Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Conferva lubrica Dillwyn
Brit. Conf. fasc. 8, pl. 57. 1806. (L)
Type locality: UK: England (near Yarmouth) and Wales (near Swansea)

See Draparnaldia laxa Bory 1824
See image Draparnaldia lubrica (Dillwyn) P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1867
See image Stigeoclonium lubricum (Dillwyn) Kützing 1845
See image Myxonema lubricum (Dillwyn) Fries 1835

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DILLWYN, Lewis Weston
British Confervae; or colored figures and descriptions of the British plants referred by botanists to the genus Conferva
London: printed and sold by W. Phillips George Yard, Lombard Street
87 [+ 6] pp., pls. 1-109 + A-G. [fasc. 1, pls. 1-12 (Jul. 1, 1802); fasc. 2, pls. 13-20 (Nov. 1, 1802); fasc. 3, pls. 21-32 (Jun. 1, 1803); fasc. 4, pls. 33-38 (Nov. 1, 1803); fasc. 5, pls. 39-44 (Dec. 1, 1804); fasc. 6, pls. 45-50 (Sep. 1, 1805), fasc. 7, pls. 51-56 (Dec. 1, 1805); fasc. 8, pls. 57-62 (Mar. 1, 1806); fasc. 9, pls. 70-81 (1806); pls. 82-93 (1807), 94-99 (1808), 69, 100-109, A-G, pp. [1]-87, [1-6, Index and Errata] (1809).]
cardnote: Pritzel 2637
Taxa in INA: 17 keyboarded  p

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