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Liverpool to Quebec
winds are rough but have not been ill. Then towards the end we are having fog - four and one-half days of it. This did not mar my pleasure altho making navigation difficult for the ship's officers. The cabins are comfortable, the company small but composed of very pleasant people, as as is orthodox I have done nothing the whole voyage but what the monent's fancy dictated. So I have not had a dull moment.
Entering the Gulf of St. Lawrence the fog disappeared, revealing on one side of us the rough wooded hills of New Brunswick and the fishing
July 14, 1906
villages of the French inhabitants clustered along the shore. Standing on the bridge deck one can scent the odor of the forests in the land breeze, a wind coming off hundreds of thousands of square miles of spruce forests.
Mr. Copland of Montreal and myself got up at five oclock this morning, July 15, the boat having reached Quebec last night. We walked into the town until we found a "victoria". We were looking for a "calash" the characteristic vehicle of the old French town, but none were in sight. To the cabby: "We havbe 3/4 of an hour. We want to go to the
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