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- Helminthocladia hudsonii (`hudsoni') J. Agardh
Sp. Alg. 2: 413.
Type: LD 31937
Type locality: Morocco: Tangier (Schousboe) (LT fide P.S. Dixon, Bot. Not. 115: 248. 1962)
Collector: Schousboe
See Helminthocladia agardhiana P.S. Dixon 1962 (illeg.)
[intended as a combination of Mesogloia hudsonii C. Agardh 1824, but that is a superfluous name for Ulva rubra Hudson 1778; J. Agardh excluded Ulva rubra and thus in effect described a new species]
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Species genera et ordines algarum ... Volumen secundum: algas florideas complectens
Lundae [Lund].
XII + 1291 pp. [Part 1, pp. [I]–XII + [1]–336 + 337–351 (Addenda and Index) (1851); part 2, fasc. 1, pp. 337–504 (1851); part 2, fasc. 2, pp. 505–700 + 701–720 (Addenda and Index) (1852); part 3, fasc. 1, pp. 701–786 (1852); part 3, fasc. 2, pp. 787–1291 (1139–1158 omitted) (1863).]
cardnote: IOC
Taxa in INA: 274 keyboarded p
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