Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Paleotertiarius kabutoiwaensis S. Blanco
Notulae algarum 139A: 2, descr. in Tanaka & Nagumo, Diatom 35: 49, figs. 3-13 (2019). 2020. (E)
Type: MPC-42186. Micropaleontology collection, National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan
Type locality: Japan: Gunma Prefecture: Nanmoku Village: Hoshio
[proposed to replace Tertiarius kabutoiwaensis H. Tanaka & Nagumo 2019, allegedly not validly published; binomial proposed initially in Blanco, Notulae algarum 139: 3. 2020, but not there validly published]

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2020 (Jun. 18)
Corrigendum for Notulae algarum No. 139
Notulae algarum
139A: 1-4
cardnote: Validation of several names inadvertently not validly published in Notulae algarum 139
Taxa in INA: 18 keyboarded  p

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley