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- Fragilariopsis bjoernoeyaensis A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin, & H. Lange-Bertalot apud D. Metzeltin & A. Witkowski in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.)
Iconographia diatomologica 4: 16, pl. 67: 20, 21; pl. 87: figs. 4 [with ?], 8.
Type: Coll. Lange-Bertalot 40-9 in Bot. Inst. Univ. Frankfurt a.M.
Type locality: Norway: Svalbard: Bear I., "Wattenmeer-Sediment"
Collector: J.M. Weslawski
[named for Norwegian name for Bear I., Bjørnøya]
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Diatomeen der Bären-Insel. Süsswasser- und marine Arten
Iconogr. Diatomol.
4: 3-10, 12-232 pp. [p. 11 omitted], incl. 92 pls., map
cardnote: [Bear Island, Svalbard, Norway; incl. n.spp. in Achnanthes, Ephemera, Eunotia, Fragilaria, Fragilariopsis, Gomphonema, Gomphonemopsis, Navicula, Naviculadicta, Parlibellus, Pseudogomphonema, Stauroneis] [GE]
Taxa in INA: 31 keyboarded p
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