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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Barstow 2100 ft [June 4, 1912]
No. 4773. Cont. p. 24. At a little distance the inexperienced traveler or even the keen one might mistake these clumps for willows.

No. 4782. Lycium torreyi. Cont. p. 37.
Berry red, half covered not in general by the calyx. Shrub 7 ft. height, thorny. Branches with divaricate flexuous branchlets. Corollas always illegitimately punctured at base just above calyx.

No. 4783. Atriplex confertifolia
Dense bushes 10 to 18 inches high. The long slender spines represent last year_s inflorescences.

No. 4784. Ephedra californica. Called _Mexican Tea_ by people at Barstow, who use it medicinally.
[Barstow 2100 ft] June 4, 1912
No. 4785. Dalea fremonti. Torr.
Three feet high shrub with short thick branches.

No. 4786. Lepidium fremontii. Wats.
Shoots of the season from stout woody stems a foot high.

No. 4787. Aster abatus Blake.
These from woody stems 1 foot high.

No. 4788
Three feet high, woody shrub.

No. 4789. Baccharis glutinosa, Bright lustrous green. Called _Water-Wally_ here and at San Bernardino. Also _Water-Moody_ here; perhaps the latter name a corruption of _Water Motor_?? In moister places than Arrow-weed! Mohave River.
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