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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Stone Lagoon; Humboldt Coast
No. 9324. Sidalcea eximia Greene=S. oregana ssp. eximia See p. 142.
Tracy says this is exactly like his plant made the type of Greene's eximia. - Dow's Prairie

No. 9325. Helenium
Dow's Prairie.
No. 9326. Scirpus
Stone Lagoon
No. 9327. Juncus bufonius
Stone Lagoon
No. 9328. Eleocharis macrostachya
Stone Lagoon
No. 9329. Rumex fueginus Phil.
Stone Lagoon
No. 9330. Spergularia
Stone Lagoon
No. 9331. Gnaphalium
Stone Lagoon
No. 9332. Carex
Stone Lagoon
Aug. 7, 1921
No. 9333. Lilaeopsis occidentalis
C. and R. Stone Lagoon
No. 9334. Polygonum persicaria
Stone Lagoon
No. 9335. Hippuris vulgaris L.
Stone Lagoon
No. 9336. Scirpus
Stone Lagoon
No. 9337._ Sagina apetala Ard.
Stone Lagoon
No. 9338. Iris.
Tracy calls this I. douglasiana. It occurs in heavy colonies on the headlands in Del Norte Co. not far from the mouth of the Klamath. The stools [?I think this is right--name for footstalk/stem base of iris?] are heavier than I have ever before seen them and the colonies were nearly pure and covered 2 or 3 acres each.
_No. 9337a. Alchemilla occidentalis Nutt. Stone Lagoon.
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