Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Rhodachlya westii L.P. Soares, N.S. Yokoya, S.M. Guimarães, Y. Yoneshigue & M.T. Fujii
Phycologia 59: 349, figs. 2-16. 2020. (E)
Type: SP469734, deposited at the Maria Eneyda P. Kaufman Fidalgo Herbarium
Type locality: Brazil: Piauí State: Delta do Parnaíba (2 50S, 41 39W)
Collector: N.S. Yokoya (
[named for Dr. John Arthur West]

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SOARES, Luanda Pereira, Silvia M.P. de Beauclair GUIMARÃES, Mutue Toyota FUJII, Yocie YONESHIGUE-VALENTIN, Maria Gardênia Sousa BATISTA, & Nair S. YOKOYA
2020 (Jun. 5)
Rhodachlya westii sp. nov. (Rhodachlyales, Rhodophyta), a new species from Brazil, revealed by an integrative taxonomic approach
59(4): 346-354, 16 figs., 1 table
Taxa in INA: 1 keyboarded  p

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley