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- TERTIARIUS H. Håkansson & G.K. Khursevich
Fossil Bacillariophyceae: Thalassiosiraceae
Diatom Research 12: 21.
T. See Tertiarius pygmaeus (Pantocsek) H. Håkansson & G.K. Khursevich (See Cyclotella pygmaea Pantocsek 1892)
[This name, according to Blanco (Notulae algarum 139. 2020) contravenes Art. 20.2, which proscribes Latin technical terms in use in morphology as generic names and is therefore not validly published. "Tertiarius", however, refers not to morphology but to a geologic time period, so arguably is not covered by the article.]
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1997 ('May') p.m. 11 Aug
Tertiarius gen. nov., a new genus in the Bacillariophyceae, the transfer of some cyclotelloid species and a comparison to closely related genera
Diatom Research
12(1): 19-33, 34 figs
cardnote: based on Cyclotella pygmaea Pantocsek
Taxa in INA: 4 keyboarded p
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