Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Encyonema montana L.L. Bahls
Diatoms Western N. America. 1: 19, figs. 125-131. 2017. (E)
Type: MONTU, MDC slide T1-23-6
Type locality: USA: Montana: Roosevelt Co.: Woolf Creek (48.1319N, 105.7161W)
Collector: Bob Bramblette (25.vii.2000)
[epithet apparently intended as an indeclinable noun in apposition referring to the state]

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BAHLS, Loren L.
2017 (June)
Diatoms from western North America 1. Some new and notable biraphid species
The Montana Diatom Collection. L.H. Bahls. Helena, Montana
52 pp., 288 figs., maps and color habitat photos
cardnote: ISBN 0945345860
Taxa in INA: 24 keyboarded  p

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