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- Calothrix orsiniana var. africana (Frémy) Bourrelly
Rev. Hydrobiol. Trop. 17: 32.
Basionym: See Dichothrix orsiniana var. africana Frémy 1924
invalid: place of publication of basionym not cited
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1984 (Nov.)
Algues d'eau douce de la Nouvelle Calédonie recueillies par la Mission F. Starmühlner en 1965 (Diatomées exclues). 1ère partie: Cyanophycées, Rhodophycées, Xanthophycées, Phéophycées, Euglénophycées, Chlorophycées (sauf Desmidiées)
Rev. Hydrobiol. Trop.
17(1): 13-51, incl. 12 pls. [= figs. 1-122], pls. A-C
cardnote: [FE: Fresh-water algae collected by F. Starmühlner's expedition in New Caledonia in 1965 (excluding diatoms). 1st part: Cyanophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Phaeophyceae ['Pheophyceae'], Euglenophyceae, Chlorophyceae (except Desmidiaceae); n.spp. in Cyanostylon, Entophysalis, Desmosiphon, Rivularia, Batrachospermum, Lithoderma, Mougeotia]
Taxa in INA: 22 keyboarded p
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