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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Arctostaphylos glauca, 24_64, 24_71, 24_75, 24_104
Arctostaphylos manzanita, 1_127, 1_188 (?), 18_162, 18_177; 24_158
Arctostaphylos nummularia, 24_132
Arctostaphylos patula, 24_32
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana, 1_117
Arctostaphylos tomentosa, 1_127; 18_107; 20_176
Arenaria, 23_59
Aristolochia californica, 21_71; 23_102
Arrow-wood, 1_95
Arroyo Hondo Trail, _01, 7_13
Arroyo Seco, _11, 24_98
Artemisia, 19_2
Artemisia biennis, 1_57
Artemisia californica, 24_101, 24_104
Artemisia heterophylla, 1_74, 1_146, 1_176; 20_139; 21_169; 24_118

Artemisia pycnocephala, 1_54
Arundo sativa, 24_124
Asarum caudatum, 1_123
Asarum hartwegii, 24_15
Asclepias eriocarpa, 1_108
Asclepias Mexicana, 1_180; 20_131; 21_144
Asclepias purpurascens, 19_128
Asclepias speciosa, 20_151; 21_144; 22_25
Ash, 1_130, 1_146; 21_185
Ash, Oregon, 1_96, 1_117, 1_144; 20_170
Ashland, Ore., _06, 16_94
Ashland Butte, _06, 16_96
Aspen, 20_20, 20_90, 20_108, 20_110, 20_115, 20_117; 21_132; 23_29
Aster, 1_115; 19_95
Astragalus, 1_141
Astragalus nigrescens, 1_142
Athysanus pusillus, 1_141

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