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- Endolithella mcmurdoensis T. Martins, V. Ramos, G.S. Hentschke & L. Krienitz in Martins et al.
Journal of Phycology 56: 212, fig. 1C-K.
Type: LEGE Z-009, deposited in the Blue Biotechnology and Ecotoxicology Culture Collection (LEGEcc) at CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal
Type locality: Antarctica: South Victoria Land: Victoria Valley
Collector: Catarina Magalhães
See T. of generic name
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MARTINS, Teresa P., Vitor RAMOS, Guilherme S. HENTSCHKE, Raquel CASTELO-BRANCO, Adriana REGO, Maria MONTEIRO, ngela BRITO, Paula TAMAGNINI, S. Craig CARY, Vitor VASCONCELOS, Lothar KRIENITZ, Catarina MAGALHÃES, & Pedro N. LEÃO
2019 (online Oct. 23) '2020'
The extremophile
Endolithella mcmurdoensis gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorellaceae), a new
Chlorella-like endolithic alga From Antarctica
Journal of Phycology
56(1): 208-216, 3 figs.
Taxa in INA: 2 keyboarded p
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