292, pl. 45: figs. 15-24; pl. 159: figs. 1-5; pl. 160: figs. 1-5; pl. 195: fig. 3 2009
Amphora pseudoholsaticaT. Nagumo & H. Kobayasi Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 10: 151, pls. 3, 4 [= figs. 13-26] 1990
Amphora pseudohyalinaR. Simonsen in Hinz, Simonsen, & Crawford Diatom Res. 27: 83 2012
Amphora pseudohyalinaR. Simonsen Kieler Meeresf. 16: 129, pl. 2: figs. 1-3 1960
Amphora pseudominutissimaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 108, 292, pl. 35: figs. 7-18; pl. 175: figs. 1-5; pl. 196: fig. 2 2009
Amphora pseudomontanaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora pseudomontanaCholnoky Nova Hedwigia 2: 25, fig. 66 1960
Amphora pseudoproteusA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 433, 449, figs. 177-182 2007
Amphora pseudosibiricaZ. Levkov & A. Pavlov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 109, 292, pl. 42: figs. 14-19; pl. 43: figs. 1-13; pl. 145: figs. 1-3; pl. 146: figs. 1-2, 4-6 2009
Amphora pseudospectabilisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 264, 297, pl. 114: figs. 6-10; pl. 251: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora pseudotenuissimaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 400, 447, figs. 38-40 2007
Amphora puechii_('Puechi')A. Lauby image
Amphora pulchellaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIV: fig. 20 (desc. on p. 201, 1899) 1898
Amphora pulchellaH. Peragallo image
Amphora pulchraR.K. Greville image
Amphora punctataG.W. Andrews image
Amphora punctataSchrader image
Amphora puraZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 110, 293, pl. 45: figs. 1-14; pl. 155: figs. 1-5; pl. 156: figs. 1-3 2009
Amphora pusillaW. Gregory image
Amphora pusioP.T. Cleve image
Amphora quadrangulataK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora quadrataL.A. Brebisson ex Kützing image
Amphora quadrataW. Gregory image
Amphora racovitzaeH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphora racovitzae var. minorM. Peragallo image
Amphora ramsbottomii_('ramsbottomi')M.M. Salah image
Amphora ranomafanensisE.E. Manguin image
Amphora recensZ. Levkov & T. Nakov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 112, 293, pl. 32: figs. 1-11; pl. 139: figs. 1-4 2009
Amphora recessaA. Mann image
Amphora reconditaZ. Levkov & T. Nakov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 114, 293, pl. 33: figs. 1-8; pl. 140: figs. 1-6 2009
Amphora recta(W. Gregory) A. Grunow image
Amphora rectaA. Grunow image
Amphora rectaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora rectaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XXII bis: figs. 9, 10 1883
Amphora rectangularisW. Gregory image
Amphora rectilineataP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora recurvaF. Meister image
Amphora reichardtianaA. Grunow image
Amphora reichardtianaGrunow Hedwigia 6: 25 1867
Amphora reinholdii var. parvaV.S. Poretzky in Proshkina-Lavrenko & Sheshukova (eds.) Diatomovyi Sbornik: 76, fig. 3 1953
Amphora reinholdii_('reinholdi')G.D. Hanna University of Kansas Science Bulletin 20: 372, pl. XXXI: fig. 1 1932
Amphora reniformisM.R. Sreenivasa & H.C. Duthie image
Amphora reniformisY.-Q. Guo, S.-Q. Xie, & J.-S. Li Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 35: 273, pl. 1 1997
Amphora revirescensJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora rhombicaF. Kitton image
Amphora rhombicaKitton in A. Schmidt Atlas: pl. 40: fig. 39 1876
Amphora rhombica var. graciliorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora rhombica var. intermediaCleve Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 127, no fig. 1895
Amphora rhombica var. intermediaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora rhombica var. sinicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora richardianaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora ridiculaM.H. Giffen Bot. Mar. 19: 382, pl. I: figs. 10-13 1976
Amphora rimosaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora rimosaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora robertsoniiA.C. Podzorski Biblioth. Diatomol. 7: 51, pl. 19: fig. 13; pl. 40: fig. 4 1985
Amphora robustaGregory image
Amphora robusta var. brevistriataA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora robusta var. fuscaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora robusta var. hemicostataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIV: fig. 35 (desc. on p. 202, 1899) 1898
Amphora robusta var. hemicostataH. Peragallo image
Amphora robusta var. minorH.J.B. Juhlin-Dannfelt image
Amphora robusta var. subplicataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora roettgeriJ.J. Lee & C.W. Reimer image
Amphora rossiM. Hajós image
Amphora rostrataK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora rostrataV. Zanon Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia 3: 222, fig. 9 1948
Amphora rostrata var. minorV. Zanon Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia 3: 222, fig. 10 1948
Amphora rostrigeraFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata, n.s. 1. Secc. Paleontología 1: 24, 32, pl. II: figs. 5, 6 1936
Amphora rotundaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora rugosaF. Hustedt image
Amphora rugosaHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 15: 415, pl. XXIV: figs. 1-3 1938
Amphora russicaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora sabinianaC.W. Reimer image
Amphora sabinianaReimer in Patrick & Reimer Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia 13: 79, pl. 14: fig. 8 1975
Amphora sabyiiM.M. Salah image
Amphora salina var. capitataM. Peragallo image
Amphora salina var. capitataR. d'Aubert image
Amphora salina var. fossilisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora salina var. minorH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphora salinaW. Smith image
Amphora salsaR.M. Patrick & L.R. Freese image
Amphora samoensisM. Peragallo in Peragallo & Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 6, pl. I: fig. 7 1911
Amphora sanctenectairensis_('sanctenectairense')R. d'Aubert image
Amphora sancti-martialiM. Peragallo image
Amphora sancti-martiali var. faurelii_('faureli')A. Amosse image
Amphora sancti-naumiiZ. Levkov & D. Metzeltin in Levkov, Krstic, Metzeltin & Nakov Icon. Diatomol. 16: 21, pls. 157, 158 2007
Amphora sarmaticaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora sarniensisR.K. Greville image
Amphora sarniensis var. flexuosa(R.K. Greville) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora sarniensis var. sinuata(R.K. Greville) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora scabriusculaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora scalaP.T. Cleve & Grove image
Amphora scala var. alataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora scalarisCastracane image
Amphora scardicaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 117, 293, pl. 53: figs. 13-24; pl. 170: figs. 1-2, 4-5; pl. 171: figs. 1-3 2009
Amphora schleinitziiC. Janisch image
Amphora schmidtiiA. Grunow image
Amphora schmidtii f. majorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora schmidtii f. minorP.T. Cleve image
Amphora schmidtiiP. Petit in Folin & Périer Fonds de la Mer 3: 175, pl. XXVII: fig. 51 in Schmidt's Atlas 1877
Amphora schmidtii var. alataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora schmidtii var. minorH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XLIII: fig. 2 (desc. on p. 204, 1899) 1898
Amphora schmidtii var. minorH. Peragallo image
Amphora schmidtii var. schleinitzii(C. Janisch) P.T. Cleve image
Amphora schroederiF. Hustedt image
Amphora schroederiHustedt Hedwigia 63: 161, figs. 16-18 1922
Amphora scopulorumM.H. Giffen image
Amphora sculptaFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata 34: 359, pl. II: fig. 22 1934
Amphora scutellaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 426, 449, figs. 144-147 2007
Amphora securiculaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 224, pl. L: fig. 2 1899
Amphora sejunctaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora semenC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora semi-ovumG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora seminudaF. Meister image
Amphora semperpalorumA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 403, 447, figs. 44-48 2007
Amphora sendaianaJ.-J. Brun image
Amphora senonqueiM. Peragallo image
Amphora separandaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 7, pl. 25: fig. 57 in A. Schmidt 1911
Amphora septentrionalisE.V. Østrup image
Amphora sepultaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora serrataA.P. Skabichevskij image
Amphora serrataeformisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 119, 294, pl. 44: figs. 5-8; pl. 148: figs. 1-2 2009
Amphora sibiricaB.V. Skvortzov & Meyer image
Amphora sibirica var. gracilisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora sibirica var. gracilisSkvortzov Philippine J. Sci. 62: 342, pl. 12: fig. 19 1937
Amphora simaA. Mann image
Amphora similisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 121, 294, pl. 58: figs. 1-7 2009
Amphora simplexG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora sinuataR.K. Greville image
Amphora skvortzowiiZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 122 2009
Amphora soelsvigiensisP.C.M. Petit image
Amphora somalicaJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora spartinetensisSullivan & C.W. Reimer image
Amphora speciosaCastracane image
Amphora spectabilisW. Gregory image
Amphora spitzbergenensisS.L. VanLandingham image
Amphora spitzbergenensisVanLandingham Cat. diat. 1: 243, 270 1967
Amphora splendidaP. Rivera Gayana, Botanica 28: 61; fig. 94 1974
Amphora spriggericaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 421, 448, figs. 123-126 2007
Amphora staubiiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora staurohyalinaA.C. Podzorski & H. Håkansson Biblioth. Diatomol. 13: 52, pl. 15: fig. 11; pl. 51: figs. 4-6 1987
Amphora staurophoraCastracane image
Amphora staurophoraH.J.B. Juhlin-Dannfelt image
Amphora staurophoraJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora staurophoraJuhlin-Dannfelt Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 6{21}: 20, pl. I: fig. 9 1882
Amphora stauropteraBailey image
Amphora stechlinensisZ. Levkov & D. Metzeltin in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 127, 294, pl. 48: figs. 15-28 2009
Amphora stoermeriM. Edlund & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 128, 294, pl. 69: figs. 22-31; pl. 186A: figs. 1-4 2009
Amphora strangulataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora streckeraeK. Krammer Biblioth. Diatomol. 37: 226, pl. 206: figs. 9-11 1997
Amphora striataHajós Geol. Hung., Palaeont. 37: 189, pl. LVIII: fig. 12 1968
Amphora striataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora striataK.E. Eichwald image
Amphora striataM. Hajós image
Amphora striataPantocsek image
Amphora strigataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora strigosaF. Hustedt image
Amphora strigosaHustedt Hydrobiologia 2: 44, pl. 1: figs. 30-33 1949
Amphora striolataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora stroppianaS.B. Selva Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 88: 86, pl. I: figs. 11-13 1981
Amphora studeriC. Janisch image
Amphora sturtiiA. Grunow image
Amphora suavisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora subacutiusculaF.R. Schoeman image
Amphora subaequalisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 130, 295, pl. 35: figs. 19-31; pl. 161: figs. 3; pl. 176: figs. 1-3 2009
Amphora subalataM. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 7, pl. I: fig. 3 1911
Amphora subangularisF. Hustedt image
Amphora subangularisHustedt Duke Univ. Mar. Stat. Bull. 6: 39, pl. 13: figs. 16, 17 1955
Amphora subatomusZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 131, 295, pl. 65: figs. 12-23; pl. 188: figs. 4-6 2009
Amphora subcapitata(Kisselev) Hustedt Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Sitzungsber., Abt. I, 168: 426 1959
Amphora subconstrictaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 132 2009
Amphora subcuneataF. Hustedt image
Amphora subcuneataHustedt Duke Univ. Mar. Stat. Bull. 6: 39, pl. 14: figs. 17, 18 1955
Amphora subellipticaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora subholsaticaK. Krammer Bibliotheca Diatomologica 37: 223, pl. 305: figs. 1-10 1997
Amphora subhyalinaA.C. Podzorski & H. Håkansson Biblioth. Diatomol. 13: 52, pl. 15: fig. 10; pl. 51: figs. 7, 8 1987
Amphora subinflataA. Grunow image
Amphora sublaevisF. Hustedt image
Amphora submontanaF. Hustedt image
Amphora submontanaHustedt Explor. Parc Natl. Albert, Mission H. Damas 8: 112, pl. XI: fig. 4 1949
Amphora submontana var. ebroicensisR. Maillard image
Amphora subpunctataGrove & G. Sturt image
Amphora subrobustaF. Hustedt image
Amphora subrobusta var. pliocenicaFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata 34: 358, pl. II: figs. 19, 20 1934
Amphora subrotundaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 136, 295, pl. 41: figs. 9-15; pl. 148: figs. 3-5 2009
Amphora subtilissimaG.H. Schwabe & R. Simonsen Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. 46: 266, fig. 5: 10-14 1961
Amphora subtilissimaR. Simonsen image
Amphora subtropicaA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 407, 447, figs. 64-70 2007
Amphora subturbidaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 138, 295, pl. 63: figs. 5-11; pl. 178: figs. 1-5; pl. 179: figs. 3-5 2009
Amphora subturgidaF. Hustedt image
Amphora subturgidaHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 15: 416, pl. XXIV: figs. 9-11 1938
Amphora subulataM. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 7, pl. I: fig. 3 1911
Amphora sulcataBrébisson Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 2: 256, fig. 8 1854
Amphora sulcata f. parvaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora sulcataL.A. Brebisson image
Amphora sulcataL.A. Brebisson image
Amphora sumatrensisG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora suspectaT. Marsson Zeitschrift für angewandte Mikroskopie und klinische Chemie 6: 66 1900
Amphora sydowiiB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora sydowiiCholnoky Rev. Biol. [Lisboa] 3: 237, pl. VIII: figs. 3-6 1963
Amphora szaboi_('szabói')J. Pantocsek image
Amphora szontaghii_('szontághii')J. Pantocsek image
Amphora tanganyikaeCaljon in Caljon & Cocquyt Hydrobiologia 230: 148, pl. 4: figs. 1-3, 6-7; pl. 5: figs. 1-4 1992
Amphora tegetumA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 415, 448, figs. 101-103 2007
Amphora tenellulaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora teneraW. Smith image
Amphora tenerascensB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora tenerrimaA.A. Aleem & F. Hustedt image
Amphora tenerrimaAleem & Hustedt Bot. Not. 1951: 16, fig. 3 1951
Amphora tenuirostrisT. Marsson Zeitschrift für angewandte Mikroskopie und klinische Chemie 6: 67 1900
Amphora tenuisJ.H.L. Flögel image
Amphora tenuissimaF. Hustedt image
Amphora tenuissimaM.H. Giffen image
Amphora tenuistriataE.E. Manguin image
Amphora terrorisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphora terrorisEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1853: 526 1853
Amphora terroris var. limbataP.T. Cleve image
Amphora terroris var. rara(J. Frenguelli) S.L. VanLandingham image
Amphora tertiariaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora tessellataGrove & G. Sturt image
Amphora testudinataM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphora tetaG. Karsten image
Amphora tetragibbaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora thaitianaCastracane image
Amphora thermalisF. Hustedt image
Amphora thermalisHustedt Explor. Parc Natl. Albert, Mission H. Damas 8: 111, pl. XI: figs. 1-3 1949
Amphora thromboliticolaC. Cocquyt Belg. J. Bot. 124: 105, figs. 2, 4-9 1992
Amphora thumensis(A. Mayer) A. Cleve-Euler image
Amphora tithonianaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora tomassinianaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora tomiakiae_(`tomiakae')A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot, & D. Metzeltin Iconogr. Diatomol. 7: 153, 421, pl. 169: figs. 12-14 2000
Amphora topaschevskiiGusliakov in Gusliakov et al. Atlas of diatoms of benthos of the northwestern Black Sea: 79, pl. CXVI: figs. 3, 4 1992
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Amphora transfixaF. Meister image
Amphora transilvanicaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora treubiiG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora triseriataM. Ricard image
Amphora triundulataR. Ross image
Amphora tropidoneioidesM.M. Salah image
Amphora truncataW. Gregory image
Amphora tucumanaHerbst & Maidana Diatom Research 3: 48, figs. 1-17 1988
Amphora tucumanaN. Herbst & N.I. Maidana image
Amphora tumidaF. Hustedt image
Amphora tumidaHustedt in F. Gessner & V. Vareschi Ergebn. Deutsch. Limnol. Venezuela-Exped. 1952, 1: 120, figs. 51-54 1956
Amphora tumidulaA. Grunow image
Amphora tumuliferA. Mann image
Amphora turbida var. neothaumaeZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 143, 296, pl. 64: figs. 1-7 2009
Amphora turbidaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 142, 296, pl. 64: figs. 16-22; pl. 65: figs. 1-11; pl. 172: figs. 1-2; pl. 177: figs. 1-7 2009
Amphora turgida f. minorM. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Kl. 88: 7 1911
Amphora turgidaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 510, pl. XII: fig. 63 1857
Amphora turgida var. africanaB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphora turgida var. ceylonicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora turgida var. parallelaH. Heiden image
Amphora turgida var. wiseiM.M. Salah Hydrobiologia 7: 101, pl. II: fig. 11 1955
Amphora turgidaW. Gregory image
Amphora twenteanaK. Krammer Diatoms of Europe 4: 150, 171; pl. 138: fig. 25-29 2003
Amphora uncinatum(C.G. Ehrenberg) Edwards image
Amphora undataG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphora undataH.L. Smith image
Amphora undulataR.K. Greville image
Amphora vadosiniA.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser Diatom Research 22: 416, 448, figs. 106, 107 2007
Amphora validaH. Peragallo image
Amphora variabilisT.F. Kozyrenko image
Amphora variabilisT.F. Kozyrenko image
Amphora vaughaniiM.H. Giffen image
Amphora veneta f. globulosaN. Foged image
Amphora venetaKützing Bacillarien 108, pl. 3: fig. XXV 1844
Amphora venetaKützing image
Amphora veneta var. balchaschicaI.V. Makarova & N.I. Akhmetova Bot. Zhurn. 72: 248, pl. [= 18 figs.] 1987
Amphora veneta var. capitataE.Y. Haworth image
Amphora veneta var. capitataHaworth Brit. Phycol. J. 9: 48, figs. 6, 19 1974
Amphora veneta var. gibbosaJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora veneta var. grossestriataG.I. Playfair image
Amphora veneta var. indicaB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphora veneta var. minorJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora veneta var. somalicaFrenguelli in Chiovenda Fl. Somala 403, pl. XLIX: figs. 18-21 1929
Amphora veneta var. somalicaJ. Frenguelli image
Amphora veneta var. subcapitataKisselev Trudy Nauchno-Issl. Inst. Bot. 7: 87, 94, fig. 22 1932
Amphora venezianaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphora ventricosaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 511, pl. XII: figs. 68, 68a 1857
Amphora ventricosaW. Gregory image
Amphora venusta Østrup image
Amphora verrucosaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphora vetula var. baikalensisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 145, 296, pl. 56: figs. 1-10; pl. 149: figs. 1-4; pl. 154: fig. 4 2009
Amphora vetulaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 144, 296, pl. 49: figs. 1-15; pl. 157: figs. 1-4; pl. 158: figs. 1-5 2009
Amphora vetustaP.T. Cleve image
Amphora virgata var. crassaM. Peragallo image
Amphora virgata Østrup image
Amphora vitraP.T. Cleve image
Amphora vitreaJ.P.F.C. Montagne image
Amphora vittataJ. Pantocsek image
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Amphora vulgarisEhrenberg, inval. image
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Amphora wandelensisP.C.M. Petit image
Amphora weinekiiC. Janisch image
Amphora weissflogiiA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora wiesneri_('wiesnerii')J. Pantocsek image
Amphora wisei(M.M. Salah) R. Simonsen image
Amphora wittsteiniiC. Janisch image
Amphora zebrataJ.A. Tempère & J.-J. Brun image
Amphora zebrinaA.W.F. Schmidt image
Amphora zetaG. Karsten image
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AMPHORAEMONASA. Szabados image
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Chrysococcus amphoraLackey image
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CLEVAMPHORAMereschkowsky image
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Clevamphora ovalis var. pediculus(Kützing) Mereschkowsky image
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Colliculoamphora fabiformisG. Reid & D.M. Williams in D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 190, fig. 2 2009
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Colliculoamphora gibba(A. Schmidt) D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 196 2009
Colliculoamphora johnwrightiiD.M. Williams Diatom Research 31: 82, figs. 15-21 2016
Colliculoamphora minima(Hustedt) D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 190 2009
Colliculoamphora palawanensisG. Reid & D.M. Williams in D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 194, figs. 15, 17-21 2009
Colliculoamphora panduriformisG. Reid & D.M. Williams in D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 197, figs. 12, 14 2009
Colliculoamphora reedii(H.J. Schrader) D.M. Williams & G. Reid Eur. J. Phycol. 41: 153 2006
Colliculoamphora reichardtiana(Grunow) D.M. Williams & G. Reid Eur. J. Phycol. 41: 153 2006
Colliculoamphora reniformisG. Reid & D.M. Williams in D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 191, figs. 7, 9 2009
Colliculoamphora stoermeriiG. Reid & D.M. Williams in D.M. Williams & G. Reid Beih. Nova Hedwigia 135: 192, figs. 3, 22-27 2009
CYMBAMPHORA(Cleve) Mereschkowsky image
Cymbamphora cymbellulaMereschkowsky image
Cystoseira phyllamphoraC. Agardh image
Derepyxis amphoraA.C. Stokes image
Dinophysis amphoraE. Balech image
Ditripodium amphoraHovasse image
Domasia amphoraF. Martin image
Euglena proxima var. amphoraeformisM. Szabados image
Fromea amphoraCookson & Eisenack image
Griffithsia phyllamphoraJ. Agardh image
Gymnodinium amphoraKofoid & Swezy image
HALAMPHORA(Cleve) Mereschkowsky image
Halamphora abuensis(Foged) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 166 2009
Halamphora acutiuscula(Kützing) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 167 2009
Halamphora aequatorialis(Heiden) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 168 2009
Halamphora americanaJ.P. Kociolek in Kociolek et al. Biblioth. Diatomol. 61: 51, pl. 73: figs. 1-7; pl. 74 2014
Halamphora angularis(Gregory) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 69 2009
Halamphora aponina(Kützing) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 170 2009
Halamphora atacamae(Frenguelli) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 171 2009
Halamphora atacamana(Patrick) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 172 2009
Halamphora attenuataJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Phytotaxa 197: 32, figs. 29-44 2015
Halamphora auriculariaZ. Levkov & E. Ács in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 173, 298; pl. 90: figs. 29-41; pl. 211: figs. 1-5; pl. 212: figs. 1-5 2009
Halamphora ausloosianaB. Van de Vijver & K. Kopalová in Van de Vijver et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 379, figs. 4S-AG, 6 2014
Halamphora borealis(Kützing) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 175 2009
Halamphora bullatoides(Hohn & Hellerman) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 176 2009
Halamphora capitata(Hagelstein) I. Álvarez-Blanco & S. Blanco Biblioth. Diatomol. 60: 64 2014
Halamphora caribaea(A.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser) F. Rimet & R. Jahn in Rimet et al. Fottea 18: 47 2018
Halamphora carvajaliana(Patrick) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 176 2009
Halamphora catenulafalsaA. Witkowski & Chunlian Li in Witkowski et al. J. Coastal Res. 74(special issue): 187, figs. 4r, 11a-d 2016
Halamphora cejudoaeI. Álvarez-Blanco & S. Blanco Biblioth. Diatomol. 60: 64, pl. 34: figs. 2-6; pl. 79 2014
Halamphora chilensis(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 177 2009
Halamphora clara(A. Schmidt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 178 2009
Halamphora coffeiformis_('coffaeiformis')(C. Agardh) Mereschkowsky image
Halamphora coloradianaJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 28: 73, figs. 73-86 2012
Halamphora compereanaB. Van de Vijver & Z. Levkov in Van de Vijver et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 382, fig. 7 2014
Halamphora coraensis(Foged) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 180 2009
Halamphora costata(W. Smith) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 181 2009
Halamphora crassopunctata(Missuna) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 182 2009
Halamphora cuneata(Cleve) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 182 2009
Halamphora cymbifera(Gregory) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 183 2009
Halamphora dagmarobbelsianaB. Van de Vijver & Z. Levkov in Van de Vijver et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 384, fig. 8 2014
Halamphora daochengensisW. Zhang, I. Jüttner & Z. Levkov in Zhang et al. Phytotaxa 404: 14, figs. 1-25 2019
Halamphora dominiciE. Ács & Z. Levkov in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 185, 298, pl. 90: figs. 17-28; pl. 210: figs. 4-7 2009
Halamphora dubiosa(Østrup) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 186 2009
Halamphora dusenii(J. Brun) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 187 2009
Halamphora ectoriiZ. Levkov & D. Zaova Nova Hedwigia 117: 213 2023
Halamphora elongataD. Bennett & J.P. Kociolek in Kociolek et al. Biblioth. Diatomol. 61: 49, pl. 69: figs. 7-11; pl. 71 2014
Halamphora eunotia(Cleve) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 187 2009
Halamphora exigua(Gregory) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 188 2009
Halamphora exigua var. robusta(Cholnoky) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 189 2009
Halamphora fontinalis(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 190 2009
Halamphora frenguelliiZ. Levkov & E.C. Diaz in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 191, 298, pl. 85: figs. 1-8; pl. 203: figs. 1-2, 4-5 2009
Halamphora gasseaeZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 192, 298, pl. 104: figs. 1-18 2009
Halamphora geniculata(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 193 2009
Halamphora ghanensisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 194, 299, pl. 105: figs. 12-19; pl. 235: figs. 1-7 2009
Halamphora granulata(Gregory) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 195 2009
Halamphora hassiaca(K. Krammer & S. Strecker) Lange-Bertalot in Kusber et al. Notulae algarum 209: 2 2021
Halamphora hezhangiiQ.-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in You et al. Phytotaxa 205: 80, figs. 20-34 2015
Halamphora holsatica(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 196 2009
Halamphora hyalina(Kützing) F. Rimet & R. Jahn in Rimet et al. Fottea 18: 47 2018
Halamphora hybrida(Grunow) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 198 2009
Halamphora interrupta(Heiden) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 198 2009
Halamphora katii(S. Selva) I.W. Bishop & S.A. Spaulding in Bishop et al. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 147: 272 2018
Halamphora kenderovianaR. Zidarova, P. Ivanov, N. Dzhembekova, M. de Haan & B. Van de Vijver PhytoKeys 195: 164, fig. 2 2022
Halamphora keveiE. Ács & Z. Levkov in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 200, 299, pl. 90: figs. 1-16; pl. 209: figs. 1-6; pl. 210: figs. 1-3 2009
Halamphora kolbei(Aleem) I. Álvarez-Blanco & S. Blanco Biblioth. Diatomol. 60: 65 2014
Halamphora kuehniae(Schoeman) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 201 2009
Halamphora lateantarcticaB. Van de Vijver, K. Kopalová, R. Zidarova & Z. Levkov Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 385, fig. 9 2014
Halamphora latecostataJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 28: 68, figs. 34-44 2012
Halamphora lineata(Gregory) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 202 2009
Halamphora luciae(Cholnoky) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 203 2009
Halamphora minimaS.M. An, J.H. Kim, N.S. Kang, K. Cho, J.A. Lee & E.S. Kim Phytotaxa 572: 117, figs. 2-17 2022
Halamphora minutissima(Kützing) C.E. Wetzel & P. Compère in Wetzel et al. Fottea 15: 208 2015
Halamphora mira(G. Krasske) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 204 2009
Halamphora miroidesZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 205, 299, pl. 109: figs. 45, 46; pl. 220: figs. 1-7 2009
Halamphora moelleri(Foged) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 206 2009
Halamphora monchevianaR. Zidarova, P. Ivanov, N. Dzhembekova, M. de Haan & B. Van de Vijver PhytoKeys 195: 164, fig. 3 2022
Halamphora montana(Krasske) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 207 2009
Halamphora normanii(Rabenhorst) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 208 2009
Halamphora normanii var. undulata(Krasske) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 209 2009
Halamphora nuwukiana(Patrick & Freese) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 211 2009
Halamphora obscuraZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 211 2009
Halamphora oceanicaH.F. Olivares-Rubio, L.I. Cabrera, J.L. Godínez-Ortega, L. Salazar-Coria & A. Vega-López Phytotaxa 317: 191, figs. 2-14 2017
Halamphora oligotraphenta(H. Lange-Bertalot) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 213 2009
Halamphora parathumensisZ. Levkov, A. Pavlov & E. Jovanovska in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 214, 299, pl. 109: figs. 19-35; pl. 219: figs. 1-5 2009
Halamphora paraveneta(H. Lange-Bertalot, P. Cavacini, N. Tagliaventi & S. Alfinito) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 215 2009
Halamphora perpusilla(Grunow) Q.-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in You et al. Phytotaxa 205: 86 2015
Halamphora pertusaJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Phytotaxa 197: 31, figs. 15-28 2015
Halamphora poianensisM. Cantonati, Z. Levkov & H. Lange-Bertalot in Cantonati et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152: 289, figs. 6, 7 2019
Halamphora pratensisJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Phytotaxa 197: 28, figs. 1-14 2015
Halamphora primusF.O. López-Fuerte & D.A. Siqueiros-Beltrones Phytotaxa 369: 288, figs. 2-11 2018
Halamphora pseudobolivianaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 216, 299, pl. 88: figs. 11-27; pl. 204: figs. 3-4; pl. 205: figs. 1-8 2009
Halamphora pseudohyalina(R. Simonsen) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Bibliotheca Diatomologica 66: 30 2018
Halamphora pseudomontana(Cholnoky) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 217 2009
Halamphora punctataJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 28: 70, figs. 60-72 2012
Halamphora reimeriJ.P. Kociolek in Kociolek et al. Biblioth. Diatomol. 61: 48, pl. 68: figs. 7-11; pl. 70: figs. 4-6 (miscited pl. 69) 2014
Halamphora rugosa(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 218 2009
Halamphora sabiniana(Reimer) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 219 2009
Halamphora salinicolaZ. Levkov & E.C. Diaz in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 220, 300, pl. 109: figs. 8-17; pl. 207: figs. 1-3, 5-6 2009
Halamphora sardiniensisH. Lange-Bertalot & Z. Levkov in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 221, 300, pl. 107A: figs. 1-30; pl. 245: fig. 4 2009
Halamphora saxonicaR. Voight & Z. Levkov Nova Hedwigia 99: 215, figs. 1-31 2014
Halamphora schroederi(Hustedt) D. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 223 2009
Halamphora semperpalorum(A.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser) F. Rimet & R. Jahn in Rimet et al. Fottea 18: 47 2018
Halamphora siqueirosiiF.O. López-Fuerte, S.E. Sala & G. Murugan in López-Fuerte et al. Phytotaxa 451: 135, figs. 2-28 2020
Halamphora speluncaeD. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov in Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 223, 300, pl. 114: figs. 1-16; pl. 241: figs. 1-6 2009
Halamphora staurophora(Juhlin-Dannfelt) I. Álvarez-Blanco & S. Blanco Biblioth. Diatomol. 60: 65 2014
Halamphora stoermeriJ.P. Kociolek in Kociolek et al. Biblioth. Diatomol. 61: 47, pl. 68: figs. 1-6; pl. 70: figs. 1-3 (miscited as pl. 69) 2014
Halamphora streckerae(K. Krammer) Lange-Bertalot in Kusber et al. Notulae algarum 209: 2 2021
Halamphora stroppiana(S. Selva) I.W. Bishop & S.A. Spaulding in Bishop et al. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 147: 272 2018
Halamphora subangularis(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 225 2009
Halamphora subcapitata(Kisselev) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 226 2009
Halamphora subcuneata(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 227 2009
Halamphora subfontinalisQ.-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in You et al. Phytotaxa 205: 77, figs. 1-19 2015
Halamphora subholsatica(K. Krammer) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 228 2009
Halamphora submontana(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 229 2009
Halamphora subsalinaZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 230, 300, pl. 90: figs. 42-49; pl. 207: fig. 4; pl. 208: figs. 1-7 2009
Halamphora subtilisJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 28: 69, figs. 45-59 2012
Halamphora subtropica(A.H. Wachnicka & E.E. Gaiser) F. Rimet & R. Jahn in Rimet et al. Fottea 18: 47 2018
Halamphora subturgida(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 231 2009
Halamphora sydowii(Cholnoky) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 232 2009
Halamphora tenellaH. Lange-Bertalot & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 234, 301, pl. 107A: figs. 31-34 2009
Halamphora tenerrima(Aleem & Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 235 2009
Halamphora terroris(Ehrenberg) P. Wang in Wang et al. Algae 29: 67 2014
Halamphora tharsisI. Álvarez-Blanco, C. Cejudo-Figueiras & S. Blanco in Blanco et al. Nordic Journal of Botany 31: 494, figs. 29-41 2013
Halamphora thermalis(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 235 2009
Halamphora thumensis(A. Mayer) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 236 2009
Halamphora transcaspica(J.B. Petersen) Q.-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in You et al. Phytotaxa 205: 87 2015
Halamphora tucumana(Herbst & Maidana) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 238 2009
Halamphora tumida(Hustedt) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 239 2009
Halamphora turgida(Gregory) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 240 2009
Halamphora valdeminutissimaR. Zidarova, M. Pottiez, P. Ivanov, M. de Haan & B. Van de Vijver Phytotaxa 626: 202, figs. 2-11, 16-19 2023
Halamphora vardarensisZ. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 240, 301, pl. 93: figs. 1-9; pl. 214: figs. 1-7 2009
Halamphora veneta(Kützing) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 242 2009
Halamphora veneta var. somalica(Frenguelli) Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 243 2009
Halamphora vietnamicaD. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov in Z. Levkov Diatoms of Europe 5: 244, 301, pl. 96: figs. 1-9 2009
Halamphora vyvermanianaB. Van de Vijver, K. Kopalová, R. Zidarova & Z. Levkov Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 387, figs. 10, 11 2014
Halamphora wisei(M.M. Salah) I. Álvarez-Blanco & S. Blanco Biblioth. Diatomol. 60: 64 2014
Halamphora yongxingensisH.-Y. Jiang & C.-Q. Hu in H.-Y. Jiang et al. Phytotaxa 195: 55, figs. 1-23 2015
Halamphora yundangensisW.W. Wu, C.P. Chen & Y.H. Gao in Wu et al. Phytotaxa 450: 210, figs. 1-20 2020
Kephyrion rubri-claustri var. amphora(Lackey) Conrad image
Navicula amphoraBrun image
Navicula amphoraEhrenberg image
Peranemopsis amphoraeSkvortzov & Noda image
PODAMPHORAGemeinhardt image
Podamphora ampullaDeflandre image
Podamphora antiquaDeflandre image
Podamphora brevispinosa(Hovasse) Frenguelli image
Podamphora elgeri f. japonicaGemeinhardt image
Podamphora elgeriGemeinhardt image
Podamphora elgeri var. microrhabdumDeflandre image
Podamphora japonica(Gemeinhardt) Deflandre image
Podamphora lataDeflandre image
Podamphora mesnilii_('mesnili')Deflandre image
Podamphora tenuis(Hovasse) Deflandre image
Pseudomallomonas amphoraConrad image
Salpingoeca amphoraW.S. Kent image
Scoliopleura latestriata var. amphoraCleve image
Scoliotropis latestriata var. amphora(Cleve) Cleve image
Scyphosphaera amphoraDeflandre image
Strombomonas acuminata var. amphora(Playfair) Deflandre image
Strombomonas amphoraeformis(Hortobágyi) Huber-Pestalozzi image
Strombomonas praeliaris var. amphoraI.K. Kiriakov Cryptog.: Algol. 4: 129, figs. 33, 34 1983
Syncyclia amphoraEhrenberg image
TETRAMPHORAK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Tetramphora chilensis(Hustedt) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 131 2016
Tetramphora croaticaM. Gligora Udovič, K. Caput Mihalić, I. Stanković & Z. Levkov in Caput Mihalić et al. Phytotaxa 401: 278, figs. 2-31 2019
Tetramphora decussata(Grunow) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 138 2016
Tetramphora fontinalisJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 135, figs. 83-95 2016
Tetramphora intermedia(Cleve) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 130 2016
Tetramphora lineolata(C.G. Ehrenberg) Mereschkowsky image
Tetramphora lineolatoidesJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 133, figs. 68-82 2016
Tetramphora ostrearia [(Brébisson exKützing)] Mereschkowsky image
Tetramphora rhombica(Kitton) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 138 2016
Tetramphora robustaJ.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 136, figs. 96-105 2016
Tetramphora securicula(H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 130 2016
Tetramphora sulcata(Brébisson) J.G. Stepanek & J.P. Kociolek Diatom Research 31: 128 2016
Trachelomonas acuminata var. amphoraG.I. Playfair image
Trachelomonas amphoraD.O. Svirenko image
Trachelomonas amphora var. fusiformisW. Conrad image
Trachelomonas amphora var. laevisS.L. Xie & Y.J. Ling in S.L. Xie, L.C. Qiu, & Y.J. Ling Acta Phytotax. Sin. 34: 227, fig. 1: 3 1996
Trachelomonas amphora var. lithuanicaR. Drezepolski image
Trachelomonas amphora var. spinosaB.V. Skvortzov image
Trachelomonas amphora var. striataB.V. Skvortzov image
Trachelomonas amphoraW. Conrad image
Trachelomonas amphoraeformisT. Hortobágyi image
Trachelomonas reticulata var. amphora(D.O. Svirenko) B.V. Skvortzov image
Trachelomonas stokesii var. amphoraR. Drezepolski image
Trachelomonas tambowika var. amphoraB.V. Skvortzov image
Trachyneis aspera var. amphora(Brun) Cleve image

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Page last updated 7 October 2024