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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Chester (Big M'd'ws [Meadows])
- A band of 3500 sheep passed Chester this morning going east to Eagle Lake in Lassen Co. about 70 miles. It came from "the Valley" near Orland. The Valley here always means the Sacramento Valley. Such a band will not travel over 10 miles a day. There is a great deal of travel east & west on this road in the summer - none in the winter. A lot of it is cattle moving to summer ranges.
- Aspen and Black Cottonwood growing together along the Feather river at upper end of the meadows.
June 14, 1910
- Juglans californica nuts (said to be this sp. from Chico) planted here. Seedlings now up. Will they live? As much as 4 ft. snow here in winter. Sleighing right over fences. The younger Olsen says that California walnuts grow at Red Bluff and that the fround froze for two weeks last winter so hard that wagons would not sink in the mud. What is the temperature range of California walnut at endemic stations? I should say 20 deg. to 100 deg. But what is the temp. range under its horticultural range in California?
- Taraxacum dens-leonis, a great deal of it in the meadows here. Thoroughly established.
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