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- Cyclotella servant-vildaryae ('servant-vildary') V.V. Mukhina in A.P. Jousé & V.V. Mukhina
Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42(2): 913, pl. 8: fig. 1; pl. 10: figs. 5-15; pl. 11: figs. 1, 2, 4-11; pl. 14: figs. 3, 4, 7, 8.
Type: Pl. 11: fig. 9; Lab. Micropaleontol., Inst. Oceanol., Moscow, Russia
Type locality: Near Bosporus, Black Sea, 42 05.94N, 29 36.82E (sample DSDP 380A-35-3, 58-71 cm)
Late Pliocene (freshwater)
See Cyclostephanos servant-vildaryae (V.V. Mukhina) G.K. Khursevich 1990
See Lindavia servant-vildaryae (V.V. Mukhina) T. Nakov et al. 2015
See Handmannia servant-vildaryae (V.V. Mukhina) G.K. Khursevich & J.P. Kociolek 2012
[presumably named for Simone Servant-Vildary]
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JOUSÉ, Anastasia P., & Valentina V. MUKHINA
1978 (April)
Diatom units and the paleogeography of the Black Sea in the late Cenozoic (DSDP, Leg 42B)
Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project
42{2}: 903-950, incl. 23 pls., 8 figs., 1 table
cardnote: [incl. n.spp. in Cyclotella, Melosira, Rhizosolenia, Stephanodiscus, Thalassiosira]
Taxa in INA: 14 keyboarded p
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