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- Cymbella lacus-karluki E. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers
Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 187.
Type: Pl. III: fig. 7 in Manguin 1961
Type locality: USA: Kodiak I.: Lake Karluk
See validation of Cymbella lacus-karluki E. Manguin 1961 by provision of Latin description and designation of type
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KOCIOLEK, John P., & Bruno de REVIERS
1996 (July 31) 'Aug.'
The diatom types of Emile Manguin. I. Validating descriptions and designation of iconotypes for the Lake Karluk species
Cryptogamie: Algologie
17(3): 175-191
cardnote: [authors designate iconotypes in the absence of slides in Manguin's collection at PC, but Manguin (Rev. Algol., ser. 2, 5: 266. 1961) stated that his study material comprised 6 tubes of phytoplankton provided by Douglas Hilliard from Lake Karluk, Alaska] [EF]
Taxa in INA: 50 keyboarded p
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