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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

Index to all books
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[Oak, Douglas, (see also Blue Oak),] 9_154; 10_171; 17_97
Oak, Encina, 6_81, 6_161
Oak, English, 11_159
Oak, Field, 6_3, 6_32; 9_138; 10_56
Oak, Garry, 10_33, 10_42, 10_73, 10_85, 10_165; 11_39; 12_7, 12_132
Oak, Garryana (see also Quercus Garryana), 8_82, 8_102, 8_141; 9_63, 9_134
Oak, Gold Leaf, 4_65
Oak, Jack, 17_104; 5_9
Oak, Kellogg (or Black), 3_45, 3_176; 4_72; 5_188, 5_192; 6_81, 6_82, 6_86, 6_111, 6_130, 6_131, 6_141
Oak, Laurel, 12_31
Oak, Live, 7_69, 7_88, 7_93; 9_173, 9_176, 9_180; 10_5, 10_91, 10_171; 11_10, 11_51; 12_9, 12_51, 12_64, 12_86, 12_98, 12_105, 12_137; 16_114, 16_115, 16_138, 16_186; 17_90
Oak, Live, Coast, 11_99
Oak, Live, Interior, 10_16
Oak, Live, Mountain, 5_11
Oak, Maul, 5_188; 8_5, 8_7, 8_47, 8_76, 8_78, 8_84, 8_89, 8_93, 8_95, 8_139, 8_166; 9_14, 9_23, 9_58, 9_59, 9_60; 10_19, 10_28
Oak, Maul,] 10_32, 10_33, 10_34, 10_42, 10_45, 10_52, 10_85, 10_165, 10_170; 11_3, 11_58,
11_59, 11_60, 11_66, 11_102, 11_138; 12_31;
Oak, Mountain White, 6_111, 6_112
Oak, Mush, 10_158
Oak, Oregon, 17_154, 17_181
Oak, Red, 8_184, 8_190, 8_191; 10_21
Oak, Sadler, 8_157
Oak, Scrub, 5_188; 12_31, 12_33, 12_35
Oak, Sovereign, 17_181
Oak, Squaw, 8_102
Oak, Swamp, 7_156
Oak, Tan (see Quercus densiflora), 3_16; 6_69, 6_70; 7_15, 7_35, 7_36, 7_51, 7_59, 7_60, 7_146_7_153, 7_155, 7_159, 7_160, 7_173, 7_175, 7_183, 7_185, 7_189_7_199, 7_202, 7_204, 7_206; 8_12, 8_13, 8_14, 8_16, 8_18, 8_24, 8_27, 8_29, 8_45, 8_50, 8_51, 8_59_8_62, 8_76, 8_83, 8_88, 8_89, 8_102, 8_108, 8_119, 8_120, 8_137, 8_143, 8_167, 8_172, 8_173, 8_178_8_185, 8_187_8_193; 9_5, 9_13, 9_14, 9_15, 9_17, 9_23, 9_24, 9_31, 9_33, 9_34, 9_38, 9_39, 9_41
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