Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Ulva mediterranea G. Alongi, M. Cormaci, & G. Furnari
Webbia 69: 90, fig. 2. 2014. (L, in Bliding 1960)
Type: LD 1635530
Type locality: France: Banyuls
Collector: Carl Bliding (
illegitimate: superfluous
[new species proposed to replace Enteromorpha aragoensis Bliding 1960, nom. inval.; based on Bliding's description, but not on Bliding's type (=LD 1642031), which, however, was not excluded; E. aragoensis validated by Bliding in 1963 (Opera Bot. 8(3): 113)]

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ALONGI, Giuseppina, Mario CORMACI & Giovanni FURNARI
2014 (online July 25)
A nomenclatural reassessment of some of Bliding's Ulvaceae
69(1): 89-96, 8 figs.
cardnote: new species proposed for Ulvaceae invalidly described by Bliding in 1960 and 1963
Taxa in INA: 8 keyboarded  p

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