Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Pantocsekiella gracilis (T.A. Nikiteeva & Y.V. Likhoshway) K.T. Kiss & E. Ács in Ács et al.
Fottea, Olomouc 16: 66. 2016.

Basionym: See Cyclotella gracilis T.A. Nikiteeva & Y.V. Likhoshway 1994

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ÁCS, Éva, Eszter ARI, Mónika DULEBA, Mirko DRESSLER, Sergei I. GENKAL, Éena JAKÓ, Frederic RIMET, Luc ECTOR, & Keve T. KISS
2016 (online Mar. 30)
Pantocsekiella, a new centric diatom genus based on morphological and genetic studies
Fottea, Olomouc
16(1): 56-78, 23 figs., 5 tables
Taxa in INA: 39 keyboarded  p

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