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- Psammochrysis cassiotisii R. Wetherbee in Graf et al.
Protist 171(125781): 4, fig. 8.
Type locality: Australia: New South Wales: Mill Bay Boardwalk (36.30773S, 150.12512E)
Collector: Richard Wetherbee
See T. of generic name
[named for Emmanuel Cassiotis]
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GRAF, Louis, Eun Chan YANG, Kwi Young HAN, Frithjof C. KÜPPER, Kylla M. BENES, Jason K. OYADOMARI, Roger J.H. HERBERT, Heroen VERBRUGGEN, Richard WETHERBEE, Robert A. ANDERSEN, & Hwan Su YOON
2020 (Nov. 20)
Multigene phylogeny, morphological observation and re-examination of The Literature lead to the description of the Phaeosacciophyceae classis nova and four new species of the Heterokontophyta SI clade
171{125781}: 1-25, 10 figs., 1 table
cardnote: articles in issue individually paginated originally
Taxa in INA: 8 keyboarded p
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