Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

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Gracilaria galetensis C.F.D. Gurgel, S. Fredericq, & J.N. Norris in I.A. Abbott & K.J. McDermid (eds.)
Taxon. Econ. Seaweeds 9: 181, fig. 8. 2004. (L)
Type: US Alg. Coll. 029115
Type locality: Panama: Galeta Reef (09°24'18"N, 79°51'48.5"W), 3.3-10.5 m depth
Collector: J.A. Kilar JAK-1758 (28.v.1979)

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ABBOTT, Isabella A., & Karla J. McDERMID (eds.)
2004 (Jan.)
Taxonomy of economic seaweeds with reference to the Pacific and other locations. Vol. IX.
Hawaii Sea Grant College Program [University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii [Report No. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-CR-02-04.]
xxii + 281 pp., figs. and tables numbered by article.
cardnote: [Results of an international workshop sponsored by the Hawaii Sea Grant College Program and California Sea Grant College Program and hosted by the University of Hawaii at Hilo, May 22-29, 2002; introductions to various sections by I.A. Abbott.]

Taxa in INA: 14 keyboarded  p

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Page last updated 7 October 2024