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- Anabaena catenula Bornet & Flahault
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 7: 225 (=key), 232.
1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN).
Type locality: Sweden; Germany; England; France; Italy (various locations)
Later Starting-point name based on Sphaerozyga catenula Kützing 1849
See Trichormus catenula (Bornet & Flahault) J. Komárek & K. Anagnostidis 1989
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Revision des Nostocacées hétérocystées contenues dans les principaux herbiers de France
Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique
ser. 7, 3: 323–381 (1886a); ibid. 4: 343–373 (1886b); ibid. 5: 51–129 (1887); ibid. 7: 177–262 (1888).
cardnote: [Article 13.1(e) of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature specifies January 1, 1886, as the arbitrary date of publication of the entire work.] IOC
Taxa in INA: 128 keyboarded p
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