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483 Books Wanted.

= Nemec, Dr. B. Studien uber die Regeneration. Gebruder Borntraeger Berlin S.W. Dessauerstr. 29. (1905). -- Concerned with plants!
= Solms-Laubach [?], Die leiteneden Gesichtspunkte einer allgemeinen Pflanzengeographie in kurzer Darstellung. Arthur Felix, Leipzig. (1905).
= Lubbock. Buds and Stipules, No. 86 and Seedlings _79 of Intern. Sci. Ser. (Kegan Paul Trench Trubner & Co.)
= Legends of the Monastic Orders as represented in the Fine Arts, by Mrs. Jameson, Longmans, Green & Co. 15 East 16th st., New York.
Rec. by General & Mrs. Greenleaf [?]
Berlin, Pension Fulleborne, 44 Jerusalemstr. "Best"
Amsterdam, Brachdoelon [?] Hotel.
Heidelberg; Pens. Nabel. cheap & good.
Stuttgart, Pens. Olga, Strasse 31
Weisbaden, Villa Helene, 9 Sonnenberger st. 5 to 6 M.
B.F. Stevens, 4 Trafalgar Sq. U.S. Dispatch Agent.
Mrs. Emma N. Swift, Blackwell, Oklohoma.
Hotel Victoria Cave, R. 3 fr. Good.
Hot. Marine Riviera, L. 3 fr. Excellent.
Hot. Royal. Sorrento, R. 3 fr. "
Hot. Savoy, Rome, Pens 10 fr. "
Hot. du Nord, Florence, " " (R. 5 fr.)
Hot. du Rome, Venice, Pens. 10 1/2 fr.
Hot. de France, Milan, Pens 8 fr. Good!
Hot. Florence, Bellagio, R. 3. B. 1.25, Room 3 fr. Din. 4
Hot. Helvetia, Lucerne, simple and good. Used Cook's coupons
but cheaper doubtless [?]
Hot. Concordia, Lucerne, Room 2 fr.
Hot. Bristol, ", swell, " 3 "
K. Kirkman, 57 Brompton Sq. London, S.S.
Hotel de Nice, 4 bis, Rue des Beaux-arts, Paris. 5 fr.
Hot. Lugano, Lugano, fair 2d class.
" Prince Albert, 5 Rue St. Hyacinthe, Paris Room 3.50,
B. 1 1/2
Lugano, Pension Meister, Best.
Neuhausen, H. Bellevue,
Basle, Hot. Bauer-au-Rhine.
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