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- Surirella reniformis Grunow ex A. Mann
U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 100(6): 157 (desc., illus. in Grunow, Month. Microsc. J. 18: 173, pl. CXCIV: figs. 8,9).
Type locality: various locations
See Surirella gemma var. reniformis (Grunow ex A. Mann) Proshkina-Lavrenko 1955
See Petrodictyon gemma var. reniforme (Grunow ex A. Mann) P.M. Tsarenko 2009
[Kitton, in editing Grunow's manuscript for publication in Month. Microsc. J. 18, commented that the specimens Grunow had identified as Plagiodiscus martensianus and P. nervatus represented teratological specimens of Surirella that had previously been known as S. reniformis (a name that Kitton did not accept). Mann accepted the name, which may be considered as validly published as of 1939. However if Grunow's description of P. martensianus and P. nervatus refer to the types of those species names, Mann's name is not correct, because one of those names would have priority.]
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