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- Gomphonema linearoides Z. Levkov in Levkov & Williams
Phytotaxa 30: 30, figs. 199-209, 246-250.
Type: slide BM 101479
Type locality: Macedonia: Lake Ohrid: St. Naum Springs (25.iv.2003)
See Gomphonella linearoides (Z. Levkov) R. Jahn & N. Abarca 2019
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LEVKOV, Zlatko, & David M. WILLIAMS
2011 (14 Oct.)
Fifteen new diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from Lake Ohrid, Macedonia
30: 1-41, 258 figs., 2 tables
cardnote: Odontidium minutum, Staurosirella pulchella, Staurosirella lata, Fragilaria micra, Navicula subviridula, Prestauroneis tumida, Placoneis pseudabundans, Placoneis subelegans, Cymbopleura tumida, Gomphosphenia tenuis, Gomphonema mihoi, Gomphonema subaequale, Gomphonema perolivaceolacuum, Gomphonema linearoides, Gomphonema densistriatum; incl. key to Gomphonema olivaceum complex
Taxa in INA: 15 keyboarded p
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