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Siskiyou Expedition
[July 1907]

allowed him to sleep. When he awoke he looked around at us in a dazed sort of way, got up and went to see the animals in a manner quite different from his usual cheery way. I considered him an unusual find. He was always on the job. He did not have to be told to do everything. If the camp pail was empty off he goes to the spring to fill it. He is extremely good-natured. Now for a day he seems utterly changed. The next day it comes out. He felt that I must have have it in for him because he did not get up early yesterday. As a boy he had had a hard life on the pack trains running into the gold mines on the Salmon. If he failed to be up first in the morning some one threw a stone at him and cursed. He thought that I in my way would have it in for him too in a different
[Siskiyou Expedition]
July 1907

way and was only waiting a chance to get even! When he found that he was mistaken he became his sunny self again. In the days that followed he told me of his life, that he had worked his way thru grammar school and now was on his way thru high school. He is janitor of the Baptist Church, for which he gets _10.00 per month which is just velvet. Finally he tells me that he is coming to the University. My surprise takes him aback. I ask him what he intends to do there. He says he is going to be a lawyer! I ask him about expenses. He says he will work his way! I point out to him that student jobs are scarce because of so many students on the ground already. He is a little discouraged but not much and promises that he will bring his first-years expenses with him.
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