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- Asteromenia exanimans G.W. Saunders, C.E. Lane, C.W. Schneider, & G.T. Kraft
Canad. J. Bot. 84: 1595, figs. 45-56.
Type: PERTH 07150377
Type locality: Australia: Houtman Abrolhos: Easter Group: Suomi I.
Collector: J. Huisman and G. Kendrick
[derivation: first viewing left Saunders breathless [SCUBA joke?]
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Problems/comments to
SAUNDERS, Gary W., Christopher E. LANE, Craig W. SCHNEIDER, & Gerald T. KRAFT
2006 (Dec. 21)
Unraveling the
Asteromenia peltata species complex with the clarification of the genera
Halichrysis and
Drouetia (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta)
Can. J. Bot
84(10): 1581-1607, 82 figs., 3 tables
cardnote: Asteromenia bermudensis sp. nov., A. anastomosans comb. nov., A. pseudocoalescens sp. nov., A. exanimans sp. nov. Asteromenia, Drouetia, & Halichrysis maintained as distinct
Taxa in INA: 4 keyboarded p
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