Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Mastigonema aerugineum Wolle
Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 241, pl. CLXXI: figs. 8-10; pl. CLXXIII: figs. 4,5; pl. CLXXIV: figs. 3-9; pl. CLXXV: figs. 1-3; pl. CLXXVI: figs. 1,2-4,8; pl. CLXXVII: figs. 1,2. 1887. (E)
Type locality:
[ascribed to (Kg.) Kirch.; possibly a syn. of Calothrix fusca [as Mastigothrix aeruginea] fide Bornet & Flahault (Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 7, 3: 364. 1886); Drouet (1973, p. 103) chose a Weissenfels specimen from Germany in L as type of Mastichothrix aeruginea Kützing 1843]

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WOLLE, Francis
Fresh-water algae of the United States; (exclusive of the Diatomaceae) complemental to Desmids of the United States
The Comenius Press, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Pp. i-xx, 21-364 pp., pls. LIV-CCX
cardnote: plates=Volume II; reviewed as early as August 1887
Taxa in INA: 76 keyboarded  p

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