Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

AMPHIPRORAC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphiprora aboensisA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora aculeataG. Krasske image
Amphiprora acutaM. Peragallo image
Amphiprora acuta var. minorM. Peragallo image
Amphiprora alata(C.G. Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Amphiprora alata var. genuinaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora alata var. holdereri_('holdererii')(R. Gutwinski) G.I. Playfair image
Amphiprora alata var. intermediaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora alata var. japonicaCleve Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 16, pl. I: fig. 2 1894
Amphiprora alata var. japonicaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora alata var. maeoticaA.I. Proshkina-Lavrenko image
Amphiprora alata var. ponticaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphiprora alata var. pulchra(Bailey) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora amphoroidesE.V. Østrup image
Amphiprora angustataN.I. Hendey image
Amphiprora australisP.C.M. Petit image
Amphiprora belgicaeH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphiprora belgicaeVan Heurck Rapp. Sci. Voy. Belgica, Diatomées: 14, pl. 1: fig. 15 1909
Amphiprora belgicae var. majorH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphiprora biharensisJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora biseriataE. O'Meara image
Amphiprora brebissonianaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 185, pl. IV: fig. 8; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 578, pl. XV: fig. 8 1863
Amphiprora brebissonianaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora calumeticaThomas ex Wolle Diatomaceae N. America: Pl. XLVIII: figs. 22-24 1890
Amphiprora campechianaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora chinensisGreville Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 16: 7, pl. V: fig. 13 1865
Amphiprora chinensisR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora cholnokyiS.L. VanLandingham image
Amphiprora cholnokyi var. africana(B.J. Cholnoky) S.L. VanLandingham image
Amphiprora clepsydraE.E. Manguin image
Amphiprora clepsydraGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 41, pl. I: fig. 20; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 541, pl. XIII: fig. 20 1863
Amphiprora clepsydraR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora coarctataJ.-J. Brun image
Amphiprora complexaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 508, pl. XII: fig. 62 1857
Amphiprora complexaW. Gregory image
Amphiprora conciliansCleve Bih. K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 22 (Afd. III, 4): 18: pl. I: figs. 12, 13 1896
Amphiprora conciliansP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora consertaF.W. Lewis image
Amphiprora conspicuaGreville Trans. Microscop. Soc. London, ser. 2, 9: 86, pl. X: fig. 16 1861
Amphiprora conspicuaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora constrictaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphiprora contortissimaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphiprora cornutaH.H. Chase image
Amphiprora corrugataGiffen Hydrobiologia 21: 213, figs. 6, 7 1963
Amphiprora corrugataM.H. Giffen image
Amphiprora costataE. O'Meara image
Amphiprora costataF. Hustedt image
Amphiprora crenulataJ.A. Tempère image
Amphiprora cymbiformisK.E. Eichwald image
Amphiprora decussataA. Grunow image
Amphiprora decussataA. Grunow image
Amphiprora decussataGrunow K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 63 (illustr. in Van Heurck, Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XXII: fig. 13. 1880) 1880
Amphiprora decussataGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XXII: fig. 13 1880
Amphiprora decussata var. septentrionalisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora decussata var. septentrionalisGrunow K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 63, pl. V: fig. 87 1880
Amphiprora delicatulaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 39, pl. I: figs. 15, 16; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 539, pl. XIII: figs. 15, 16 1863
Amphiprora delicatulaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora delicatula second card image
Amphiprora dhulensisP.T. Sarode & N.D. Kamat image
Amphiprora diademaE. O'Meara image
Amphiprora didymaW. Smith image
Amphiprora dilatataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora duplexA.S. Donkin image
Amphiprora duplexDonkin Trans. Microscop. Soc. London, ser. 2, 6: 28, pl. III: fig. 13 1858
Amphiprora duseniiP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora duseniiP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora elegansBleakley image
Amphiprora elegans var. adriaticaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora elegans var. gracilisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora elegans var. posewitziiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora elegansW. Smith Syn. Brit. Diat. II: 90 1856
Amphiprora eximiaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J. ser. 2, 18: 38, pl. I: fig. 13; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 538, pl. XIII: fig. 13 1863
Amphiprora eximiaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora fimbriataCastracane image
Amphiprora formosaA.F. Meunier image
Amphiprora fragilisJ.A. Tempère & J.-J. Brun image
Amphiprora fragilisTempère & J. Brun in Brun & Tempère Mém. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Genève 30{9}: 14, pl. IX: fig. 14 (misprinted pl. VIII in text) 1889
Amphiprora frigidaP.C.M. Petit image
Amphiprora fulvaA.S. Donkin image
Amphiprora galeritaGiffen image
Amphiprora giganteaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora giganteaGrunow Verh. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 568, pl. 4: fig. 12 1860
Amphiprora gigantea var. aequatorialis(P.T. Cleve) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora gigantea var. decussata(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora gigantea var. decussata(Grunow) Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 18 1894
Amphiprora gigantea var. kerguelensisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora gigantea var. septentrionalis(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora gigantea var. septentrionalis(Grunow) Cleve K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 18 1894
Amphiprora gigantea var. sulcata(E. O'Meara) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora gigantea var. tahitensis(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora glacialisP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora gregorianaG. Leuduger-Fortmorel image
Amphiprora hustedtiiB.J. Cholnoky image
Amphiprora hustedtii_('hustedti')F. Meister image
Amphiprora hyalinaEulenstein ex Grunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XXII: fig. 17 1880
Amphiprora hyalinaGreville Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 16: 6, pl. V: fig. 11 1865
Amphiprora hyalinaJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora hyalinaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora hyalinaT. Eulenstein ex A. Grunow image
Amphiprora hyperborea(Grunow) Grunow image
Amphiprora hyperborea f. minutaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora hyperborea var. genuinaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora hyperborea var. minuta(A. Grunow) A. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora incertaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphiprora incisaG. Karsten image
Amphiprora incomptaM.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman image
Amphiprora indicaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora jolisianaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 186, pl. IV: fig. 11; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 579, pl. XV: fig. 11 1863
Amphiprora jolisianaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora karianaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora karianaGrunow K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 61, pl. IV: fig. 82 1880
Amphiprora kariana var. subtilisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora kariana var. subtilisGrunow Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Nat. Cl. 48(Abt. 2): 105, pl. I(A): figs. 52, 53 1884
Amphiprora karsteniiK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphiprora kerguelensisJanisch Diatoms of the Gazelle Expedition, privately distributed: pl. XX: figs. 26, 27 1888-1889
Amphiprora kerguelensis var. robustaM. Peragallo image
Amphiprora kerguelensis var. robustaPeragallo Expéd. Antarct. Franc\*,. (1903-1905) ... Charcot. Diatomées: 20, no fig. 1924
Amphiprora kjellmaniiCleve K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 15, pl. IV: fig. 83 1880
Amphiprora kjellmaniiP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. australisA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. genuinaH.H. Gran image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. glacialis(P.T. Cleve) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. kariana(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. kariana(Grunow) Cleve K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 16 1894
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. kryophila(P.T. Cleve) H.H. Gran image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. latestriataP. Schulz image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. striolata(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. striolata(Grunow) Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 17 1894
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. subtilis(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. subtilis(Grunow) Cleve K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 17 1894
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. subtilissimaH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphiprora kjellmanii var. typicaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora kryophilaCleve Vega-Exped. Vet. Iaktt. 3: 477, pl. 35: fig. 11 1883
Amphiprora kryophilaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora kuetzingianaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora kuetzingiana_(`kützingiana')Greville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 184, pl. IV: fig. 6; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 577, pl. XV: fig. 6 1863
Amphiprora kuetzingiiL.A. Brebisson ex Kützing image
Amphiprora kufferathiiE.E. Manguin image
Amphiprora lataGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 38, pl. I: fig. 14; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 539, pl. XIII: fig. 14 1863
Amphiprora lataR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora lata var. angustiorD. McCall image
Amphiprora lata var. sinuosaJ. Frenguelli image
Amphiprora latestriataL.A. Brebisson ex Kützing image
Amphiprora lauriensisJ. Frenguelli & H.A. Orlando Publ. Inst. Antárt. Argent. 5: 95, pl. XI: fig. 6 1958
Amphiprora lepidaGreville Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 16: 5, pl. V: fig. 10 1865
Amphiprora lepidaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora lepidopteraGregory Trans. Microscop. Soc. London, ser. 2, 5: 76, pl. I: fig. 39 1857
Amphiprora lepidoptera var. delicatula"Greville" in T.V. Desikachary Atlas Diat. 6: 7 1989
Amphiprora lepidoptera var. delicatula "R.K.Greville" image
Amphiprora lepidoptera var. quarnerensis(A. Grunow) A. Grunow image
Amphiprora lepidopteraW. Gregory image
Amphiprora lepidopteraW. Gregory image
Amphiprora limpidaA. Mann image
Amphiprora lindheimeri(Grunow) Wolle Diat. N. America: expl. pl. II: fig. 1 1890
Amphiprora lineataGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 40, pl. I: fig. 19; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 540, pl. XIII: fig. 19 1863
Amphiprora lineataR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora longaCleve Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1{13}: 20, pl. III: fig. 15 1873
Amphiprora longaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora margine-punctataCleve image
Amphiprora maximaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 507, pl. XII: figs. 61, 61b 1857
Amphiprora maxima var. dubiaP.T. Cleve & A. Grunow image
Amphiprora maximaW. Gregory image
Amphiprora mediterraneaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora medulicaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: pl. XXXVIII: fig. 21 (desc. on p. 185, 1899) 1898
Amphiprora medulica var. sinensisB.V. Skvortzov image
Amphiprora membranaceaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora meneghinianaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 184, pl. IV: fig. 7; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 577, pl. XV: fig. 7 1863
Amphiprora meneghinianaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora minorW. Gregory image
Amphiprora navicularisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Amphiprora navicularisEhrenberg Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1841: 410 1843
Amphiprora navicularisEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 143 1841
Amphiprora nereisF.W. Lewis image
Amphiprora nitidaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 40, pl. I: fig. 18; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 540, pl. XIII: fig. 18 1863
Amphiprora nitidaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora nitzschiaE. O'Meara image
Amphiprora nitzschioidesP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora oblongaGreville Trans. Microscop. Soc. London, ser. 2, 11: 20, pl. I: fig. 15 1863
Amphiprora oblongaH.J. Carter image
Amphiprora oblongaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora obtusaW. Gregory image
Amphiprora obtusataA. Grunow image
Amphiprora oestrupiiH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphiprora oestrupiiVan Heurck Rapp. Sci. Voy. Belgica, Diatomées: 15, pl. 1: fig. 22 1909
Amphiprora oestrupii var. minorH.F. Van Heurck image
Amphiprora ornataBailey image
Amphiprora ornata var. genuinaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora ornata var. rectangulata(A. Cleve-Euler) A. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora paludosa var. africanaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora paludosa var. bahusiensisP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosa var. borealisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora paludosa var. borealisGrunow K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 62, pl. IV: fig. 85 1880
Amphiprora paludosa var. densestriataG. Krasske image
Amphiprora paludosa var. densistriata_(`densestriata')Krasske in Legler & Krasske Beih. Bot. Centralbl., Abt. B, 60: 342, pl. XIII: fig. 1 1940
Amphiprora paludosa var. dilatata(J. Pantocsek) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosa var. duplex(A.S. Donkin) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosa var. duplex(Donkin) Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 15 1894
Amphiprora paludosa var. genuinaA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora paludosa var. holdereriR. Gutwinski image
Amphiprora paludosa var. hyalinaCleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 15 1894
Amphiprora paludosa var. hyalinaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosa var. hyperboreaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora paludosa var. hyperborea f. minuta(A. Grunow) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosa var. hyperboreaGrunow K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 62, pl. V: fig. 86 1880
Amphiprora paludosa var. issykkulensisKisselev Trudy Nauchno-Issl. Inst. Bot. 7: 88, 94 fig. 20 1932
Amphiprora paludosa var. nereis(F.W. Lewis) P.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosa var. obliquaK.S. Mereschkowsky image
Amphiprora paludosa var. pokornyana(A. Grunow) A. Grunow image
Amphiprora paludosa var. pokornyana(Grunow) Grunow K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 63 1880
Amphiprora paludosa var. polarisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora paludosa var. punctulataA. Grunow image
Amphiprora paludosa var. punctulataGrunow K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 62, pl. IV: fig. 84 1880
Amphiprora paludosa var. rectaR. Tynni image
Amphiprora paludosa var. subsalinaCleve Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 14, pl. I: fig. 1 1894
Amphiprora paludosa var. subsalinaP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora paludosaW. Smith image
Amphiprora paradoxaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 41, pl. I: fig. 21; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 541, pl. XIII: fig. 21 1863
Amphiprora paradoxaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora paraliaM.H. Giffen image
Amphiprora parallelaE.H. Jørgensen image
Amphiprora pelagicaJ.-J. Brun image
Amphiprora pelagica var. rostrataJ.-J. Brun image
Amphiprora perplexaM.H. Giffen image
Amphiprora pethoeiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora plicata var. japonicaCastracane image
Amphiprora plicata var. subplicataA. Grunow image
Amphiprora plicataW. Gregory image
Amphiprora pokornyanaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora pokornyanaGrunow Verh. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 569, pl. 4: fig. 9 1860
Amphiprora posewitziiJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora pulchraBailey image
Amphiprora pulchra var. pulchellaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 183, pl. XXXVII: figs. 1-3 1898
Amphiprora punctataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora pusillaGregory Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 21: 504, pl. XII: fig. 56 1857
Amphiprora pusilla var. samoensisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora pusilla var. samoensisGrunow K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl. [ser. 4], 17{2}: 65 1880
Amphiprora pusillaW. Gregory image
Amphiprora quadrifasciataBailey image
Amphiprora quarnerensisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora quinquegibbaM. Ricard image
Amphiprora rabenhorstianaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 185, pl. IV: fig. 12; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 578, pl. XV: fig. 12 1863
Amphiprora rabenhorstianaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora ralfsiiG.A.W. Arnott image
Amphiprora rectaGregory Trans. Microscop. Soc. London, ser. 2, 5: 76, pl. I: fig. 40 1857
Amphiprora rectaW. Gregory image
Amphiprora rectangularisGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 185, pl. IV: fig. 10; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 578, pl. XV: fig. 10 1863
Amphiprora rectangularisR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora rectangulataA. Cleve-Euler image
Amphiprora reedianaS.R. Stidolph Nova Hedwigia 43: 30 [description but not name on p. 32], pls. 1-5 [= figs. 1-26] 1986
Amphiprora rieufiiHéribaud Ann. Biol. Lacustre 10: 106, pl. II: figs. 18,19 1920
Amphiprora rieufiiJ. Heribaud image
Amphiprora rigidaM. Peragallo Expéd. Antarct. Franc\*,. (1903--1905) ... Charcot. Diatomées: 21 1924
Amphiprora rimosaE. O'Meara image
Amphiprora rimosaE. O'Meara image
Amphiprora rivularisL.A. Brebisson image
Amphiprora robustaD. McCall image
Amphiprora rugosaP. Petit in Folin & Périer Fonds de la Mer 3: 187, pl. V: fig. 17 1877
Amphiprora rugosaP.C.M. Petit image
Amphiprora semistriataGrunow image
Amphiprora septentrionalisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora septentrionalisGrunow ex Cleve K. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 26{2}: 18 1894
Amphiprora similisF. Hustedt image
Amphiprora splendidaF. Hustedt image
Amphiprora striataJ. Pantocsek image
Amphiprora striolataA. Grunow image
Amphiprora striolataGrunow Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4 17{2}: 62, pl. IV: fig. 81 1880
Amphiprora subcostataF. Hustedt image
Amphiprora sulcataO'Meara image
Amphiprora sulcata var. balearicaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora superbaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 39, pl. I: fig. 17; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 539, pl. XIII: fig. 17 1863
Amphiprora superbaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora surirelloidesHendey J. Roy. Micr. Soc., ser. 3, 71: 67, pl. XVII: figs. 9, 10, 11, 15 1951
Amphiprora surirelloidesN.I. Hendey image
Amphiprora surirelloides var. minorR. Tynni image
Amphiprora tahitensisA. Grunow image
Amphiprora tempereiP.T. Cleve image
Amphiprora thwaitesianaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 183, pl. IV: fig. 9; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 576, pl. XV: fig. 9 1863
Amphiprora thwaitesianaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora triconfusaS.L. VanLandingham image
Amphiprora tumidulaA. Grunow image
Amphiprora undulataGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J., ser. 2, 18: 42, pl. I: fig. 22; Trans. Bot. Soc. [Edinburgh] 7: 542, pl. XIII: fig. 22 1863
Amphiprora undulataR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora venustaGreville Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 16: 6, pl. V: fig. 12 1865
Amphiprora venustaR.K. Greville image
Amphiprora vitreaW. Smith image
Amphiprora wendtiiO.N. Witt image
Amphiprora wilkinsoniaS.R. Stidolph image
Nitzschia amphiproraGrunow image
Pinnularia amphiproraC.G. Ehrenberg image
Pseudoamphiprora australisM. Peragallo Deux. Expéd. Antarct. Franc\*,. (1908-1910) ... Charcot. Diatomées: 59, pl. III: fig. 13 1921
Pseudoamphiprora crucifix(Temp. & Brun) Cleve image
Pseudoamphiprora fugeiHendey image
Pseudoamphiprora impleta(Cleve & Grove) Cleve image
Pseudoamphiprora jugata(Cleve) Cleve image
Pseudoamphiprora jugata var. pensacolae(Cleve) Cleve image
Pseudoamphiprora manginiiManguin image
Pseudoamphiprora monodiiAmosse image
Pseudoamphiprora polygona(Brun) Cleve image
Pseudoamphiprora stauroptera(Bailey) Cleve image
Pseudoamphiprora voigtiiMeister image

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