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- Gomphonema alfinitoanum var. quinquestigmatum D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot
Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 145, pl. 216: figs. 6-9.
Type: FR, Coll. Lange-Bertalot AmS-780
Type locality: Paraguay: Rio Iguaçu, waterfall
Collector: Dott. Vincent Hull
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Tropical diatoms of South America. II. Special remarks on biogeographic disjunction
Iconogr. Diatomol.
18. [v+] 877 pp., incl. 296 pls.
cardnote: [incl. Perinotia n.g., Veigaludwigia n.g., n.spp. in Achnanthidium, Actinella, Brachysira, Caloneis, Chamaepinnularia, Cymbopleura, Delicata, Desmogonium, Encyonema, Eunotia, Fragilariforma, Frustulia, Gomphonema, Kobayasiella, Luticola, Melosira, Microcostatus, Navicula, Neidium, Nupela, Orthoseira, Pinnularia, Placoneis, Sellaphora, Stauroneis, Stenopterobia] [ESp]
Taxa in INA: 237 keyboarded p
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