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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Berkeley, Apr. 4, 1931
- Professor L. A. Abrams, of Stanford, called this afternoon. He wanted to see my type of Berberis dictoya which he regards as a good species. I showed him also some spms. of Arenaria in which he is interested.
He said that at Stanford, that elaboration of administration had gone very far, just as it has here. He also referred to the fact that students deliberately determine against working for the highest standards, that you (a student) are told not to work too hard, that you raise the standards unduly if you do. He has a daughter who is a junior and thus know much of the inside mind of the students.
- Hawkins, Univ. of Minnesota, called in the last month, when I was not in. Secretary reporting: "he likes you books".
- Distribution of species of seed plants in California, in relation to Sequoia sempervirens Endl. - An amazing number of species come into association with the Redwood at some one point. Consider the Red Bud, Cercis occidentalis, a dry country shrub or small tree approaching the Redwood very closely at Ukiah! and at that place only. If it is to approach the Redwood at all, why not in the South Coast Range country - Santa Lucia Mts., where it would be more at home climatically, it would seem, but does not occur! Compare the Redwood in the Oakland Hills - its associates - and especially its lack of associates, i. e. the characteristic associates of
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