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Index Nominum Algarum

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Eunotia parallela f. carenageana ('carenagea') R. Maillard
Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol. 12: 147, pl. I: fig. 2. 1979. (L)
Type locality: New Caledonia: Ruisseau La Crouen (29.vii.1965)
invalid: type not designated
[material arguably from one gathering and therefore name arguably validly published; as Eunotia parallela var. angusta f. carenagea; as f. carenageana in expl. pl. on p. 146; probably named for Rivière du Carénage, a locality cited for other species ]

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1979 [dépôt légal: 1er trim.] "1978"
Contribution à la connaissance des diatomées d'eau douce de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (Océanie)
Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., Sér. Hydrobiol.
12(2): 143-172, incl. VIII pls.
cardnote: [incl. n.spp. in Achnanthes, Anomoeoneis, Cocconeis, Cymbella, Diatomella, Frustulia, Gomphonema, Mastogloia, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pinnularia]

Taxa in INA: 77 keyboarded  p

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Page last updated 7 October 2024