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Ludlow, Mohave Des.
alt. 1775 ft.

- The country about Ludlow looked very desolate as I started out, altho the abundance of Argemone mexicana in full flower about the place gave a sense of botanical excitement. After a discouraging walk over the dry hills for two miles I ran into a fairly good botanizing area.
Ludlow is the junction of the Tonopah and Tidewater railway, and the Santa Fe.

[No. 5467. Cont. Spiny shrub with grappling-hook-like branches 2 to 2 1/2 ft. h. See p. 81]
No. 5493 Cont. Noted in laboratory: Outer calyx-segs elliptic, inner oblong. Calyx minutely glandular pub. stamens a little exserted.
12 May 1913

No. 5494. Gilia (Langloisia) punctata Hel. [(Hel.) Goodding]
No. 5495. [Lygodesmia exigua] Comp.
No. 5496. [Trichoptilium incisum.] Comp. Dry gravelly hills
No. 5497. Heliotropium convolvulaceum Gray. [var. californicum (Greene) Jtn.] Dry sandy wash. [Per. white, its limb spreading rotately & tautly. [?]]
No. 5498. Lycium torreyi Gray. Fls. lavender. Bush 8 ft. h. and as broad.
No. 5499. Argemone [corymbosa Greene] Very abundant in the "town" of Ludlow; probably introduced by the Mexicans, section hands on the railway. A. intermedia Sweet var. corymbosa Eastw.
No. 5500. Cassia armata Wats. Dry washes, very showy.
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