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- Campylodiscus neofastuosus E.C. Ruck, T. Nakov, A.J. Alverson, & E.C. Theriot
new name
Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 103: 155, appendix A.
See Navicula fastuosa Ehrenberg 1840
invalid: format of online material not qualifying as effective publication; priority for Campylodiscus fastuosus Ehrenberg 1845
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RUCK, Elizabeth C., Teofil NAKOV, Andrew J. ALVERSON, & Edward C. THERIOT
2016 (online Jul. 22)
Phylogeny, ecology, morphological evolution, and reclassification of the diatom orders Surirellales and Rhopalodiales
Mol. Phylogen. Evol.
103: 155-171, 10 figs., 2 tables, unpaginated supplementary material (=Appendix A, incl. nomenclatural novelties)
cardnote: Because the supplementary material is in a separate electronic file that is other than PDF, the names are not effectively published.
Taxa in INA: 36 keyboarded p
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