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- Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. constrictum W. Krieger
new name
Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 13(1,3): 413.
Type locality: Australia: New South Wales
See intended combination of Docidium trabecula var. constrictum Playfair 1910, treated as new name
[Krieger includes as synonyms both of Playfair's illegitimate names, Docidium trabecula var. constrictum and Docidium trabecula f. constrictum]
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Die Desmidiaceen Europas mit Berücksichtigung der aussereuropäischen Arten
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora ... Ed. 2. Vol. 13. Leipzig.
VI + 712 pp., 33 figs., + 96 pls. [Abt. 1, Lief. 1: Pp. 1-223, figs. 1-33, pls. 1-8 (1933); Abt. 1, Lief. 2: pp. 225-375, pls. 9-36 (1935); Abt. 1, Lief. 3: pp. 377-536, pls. 37-72 (1937); Abt. 1, Lief. 4: pp. 537-712, pls. 73-96 (1937)]
Taxa in INA: 207 keyboarded p
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