Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Entosiphon skvortzovii C.E.M. Bicudo
Hoehnea 37: 391, fig. 38. 2010. (L)
Type: Fig 6 in Skvortzov & Noda, Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Biol. 6: 89. 1969
Type locality:
invalid: includes the type of another name at the same rank
[Entosiphon utriculariae Skvortzov & Noda 1969 is not illegitimate because the earlier homonym Entosiphon utriculariae Skvortzov & Noda 1968 was not validly published, a type specimen not having been designated. The proposal of a new species name was unwarranted.]

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BICUDO, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos
2010 (Jun. 16)
Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP. Algas, 29: Euglenophyceae (família Peranemaceae)
37(2): 383-402, 38 figs.
Taxa in INA: 10 keyboarded  p

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