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- Neosiphonia eastwoodiae ('eastwoodae') (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) J.N. Norris
Smithsonian Contrib. Bot. 96: 264.
Basionym: See Polysiphonia eastwoodiae Setchell & N.L. Gardner 1930
[combination previously proposed by S.D. Xiang (Journal of ZheJiang University (Science Edition) 31: 94. 2004) but not validly published]
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NORRIS, James N.
2014 (online Nov. 14)
Marine Algae of the Northern Gulf of California, II: Rhodophyta
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
96. pp. [i]-xvi, [1]-555. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
cardnote: Corallinales co-authored with H. William Johansen; Ceramiales, Tsengiaceae, and Nemastomatales with K. Bucher; Caloglossa and Peyssonneliales with David Krayesky; Gelidiales with Joan Stewart; Gigartinaceae and Phyllophoraceae with Suzanne Fredericq; Gracilariales with Fred Gurgel; 1 n.g., 8 n.spp., 29, 1 n.n.; some novelties co-authored by Fredericq, Fenical, Gurgel, Bucher, Stewart, Gabrielson, and Cheney. [processed from PDF]
Taxa in INA: 42 keyboarded p
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