Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

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Elachista globosa Takamatsu
Res. Bull. Saito Ho-on Kai Mus. 14: 160, fig. 6, pl. XX: figs. 1, 2. 1938. (L)
Type: Okamura, Icon. Jap. Alg. 4: pl. CLXIII (LT fide T. Yoshida, Phycol. Res. 45: 165. 1997)
Type locality: Japan: Honshu: Matsushima-wan, Miyagi Pref.
illegitimate: not Elachista globosa Örsted 1844

See Elachista okamurae T. Yoshida 1997
[Takamatsu material lost and no reliable specimen in SAP fide Yoshida]

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