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Index Nominum Algarum

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Frustulia neofrenguellii H. Lange-Bertalot & U. Rumrich in U. Rumrich, H. Lange-Bertalot, & M. Rumrich
Iconogr. Diatomol. 9: 230, pl. 94: figs. 1-7. 2000. (L)
Type: Coll. Lange-Bertalot AmS-ch 120 in Bot. Inst. Univ. Frankfurt a.M.
Type locality: Chile: Río Las Cruces (central Chile)
Collector: Prof. Dr. G. Kahl (ix.1997)

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Diatomeen der Anden von Venezuela bis Patagonien/Feuerland und zwei weitere Beiträge. Diatoms of the Andes from Venezuela to Patagonia/Tierra del Fuego and two additional contributions
Iconogr. Diatomol.
9. 673 pp., incl. 197 + 7 + [1] pls.
cardnote: "Rumrich", which is used in authorship throughout without indication of forename is inferred to be the name of the first author, Ute Rumrich; incl. n.spp. in Cymbella, Cymbellopsis, Diadesmis, Diploneis, Encyonema, Encyonopsis, Eunotia, Fallacia, Frankophila, Frustulia, Geissleria, Gomphonema, Krasskella, Lecohuia, Luticola, Microcostatus, Navicula, Naviculadicta, Neidium, Nitzschia, Nupela, Pinnularia, Placoneis, Planothidium, Stauroneis, Staurosira, Stenopterobia; incl. Horst Lange-Bertalot & Erwin Reichardt, Diploneis ovalis sensu stricto und Diploneis krammeri nov. spec. Revision des aktuellen Konzepts von Diploneis ovalis (Hilse) Cleve, pp. 650-669, incl. 7 pls.; Horst Lange-Bertalot, Transfer to the generic rank of Decussata Patrick as a subgenus of Navicula Bory sensu lato, pp. 670-673, incl. pl. [= 9 figs.] [GESp]

Taxa in INA: 119 keyboarded  p

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