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Sheep Mt., White Mts. 11,500 to 12,300 ft. Mono Co. July 27, 1917.

No. 7314. Potentilla breweri Wats.
Sheep Mt. Petals yellow, an orange spot at base, broadly obovate or obcordate, notched or retuse at summit. Stamens 20, 18, 20, 20. High rocky slope. Petals 3 lines long. 12,000 ft. = P. pseudosericea Rydb. var. grandiflora Wolf.

No. 7315. Artemisia michauxiana Besser
High rocky slope Sheep Mt.
12,200 ft.

No. 7316. Poa hansenii Scribn. det. A.S.H. Poa rupicola Nash.
This grass grew in small scattered bunches or tufts high on the rocky slope Sheep Mt. 12,200 ft.

7316A. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers.
(with above specimen)

No. 7317. Trisetum spicatum Richter. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. (det. Beecher Crampton, Nov. 13, 1975)
with 7316. Spikes of this grass reddish-brown. Same habit as 7316. Det A.S.H.

No. 7318. Astragalus. Oxytropis viscida Nutt.
Sheep Mt., White Mts. 11,500 to 12,300 ft. Mono Co. July 27, 1917.

Fls. white, the wings shorter than the banner, the keel shorter than the wings. Herbage very glandular and somewhat shining. Rare. High rocky slope Sheep Mt. 12,200 ft

No. 7319. Potentilla breweri Wats. = P. pseudosericea Rydb. Leaves silvery-canescent. Stamens 18, 15, 15, 13, 20. Petals yellow, obovate. High rocky slope. Sheep mt. Stamens 20, 20. 12,200 ft.

No. 7320. Castilleja pilosa (Wats.) Rydb. var. monoensis Jepson. Lower lip of 3 slender recurved lobes, almost equaling the galea in length!!, white, pinkish at tip. Calyx lobes slender, equal, pink-tipped. Cor. dark red. Sacs green-banded transversely across top below "teeth". Stigma black, capitate. Frequent on the high rocky slopes of Sheep Mt. 12,200 feet.
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