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Retrieve all Oocystis Get original family assignment from Index Nominum Genericorum Check for UC specimen record Problems/comments to rlmoe@berkeley.edu |
SVIRENKO, D.O. 1931 Materialy Samarskoy ekspeditsii po obsledovaniyu poymy reki Samary, levoberezhnogo pritoka Dnepra. Chast' 2 [Materials of the Samara expedition to survey the floodplain of the Samara River, the left-bank tributary of the Dnieper. Part 2] Trudy Gosudarstvennoi Ikhtiologicheskoi Opytnoi Stantsii = Trudy Gosud. Ikhtiol. Opytn. Stantsii 6(2): 9-132, 18 figs. on unnumbered pl., XXIII tables |
Taxa in INA: 7 keyboarded p |