Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Gloeomonas anomalipyrenoides T. Nakada, R. Matsuzaki & M. Nozaki in Nakada et al.
Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 66: 25, fig. 1. 2015. (E)
Type: TNS-AL-58902
Type locality: Japan: Ibaraki: Tsuchiura: Lake Kasumigaura (22.viii.1983) culture NIES-447

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NAKADA, Takahashi, & Masaru TOMITA
Light microscopy and phylogenetic analyses of Chlamydomonas species (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae). II. Molecular phylogeny, secondary structure of ITS-2, cell morphology, and nomenclature of Microglena opisthopyren, and M. media, comb. nov.
Acta Phytotax. Geobot.
65(2): 67-73, 2 figs.
Taxa in INA: 2 keyboarded  p

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