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- Gracilaria denticulata Schmitz ex Mazza
Nuova Notarisia 18: 138.
Type: ex herb. H. Becker
Type locality: South Africa: Cape Province: Port Alfred: mouth of Kowie River (15.v.1895)
See Tylotus denticulatus (Schmitz ex Mazza) Papenfuss 1940
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Saggio di algologia oceanica
Nuova Notarisia
16: 85-101, 129-141 (1905); ibid. 17: 1-13, 41-56, 81-101, 129-150 (1906); ibid. 18: 1-36, 65-98, 126-152, 177-195 (1907); ibid. 19: 1-24, 49-66, 109-129, 153-170 (1908); ibid. 20: 6-18, 65-86, 113-135 (1909); ibid. 21: 1-27, 65-99, 125-152, 169-199 (1910); ibid. 22: 7-25, 53-80, 109-139, 157-171 (1911); ibid. 23: 1-24, 57-78, 109-122, 165-182 (1912); ibid. 24: 1-22, 57-85, 113-131, 157-174 (1913); ibid. 25: 1-34, 57-77, 141-162, 193-210 (1914); ibid. 26: 1-42, 49-75, 133-154, 181-206 (1915); ibid. 27: 1-53, 104-155, 169-215 (1916); ibid. 28: 70-110, 176-239 (1917); ibid. 29: 1-34, 57-112 (1918)
cardnote: IOC
Taxa in INA: 7 keyboarded p
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