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- Diadesmis paracontenta subsp. magisconcava H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot & M. Werum
Diatom 17: 9, figs. 11-14, 60-64.
Type: Coll. Lange-Bertalot Am N-117 in Bot. Inst. Univ. Frankfurt a.M.
Type locality: U.S.A.: Virginia: Shenandoah National Park
Collector: Anja Broszinski
See Humidophila paracontenta var. magisconcava (H. Lange-Bertalot) R.L. Lowe, J.P. Kociolek, J.R. Johansen, B. Van de Vijver, H. Lange-Bertalot & K. Kopalová 2014
[Latin magis (more) + concava (concave), with reference to the more concave outline than in the nominate subspecies]
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2001 (Dec. 31)
Diadesmis fukushimae sp. nov. and some other new or rarely observed taxa of the subgenus
Paradiadesmis Lange-Bertalot & Le Cohu
17: 3-19, 105 figs.
Taxa in INA: 4 keyboarded p
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