Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Achnanthidium sehuencoense_('sehuencoensis')E. Morales in Morales, Fernández, & Kociolek Acta Bot. Croat. 68: 273, figs. 8-14, 21-26 2009
Achnanthidium jackiiRabenhorst Alg. Eur. Dec. 101/102: 1003 1861
Achnanthidium ennediense(Compère) Compère & Van de Vijver Algol. Studies 136/137: 7 2011
Achnanthidium rostropyrenaicumI. Jüttner & E.J. Cox in I. Jüttner, J. Chimonides & E.J. Cox Algol. Studies 136/137: 49, figs. 2-13 2011
Achnanthidium sibiricumM. Kulikovskiy, H. Lange-Bertalot, A. Witkowski & G.K. Khursevich Algol. Studies 136/137: 79, figs. 1-26 2011
Achnanthidium cadimaeE. Morales, E. Fernández & L. Ector in E.A. Morales et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 109, figs. 197-210, 274-284 2011
Achnanthidium peruvianumE. Morales & L. Ector in E.A. Morales et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 121, figs. 211-224, 285-290 2011
Achnanthidium caravelenseM.E. Novais & L. Ector in M.E. Novais et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 142, figs. 1-36 2011
Achnanthidium standeri(Cholnoky) J.C. Taylor, E. Morales & L. Ector Algol. Studies 136/137: 155 2011
Achnanthidium taiaense(J.R. Carter & Denny) J.C. Taylor, E. Morales & L. Ector Algol. Studies 136/137: 160 2011
Achnanthidium sublineareB. Van de Vijver, A. Jarlman & L. Ector in B. Van de Vijver et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 179, figs. 183-207 2011
Achnanthidium pseudolineareB. Van de Vijver, M.E. Novais & L. Ector in B. Van de Vijver et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 186, figs. 208-256 2011
Achnanthidium hoffmanniiB. Van de Vijver, L. Ector, A. Mertens & A. Jarlman in B. Van de Vijver et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 195, figs. 1-17 2011
Achnanthidium acerosumB. Van de Vijver, H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Jarlman in B. Van de Vijver et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 198, figs. 18-25 2011
Achnanthidium ertziiB. Van de Vijver, & H. Lange-Bertalot in B. Van de Vijver et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 200, figs. 26-47 2011
Achnanthidium tepidaricolaB. Van de Vijver, & M. de Hann in B. Van de Vijver et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 201, figs. 48-66 2011
Achnanthidium polonicumB. Van de Vijver, A. Wojtal, E. Morales & L. Ector in A. Wojtal et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 223, figs. 131-154 2011
Achnanthidium acsiaeA. Wojtal, E. Morales, B. Van de Vijver & L. Ector in A. Wojtal et al. Algol. Studies 136/137: 226, figs. 155-184 2011
Achnanthidium biasolettianum_('biasolettiana')(Kützing) L.N. Bukhtiyarova Algologia 5: 420 1995
Achnanthidium kryophilum_('kryophila')(J.B. Petersen) L.N. Bukhtiyarova Algologia 5: 420 1995
Achnanthidium minutissimum var. affine_('affinis')(Grunow) L.N. Bukhtiyarova Algologia 5: 420 1995
Achnanthidium minutissimum var. gracillimum_('gracillima')(Meister) L.N. Bukhtiyarova Algologia 5: 420 1995
Achnanthidium lineareW. Smith Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 15: 8, pl. I: fig. 9 1855
Achnanthidium coarctatumBrébisson ex W. Smith Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 15: 8, pl. I: fig. 10 1855
Achnanthidium alpestre(R. Lowe & J.P. Kociolek) R. Lowe & J.P. Kociolek in J.R. Johansen et al. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 150 (Algol. Stud. 111): 23 2004
Achnanthidium subhudsonis(Hustedt) H. Kobayasi in Kobayasi et al. Atlas Japanese Diatoms 1: 129 2006
Achnanthidium microcephalumKützing Bacillarien: 75, pl. 3: figs. XIII, XIX 1844
Achnanthidium forteI.W. Bishop & S.A. Spaulding in Bishop et al. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 147: 270, figs. 76-80, 306-308 2018
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. genuinum_(`genuina')Mayer Ber. Naturw. Ver. Regensburg 14: 81, pl. III: figs. 42-44, 46, 47 1913
Achnanthidium modestiforme(H. Lange-Bertalot) B. Van de Vijver in B. Van de Vijver, Y. Frenot, & L. Beyens Biblioth. Diatomol. 46: 17 2002
Achnanthidium capitatumC. Riaux-Gobin, O. Romero, P. Compère, & A. Handal Biblioth. Diatomol. 57: 13, pls. 9, 10 2011
Achnanthidium chlidanos(M.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman) E. Novelo, R. Tavera, & C. Ibarra Bibliotheca Diatomol. 54: 28 2007
Achnanthidium maximumA. Cleve Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21{Afd. III, 2}: 24, figs. 22, 23 1895
Achnanthidium lanceolatumBrébisson ex Kützing Bot. Zeitung 4: 247 1846
Achnanthidium parallelumJ.R. Carter ex I. Jüttner, D.M. Williams, L. Ector & C.E. Wetzel in Jüttner et al. Botany Letters 167: 64, figs. 1-32 2019
Achnanthidium petersenii(Hustedt) C.E. Wetzel, L. Ector, D.M. Williams & I. Jüttner in Jüttner et al. Botany Letters 167: 66 2019
Achnanthidium brevipesHeiberg Consp. Crit. Diat. Dan.: 118 1863
Achnanthidium exile(Kützing) Heiberg Conspect. Diatom. Dan.: 119 1863
PSEUDACHNANTHIDIUMC. Riaux-Gobin in Riaux-Gobin & Witkowski Cryptogamie, Algologie 36: 294 2015
Pseudachnanthidium megapteropsisC. Riaux-Gobin & A. Witkowski Cryptogamie, Algologie 36: 294. figs. 2-15 2015
Achnanthidium tirolenseI. Jüttner, P.B. Hamilton, C.E. Wetzel, B. De Vijver, L. King, M.G. Kelly, D.M. Williams, & L. Ector Cryptogamie, Algologie 43: 156, figs. 15, 16 2022
Achnanthidium lacuslustenseI. Jüttner, P.B. Hamilton, C.E. Wetzel, B. De Vijver, L. King, M.G. Kelly, D.M. Williams, & L. Ector Cryptogamie, Algologie 43: 158, figs. 17, 18 2022
Achnanthidium ectorianumG.C. Marquardt & C.E. Wetzel in Marquardt et al., Cryptogamie, Algologie 44: 114, figs. 1-4 2023
Achnanthidium craterianumG.C. Marquardt & C.E. Wetzel in Marquardt et al., Cryptogamie, Algologie 44: 116, figs. 5-8 2023
Achnanthidium lailaeB. Van de Vijver in R. Zidarova, B. Van de Vijver, G. Mataloni, K. Kopalová, & L. Nedbalová Cryptogamie: Algol. 30: 297, figs. 1-21 2009
Achnanthidium daonense(H. Lange-Bertalot) H. Lange-Bertalot, O. Monnier, & L. Ector in O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, L. Hoffmann, & L. Ector Cryptogamie: Algologie 28: 155 2007
Achnanthidium helveticum(Hustedt) O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, & L. Ector in O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, L. Hoffmann, & L. Ector Cryptogamie: Algologie 28: 155 2007
Achnanthidium lauenburgianum(Hustedt) O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, & L. Ector in O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, L. Hoffmann, & L. Ector Cryptogamie: Algologie 28: 155 2007
Achnanthidium subatomoides(Hustedt) O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, & L. Ector in O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot, L. Hoffmann, & L. Ector Cryptogamie: Algologie 28: 155 2007
Achnanthidium sieminskaeA. Witkowski, M. Kulikovskiy & C. Riaux-Gobin in Wołowski et al. (eds) Current Advances in Algal Taxonomy: p. 65, figs. 1-40 2012
Achnanthidium fulla(J.R. Carter) M. Aboal in A. Witkowski (ed.), Diat. Monogr. 4: 143 2003
Achnanthidium subsalsum(J.B. Petersen) M. Aboal in A. Witkowski (ed.), Diat. Monogr. 4: 147 2003
Achnanthidium lapidosum(Krasske) H. Kobayasi in S. Mayama, M. Idei, K. Osada, & T. Nagumo Diatom 18: 89 2002
Achnanthidium ovatumT. Watanabe & Tuji in Watanabe et al. Diatom 24: 34, figs. 2-25 2008
Achnanthidium biporomum(M.H. Hohn & J. Hellerman) D.B. Czarnecki in Czarnecki & Edlund Diatom Res. 10: 208 1995
Achnanthidium clevei(Grunow) D.B. Czarnecki in Czarnecki & Edlund Diatom Res. 10: 207 1995
Achnanthidium clevei var. rostratum(Hustedt) M.B. Edlund in Czarnecki & Edlund Diatom Res. 10: 207 1995
Achnanthidium levanderi(Hustedt) D.B. Czarnecki in Czarnecki & Edlund Diatom Res. 10: 208 1995
Achnanthidium pusillum(Grunow) D.B. Czarnecki in Czarnecki & Edlund Diatom Res. 10: 208 1995
Achnanthidium alteragracillimum_('altergracillima')(Meister) F.E. Round & L.N. Bukhtiyarova Diatom Research 11: 349 1996
Achnanthidium biasolettianum(Grunow) F.E. Round & L.N. Bukhtiyarova Diatom Research 11: 350 1996
Achnanthidium deflexum(C.W. Reimer) J.C. Kingston Diatom Research 15: 410 2000
Achnanthidium exiguum var. constrictum(Grunow) N.A. Andresen, E.F. Stoermer, & R.G. Kreis, Jr. Diatom Research 15: 413 2000
Achnanthidium kranzii(Lange-Bertalot) F.E. Round & L.N. Bukhtiyarova Diatom Research 11: 350 1996
Achnanthidium macrocephalum(Hustedt) F.E. Round & L.N. Bukhtiyarova Diatom Research 11: 349 1996
Achnanthidium saprophilum_(`saprophila')(H. Kobayasi & S. Mayama) F.E. Round & L.N. Bukhtiyarova Diatom Research 11: 349 1996
Achnanthidium semiapertum_(`semiaperta')(P. Guermeur) N.A. Andresen, E.F. Stoermer, & R.G. Kreis, Jr. Diatom Research 15: 413 2000
Achnanthidium rivulareM.G. Potapova & K.C. Ponader Diatom Research 19: 36, figs. 1-18, 28-43 2004
Achnanthidium crassum(Hustedt) M.G. Potapova & K.C. Ponader Diatom Research 19: 38 2004
Achnanthidium pseudoconspicuum(Foged) I. Juttner & E.J. Cox Diatom Research 26: 22 2011
Achnanthidium kenyae(Cholnoky) C. Cocquyt Diatom Research 22: 258 2007
Achnanthidium barbeiR. Le Cohu & F. Peres in Peres et al. Diatom Research 29: 388, figs. 1-40 2014
Achnanthidium costeiR. Le Cohu & F. Peres in Peres et al. Diatom Research 29: 390, figs. 41-80 2014
Achnanthidium longissimumP. Yu, Q-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in Yu et al. Diatom Research 33: 340, figs. 1-40 2019
Achnanthidium ovaleM. Miao & B.-H. Kim in Miao et al. Diversity 12{285}: 5, figs. 2-4 2020
Achnanthidium cavitatumM. Miao & B.-H. Kim in Miao et al. Diversity 12{285}: 7, figs. 5-7 2020
Achnanthidium digitatumE. Pinseel, P. Vanormelingen, P.B. Hamilton & B. Van de Vijver in Pinseel et al. Eur. J. Phycol. 52: 271, figs. 1-10, 18-27, 38-49 2017
Achnanthidium indistinctumB. Van de Vijver & K. Kopalová European Journal of Taxonomy 79: 4, figs. 2-28 2014
Achnanthidium maritimo-antarcticumB. Van de Vijver & K. Kopalová European Journal of Taxonomy 79: 6, figs. 29-49 2014
Achnanthidium thermaleRabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. I: 107 1864
Achnanthidium delmontiiF. Pérès, R. Le Cohu & A. Barthès in Pérès et al. Fottea 12: 190, figs. 1-82 2012
Achnanthidium australexiguumB. Van de Vijver in Taylor et al. Fottea 14: 47, figs. 65-92 2014
Achnanthidium initiumB. Karthick, J.C. Taylor & P.B. Hamilton Fottea 17: 66, figs. 1-46 2017
Achnanthidium linannulumB. Karthick, J.C. Taylor & P.B. Hamilton Fottea 17: 66, figs. 47-84 2017
Achnanthidium lacustreP. Yu, Q.M. You & J.P. Kociolek in Yu et al. Fottea 19: 34, figs. 1-20, 90-105 2019
Achnanthidium sublanceolatumP. Yu, Q.M. You & J.P. Kociolek in Yu et al. Fottea 19: 34, figs. 21-55, 106-123 2019
Achnanthidium taipingense_('taipingensis')P. Yu, Q.M. You & J.P. Kociolek in Yu et al. Fottea 19: 35, figs. 56-89, 124-146 2019
Achnanthidium mediolanceolatumP. Yu, Q.-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in Q. You et al. Fottea 19: 139, figs. 1-32, 105-116 2019
Achnanthidium parvulumQ.-M. You, P. Yu, & J.P. Kociolek in Q. You et al. Fottea 19: 140, figs. 33-74, 117-124 2019
Achnanthidium guizhouense_('guizhouensis')P. Yu, Q.-M. You & J.P. Kociolek in Q. You et al. Fottea 19: 142, figs. 75-104, 125-140 2019
Achnanthidium amphicephalum(Hustedt) I. Jüttner, C.E. Wetzel & Z. Levkov in Jüttner et al., Fottea 23: 127 2023
Achnanthidium trinodeRalfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 872 1861
Achnanthidium strictumE. Reichardt Iconogr. Diatomol. 13: 426, pl. 3: figs. 1-16 2004
Achnanthidium pfisteriH. Lange-Bertalot in M. Werum & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 13: 126, pl. 20 2004
Achnanthidium kriegeri(G. Krasske) P.B. Hamilton, D. Antoniades, & P.A. Siver in D. Antoniades, P.B. Hamilton, M.S.V. Douglas, & J.P. Smol Iconogr. Diatomol. 17: 20 2008
Achnanthidium cubanenseD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 23, pl. 109: figs. 1-10 2007
Achnanthidium mangelsdorffiiD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 24, pl. 109: figs. 11-23 2007
Achnanthidium archibaldianum(H. Lange-Bertalot) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 270 1999
Achnanthidium arcus(Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 270 1999
Achnanthidium biasolettianum(Grunow) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 270 1999
Achnanthidium blancheanum(R. Maillard ex H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Steindorf) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 270 1999
Achnanthidium caledonicum(H. Lange-Bertalot) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 271 1999
Achnanthidium catenatum(J. Bílý & Marvan) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 271 1999
Achnanthidium contrarea(H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Steindorf) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 271 1999
Achnanthidium eutrophilum(H. Lange-Bertalot) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 271 1999
Achnanthidium indicatrix(H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Steindorf) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 272 1999
Achnanthidium metaffine(H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Steindorf) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 272 1999
Achnanthidium koghisense(G. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 273 1999
Achnanthidium peridotiticum(G. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 273 1999
Achnanthidium pirogueanum(R. Maillard ex H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Steindorf) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 273 1999
Achnanthidium straubianum(H. Lange-Bertalot) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 273 1999
Achnanthidium subatomus(Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 273 1999
Achnanthidium woltereckii(Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 274 1999
Achnanthidium koghisense f. angustifasciatum(G. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin) H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconogr. Diatomol. 6: 273 1999
Achnanthidium hauckianum(Grunow) D.B. Czarnecki J. Iowa Acad. Sci. 101: 96 1995
Achnanthidium bioretii(H. Germain) M.B. Edlund J. Minnesota Acad. Sci. 59: 12 1994
Achnanthidium clevei var. rostratum(Hustedt) M.B. Edlund J. Minnesota Acad. Sci. 59: 12 1994
Achnanthidium duthiei_('duthii')(M.R. Sreenivasa) M.B. Edlund J. Minnesota Acad. Sci. 59: 12 1994
Achnanthidium dolomiticumM. Cantonati & H. Lange-Bertalot J. Phycol. 42: 1185, figs. 1-3 2006
ACHNANTHIDIUMP.T. Cleve K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 27{3}: 165 (key), 191 1895
Achnanthidium delicatulumKützing Kieselschal. Bacill.: 75, pl. 3: fig. XXI 1844
Achnanthidium reimeri(K.E. Camburn) K.C. Ponader & M.G. Potapova Limnologica 37: 235 2007
ACHNANTHES subg. ACHNANTHIDIUM(Kützing) C.W. Reimer in R. Patrick & C.W. Reimer Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 13{1}: 247 1966
ACHNANTHIDIUM(Kützing) C.W. Reimer in R. Patrick & C.W. Reimer Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 13{1}: 247 1966
Achnanthidium nollii(O. Bock & W. Bock) Lange-Bertalot in Kusber et al. Notulae algarum 209: 1 2021
Achnanthidium convergens(H. Kobayasi) H. Kobayasi Nova Hedwigia 65: 159 1997
Achnanthidium japonicum(H. Kobayasi) H. Kobayasi Nova Hedwigia 65: 156 1997
Achnanthidium latecephalumH. Kobayasi Nova Hedwigia 65: 152, figs. 19-40 1997
Achnanthidium pyrenaicum(Hustedt) H. Kobayasi Nova Hedwigia 65: 148 1997
Achnanthidium zhakovschikovae_(`zhakovschikovii')M. Potapova Nova Hedwigia 82: 400, figs. 1-9, 28-33 2006
Achnanthidium pavenseV. Vassal, D. Heudre, C.E. Wetzel & L. Tudesque Nova Hedwigia 117: 143 2023
Achnanthidium ecrinenseV. Vassal, D. Heudre, C.E. Wetzel & L. Tudesque Nova Hedwigia 117: 143 2023
Achnanthidium nodosum(A. Cleve) N.D. Tseplik & D.A. Chudaev Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 54: 46 2020
Achnanthidium pseudoconspicuum var. yomense_('yomensis')E. Yana & S. Mayama Phycol. Research 63: 240, figs. 1-27 2015
Achnanthidium exiguum var. elliptica(Hustedt) M.A. Harper in Harper et al. Phylum Ochrophyta ...: 162 2012
Achnanthidium tineaN.D. Tseplik, M.S. Kulikovskiy, J.P. Kociolek & Y.I. Maltsev in Tseplik et al. PhytoKeys 174: 151, figs. 1-3 2021
Achnanthidium gladiusN.D. Tseplik, M.S. Kulikovskiy, A.M. Glushchenko & S.I. Genkal in Tseplik et al. PhytoKeys 187: 133, figs. 2, 3 2021
Achnanthidium bratanenseD.A. Kapustin, A.M. Glushchenko & M.S. Kulikovskiy PhytoKeys 188: 169, figs. 1, 2 2022
Achnanthidium anhuenseP. Yu, Q.M. You & Q.X. Wang in Yu et al. PhytoKeys 191: 13, figs. 1A-AD, 2-5 2022
Achnanthidium qingxienseQ.M. You, P. Yu, & Q.X. Wang in Yu et al. PhytoKeys 191: 18, figs. 1AE-AS, 6-9 2022
Achnanthidium kangdingneseP. Yu, Q.M. You & Q.X. Wang in Yu et al. PhytoKeys 204: 99, figs. 1-5 2022
Achnanthidium palmetiG. Gassiole, R. Le Cohu & M. Coste Phytotaxa 119: 22, figs. 1-27 2013
Achnanthidium durienseM.H. Novais & L. Ector in Novais et al. Phytotaxa 224: 122, figs. 334-379, 395-402 2015
Achnanthidium lusitanicumM.H. Novais & M. Morais in Novais et al. Phytotaxa 224: 129, figs. 403-466, 467-477 2015
Achnanthidium nanum(F. Meister) M.H. Novais & I. Jüttner in Novais et al. Phytotaxa 224: 121 2015
Achnanthidium neocryptocephalumM.H. Novais & B. Van de Vijver Phytotaxa 224: 116 2015
Achnanthidium sinenseBing Liu & S. Blanco in Liu et al. Phytotaxa 284: 195, figs. 2-41 2016
Achnanthidium subhudsonis var. kraeuselii(Cholnoky) M. Cantonati & H. Lange-Bertalot in Kusber et al. Phytotaxa 328: 90 2017
Achnanthidium neotropicumK.J. Krahn & C.E. Wetzel in Krahn et al. Phytotaxa 282: 91, figs. 2-88 2018
Achnanthidium jiuzhaiense_('jiuzhaienis')P. Yu, Q.-M. You & Q.-X. Wang in Yu et al. Phytotaxa 405: 149, figs. 2-129 2019
Achnanthidium epilithicum_('epilithica')P. Yu, Q.-M. You & Q.-X. Wang in Yu et al. Phytotaxa 405: 154, figs. 130-231 2019
Achnanthidium limosum_('limosua')P. Yu, Q.-M. You & Q.-X. Wang in Yu et al. Phytotaxa 405: 158, figs. 232-292 2019
Achnanthidium subtilissimumP. Yu, Q.-M. You & Q.-X. Wang in Yu et al. Phytotaxa 405: 161, figs. 293-355 2019
Achnanthidium sichuanenseY.L. Wang & Q.M. You in Q.M. You, K. Zhao, Y.L. Wang, P. Yu, J.P. Kociolek, W.T. Pang, & Q.X. Wang Phytotaxa 479: 258, figs. 1-32 2021
Achnanthidium ampliatumY. Liu, M. Kulikovskiy & J.P. Kociolek in Liu et al. Phytotaxa 516: 191, figs. 1-26 2021
Achnanthidium tibeticumY. Liu & J.P. Kociolek in Ge et al. Phytotaxa 538: 271, figs. 1-32 2022
Achnanthidium acutumL.F. Costa, C.E. Wetzel, L. Ector in Costa et al., Phytotaxa 575: 194, figs. 2-25 2022
Achnanthidium brasilienseL.F. Costa & G.C. Marquardt in Costa et al., Phytotaxa 575: 196, 26-44 2022
Achnanthidium parvicapitatumL.F. Costa, L. Ector & C.E. Wetzel in Costa et al., Phytotaxa 575: 201, figs. 100-116 2022
Achnanthidium paulistanumL.F. Costa & D. Bicudo in Costa et al., Phytotaxa 575: 203, figs. 117-143 2022
Achnanthidium ritaeL.F. Costa in Costa et al., Phytotaxa 575: 207, figs. 194-214 2022
Achnanthidium vandevijveriL.F. Costa, L. Ector & C.E. Wetzel in Costa et al., Phytotaxa 575: 210, figs. 276-316 2022
Achnanthidium lucectoriiE. Morales & K. Manoylov Phytotaxa 592: 3, figs. 1-42 2023
Achnanthidium enigmaticumE. Morales & K. Manoylov Phytotaxa 592: 60, figs. 43-65 2023
Achnanthidium tropicocatenatumG.C. Marquardt, C.E. Wetzel & L. Ector in Marquardt et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 150: 318, figs. 3-5 2017
Achnanthidium peetersianumC.E. Wetzel, I. Jüttner & L. Ector in Wetzel et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152: 345, figs. 1N-AK, 3A-J 2019
Achnanthidium coxianumI. Jüttner, L. Ector & C.E. Wetzel in Wetzel et al. Plant Ecology and Evolution 152: 347, figs. 1AL-BH, 5A-H 2019
Achnanthidium barlasiiC.N. Solak, A.Z. Wojtal, S. Blanco, Ł. Peszek & M. Rybak Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 227, figs. 2-4 2022
Achnanthidium dumlupinariiC.N. Solak, A.Z. Wojtal, S. Blanco, Ł. Peszek & M. Rybak Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 227, figs. 5-7 2022
Achnanthidium anatolicumC.N. Solak, A.Z. Wojtal, S. Blanco, Ł. Peszek & M. Rybak Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 230, figs. 8-10 2022
Achnanthidium chitrakootenseA. Wojtal, H. Lange-Bertalot, & P. Nautiyal in Wojtal et al. Polish Bot. J. 55: 58, figs. 2-32 2010
Achnanthidium affine(Grunow) D.B. Czarnecki Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 11 [Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. 17]: 156 1994
Achnanthidium exiguum(Grunow) D.B. Czarnecki Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 11 [Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. 17]: 157 1994
Achnanthidium exiguum var. heterovalvum(G. Krasske) D.B. Czarnecki Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 11 [Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. 17]: 157 1994
Achnanthidium minutissimum(Kützing) D.B. Czarnecki Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 11 [Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. 17]: 157 1994
ACHNANTHES subg. ACHNANTHIDIUMHustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. 7{2}: 418 1933
ACHNANTHIDIUMHustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. 7{2}: 418 1933
Achnanthidium gracillimum(Meister) Lange-Bertalot Süsswasserflora Mitteleuropas. Bacillariophyceae 4: 427 2004
Achnanthidium linearioidesH. Lange-Bertalot Süsswasserflora Mitteleuropas. Bacillariophyceae 4: 427 2004
Achnanthidium rosenstockii(H. Lange-Bertalot) H. Lange-Bertalot Süsswasserflora Mitteleuropas. Bacillariophyceae 4: 427 2004
Achnanthidium thienemannii(Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot Süsswasserflora Mitteleuropas. Bacillariophyceae 4: 427 2004
Achnanthidium minutissimum f. inconspicuum(Østrup) Compère & Riaux-Gobin Syst. Geogr. Pls. 79: 40 2009
Achnanthidium hungaricumGrunow Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 13: 146, pl. 13: fig. 8a 1863
Achnanthidium pseudodelicatissimumC. Riaux-Gobin, P. Compère, & A. Witkowski Vie et Milieu 60: 159, figs. 1-12 2010
Achnanthidium flexuistriatumC. Riaux-Gobin, P. Compère, & A. Witkowski Vie et Milieu 60: 161, figs. 13-22 2010
Achnanthidium glyphosC. Riaux-Gobin, P. Compère, & A. Witkowski Vie et Milieu 60: 161, figs. 25-37 2010
Achnanthidium pseudochamaepinnulariaC. Riaux-Gobin, P. Compère, & A. Witkowski Vie et Milieu 60: 166, figs. 38-47 2010
Achnanthidium scalariformeC. Riaux-Gobin, P. Compère, & A. Witkowski Vie et Milieu 60: 170, figs. 48-53 2010
Achnanthidium druartiiF. Rimet & A. Couté in Rimet et al. Vie et Milieu 60: 188, pls. I-III 2010
Achnanthidium atomoidesO. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot & L. Ector in Monnier et al. Vie et Milieu 54: 128, figs. 1-41, 117-123 2004
Achnanthidium atomus(Hustedt) O. Monnier, H. Lange-Bertalot & L. Ector in Monnier et al. Vie et Milieu 54: 133 2004
ACHNANTHES subg.ACHNANTHIDIUM (Kützing) C.W. Reimer image
ACHNANTHES subg.ACHNANTHIDIUM (Kützing) C.W. Reimer image
ACHNANTHIDIUM(Kützing) C.W. Reimer image
ACHNANTHIDIUM(Kützing) Schütt image
ACHNANTHIDIUMHustedt illegitimate image
ACHNANTHIDIUMP.T. Cleve invalid image
Achnanthidium agardhii(Kützing) Mereschkowsky image
Achnanthidium alteragracillimum_('altergracillima')(Lange-Bertalot) F.E. Round & L.N. Bukhtiyarova, inval. image
Achnanthidium alteragracillimum_('altergracillima')F.E. Round & L. Bukhtiyarova image
Achnanthidium arcticumCleve image
Achnanthidium baldjikiiGrunow image
Achnanthidium biasolettianum(Grunow) F.E. Round & L. Bukhtiyarova image
Achnanthidium brevipes(C. Agardh) Heiberg image
Achnanthidium brevipes var. biareolatum_('biareolata')Mereschkowsky image
Achnanthidium brevipes var. tumidulum(Grunow) Meister image
Achnanthidium coarctatumBrébisson ex W. Smith image
Achnanthidium coarctatum var. elineatumLagerstedt image
Achnanthidium coarctatum var. otrantinum(Rabenhorst) Rabenhorst image
Achnanthidium cocconeiformisMereschkowsky image
Achnanthidium contractumSchumann image
Achnanthidium cryptocephalumNägeli ex Kützing image
Achnanthidium danicumFlögel image
Achnanthidium delicatulum f. angustatumGutwinski image
Achnanthidium delicatulumKützing image
Achnanthidium elineatum 'Lagerstedt' image
Achnanthidium exile(Kützing) Heiberg image
Achnanthidium flexellum(Kützing) Brébisson ex Kützing image
Achnanthidium flexellum f. minutum_('minuta')A. Cleve image
Achnanthidium groenlandicumCleve image
Achnanthidium hauckii(Grunow) Comber image
Achnanthidium inflatum_('inflata')(Kützing) Hutton image
Achnanthidium kranzii(Lange-Bertalot) F.E. Round & L. Bukhtiyarova image
Achnanthidium lanceolatumBrébisson ex Kützing image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum f. minutissimum_('minutissima')(Kützing) Tömösvary image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. conspicuum_('conspicua')A. Mayer image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. dubium(Grun.) Meister image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. ellipticum(Cleve) Meister image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. genuinum_('genuina')Mayer image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. inflatum_('inflata')Mayer image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. minimum_('minima')Mayer image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. rhomboidaleMayer image
Achnanthidium lanceolatum var. rusticumSteinecke image
Achnanthidium lyraSchumann image
Achnanthidium macrocephalum(Hustedt) F.E. Round & L. Bukhtiyarova image
Achnanthidium microcephalumKützing image
Achnanthidium minutissimum(Kützing) D.B. Czarnecki image
Achnanthidium minutumCleve image
Achnanthidium naviculoidesReinsch image
Achnanthidium neglectumSchumann image
Achnanthidium obliquum_('obliqua')Mereschkowsky image
Achnanthidium obtusumSchumann image
Achnanthidium otrantinumRabenhorst image
Achnanthidium rostratum_('rostrata') "Østrup" image
Achnanthidium saprophilum_('saprophila')(H. Kobayasi & S. Mayama) F.E. Round & L. Bukhtiyarova image
Achnanthidium subhungaricumGutwinski image
Achnanthidium subsessile(Kützing) Heiberg image
Achnanthidium subsessile var. tumidulum 'Grunow' image
Achnanthidium undulatumSchumann image
Achnanthidium zelleriKirchner image

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Page last updated 7 October 2024