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- Navicula atwateri A.W.R. Seddon, A. Witkowski & E. Hemphill-Haley in Seddon, Froyd, & Witkowski
J. Phycol. 47: 862, fig. 1a-j.
Type: Slide no. 14822 (1) in Coll. A. Witkowski Institute of Marine Sciences University of Szczecin (SZCZ)
Type locality: Galapagos: Isabela Island: Diablas Lagoon, littoral.
Collector: Alistair Seddon
[named for Dr. Brian Atwater from the U.S. Geological Survey]
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Problems/comments to
SEDDON, Alistair W.R., Cynthia A. FROYD, & Andrzej WITKOWSKI
2011 (Aug)
Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of isolated islands: new taxa in the genus
Navicula sensu stricto from the Galápagos Islands
J. Phycol.
47: 861-879, 9 figs., 1 table
cardnote: 10 new species from Diablas wetlands (Isla Isabela): N. isabelensis, N. isabelensoides, N. isabelensiformis, and N. isabelensiminor
Taxa in INA: 10 keyboarded p
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