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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Colorado River
- None of the settlers attempt to take a boat up the river. When a boat goes down the river that is the last of it.
- The Black Willow_ rip-raps__ the bank splendidly but a quarter-mile has been taken out in one place here, exposing the fine depth of soil. The Arrow-weed (Tessaria borealis) back of the Willow bank shows thus that it has been silted up 2 or 3 ft. After a bank's protective covering is gone the water just melts this fine soil away. Its quality is shown by this melting.
_ Salix nigra
__ natural growth
24 Oct, 1912
- Larrea mexicana.
On hills by the river a little below Pittsburg Flat the Larrea is so spaced that the appearance is that of an orchard, there being only the one species.
- The vegetation on the hills about the Whipple Mts consists mainly of dark spots (Larrea mexicana) and white spots (Encelia farinosa, No. 5202). The latter has whitish-brown branches & gray-green leaves, the whole bush looking white at a little distance Corymbs 2 or 3-headed, borne on a long terminal peduncle. Branching regularly from base dichotomous fashion, mostly 20 to 24 to 27 in. high, as broad or broader. Cattle browse it, probably taking only the dead flowering peduncles.
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