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- Paleotertiarius mariovensis S. Blanco
Notulae algarum 139A: 3, descr. in Ognjanova-Rumenova et al., Fottea 15: 56, figs. 36-105 (2015).
Type: Slide MKNDC 008531/A, Macedonian National Diatom Collection, Skopje; figs. 36-105 in Ognjanova-Rumenova et al., Fottea 15: 56, (2015)
Type locality: Macedonia: Mariovo Basin: near Zovich (41 05 19N, 21 41 58E)
[proposed to replace Tertiarius mariovensis N. Ognjanova-Rumenova, E. Jovanovska, A. Cvetkoska, & Z. Levkov, allegedly not validly published; binomial proposed initially in Blanco, Notulae algarum 139: 3. 2020, but not there validly published]
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Problems/comments to
2020 (Jun. 18)
Corrigendum for
Notulae algarum No. 139
Notulae algarum
139A: 1-4
cardnote: Validation of several names inadvertently not validly published in Notulae algarum 139
Taxa in INA: 18 keyboarded p
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